Deepak Chopra: Michael Jackson Thought He Wasn’t 'Good Enough'

This fool should shut up. Was he one of those spreading the "MJ is an addict" story?
Deepak Chopra and his son are nothing but media whores. They both were on the airwaves almost immediately after he passed away proclaiming that his death didn't surprise them at all while spreading all kinds of malicious (and subsequently confirmed false) drug rumors alongside Brian Oxman. They both make me sick and I couldn't care the least what they say at this point, be it positive or negative.
I agree with everything he said, but this is not news. We all know Michael struggled with self-image and self-esteem issues. Continually appearing in interviews to speak about Michael when you have no new insight or information to share just points to one thing ---> $$.

Besides, that's personal. Just because everyone knows it doesn't make it right to speak about.
Deepak Chopra and his son are nothing but media whores. They both were on the airwaves almost immediately after he passed away proclaiming that his death didn't surprise them at all while spreading all kinds of malicious (and subsequently confirmed false) drug rumors alongside Brian Oxman. They both make me sick and I couldn't care the least what they say at this point, be it positive or negative.

what you said -- a 1000% times.

they're users, all three of them.

just my opinion.
Deepak Chopra and his son are nothing but media whores. They both were on the airwaves almost immediately after he passed away proclaiming that his death didn't surprise them at all while spreading all kinds of malicious (and subsequently confirmed false) drug rumors alongside Brian Oxman. They both make me sick and I couldn't care the least what they say at this point, be it positive or negative.

I agree
Does his opionon really matter. I mean this guy, who is he, really. Yea we know Mike may have been self conciouse about some things, who isn't. Please he needs to go sit down some where and mind his own business.
If I ever see Chopra, I will slap him in the face.
I think he does have a point, i really do,

i dont think Michael was a "drug addict" but he had a problem with the insomnia which led him to use harder stuff like anesthesiacs to sleep,

Chopra REALLY needs to change the part where he says Drug addict, but he does have a point, Michael was tremendously perfectionist (he thought everything needed to be better) that can be really a nightmare

however his perfectionsm was what made him the genius he was/is
This fool should shut up. Was he one of those spreading the "MJ is an addict" story?

the chopra crew should be banned from here.

i can't stand the leeches.

remember how indignant he was on CNN with in minutes of MJ's passing... saying he was ready to call our "Enablers" .... he was ready to take the enabling docs that caused MJs death??

Oh really deepak??? what cha waiting for ?? where's the list? what names?
why so quiet about that? worried about your @ss and being sued for defamation of character?

DO ME A FAVOR.... GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't stand this man or his son...

And I found it laughable when his son was on Larry King the night of the funeral talking about how he supposedly "helped" Michael write some of his biggest songs (like I think Heal the World was supposedly one he said, etc.) and then Michael went into the bathroom and came out with money and he and his buds would go out and have a good time. It was ridiculous. Michael may have given him money but for his little punk ass to try and take credit for helping Michael write his songs...ummm...dude NO. Michael was a BRILLIANT song writer and he's expecting us to believe that his teenage ass (I think he said he was between 16 and 18 at the time) was called upon by Michael to help him write his songs? I. DON'T. THINK. SO.

Also, my mother made a good point, Deepak's son was on Larry King the night of the funeral and was going on about how close a friend he and his father had been to Michael, and mother turned to me and said, "Well I guess he wasn't that close of a friend since he's not at the actual funeral." I laughed and said, "Yeah exactly. He and his pops WISH they were BEST FRIENDS with Michael."

And Deepak needs to get his damn facts straight. It has been MEDICALLY PROVEN/SHOWN that Michael was NOT this druggie they were trying so hard to make him out to be days following his passing. Again, his major internal organs would NOT HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO BE "NORMAL" IF THERE HAD BEEN DRUG USAGE TO THE EXTENT THAT HE (Deepak) AND A BUNCH OF OTHERS CLAIMED! Michael had an issue with it in the past, he addressed it and took care of it. THE END! PERIOD! Deepak can kiss my ass and he needs to do some friggin' research before he opens his big mouth.

Like I said Deepak, his son and whoever else just need to go away and it's annoying as hell seeing these media whores do stuff like this. I hate media whores I REALLY REALLY DO.
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Deepak Chopra needs to go sit his ass down, I don't give a damn what he has to say!
To hell with this chopra idiot and his son..what was Michael doing with these losers around him?
He needs a slap on both side of his lying face..I will be only too glad to do that.
Deepak Chopra and his son are nothing but media whores. They both were on the airwaves almost immediately after he passed away proclaiming that his death didn't surprise them at all while spreading all kinds of malicious (and subsequently confirmed false) drug rumors alongside Brian Oxman. They both make me sick and I couldn't care the least what they say at this point, be it positive or negative.

I agree. I'm so sick and tired of them going on and on about MJ. I don't believe a single word that comes out their mouths. They're just spreading more lies to get tv time.
Deepak is a charlatan,media whore....who now has some nice business deal with CNN becuz of him selling out Michael
Link doesnt work for me either. I want to know what is happening with the homicide case and how come no arrests has been made yet. I dont want to hear anything coming from michael`s supposedly "best friends".
This guy and his son need to shut up and stop talking. Doing nothing but attention seeking. We all know Michael was a perfectionist but he was also a man greatly confident in his talent.
I am extremely suspicious of chopra. I mean why does he keep saying Michael was a drug addict when people who knew him better and were around him regularly saw no signs of it. Also Michael hasn't been in contact with Deepak for a few years now so what would he know about current situation.

Ane he wrote a series of books with Uri Geller and Rabbi Schumely. I liked Deepak before but now I really dislike him, what he is saying about drug addict is what he is being paid to say is what I think.

I saw a clip of a guy presenting a show of some kind and saying that people were paid to say certain untrue things about Michael, a few years ago. I guess it fitted the agenda
I think MJ would be SHOCKED at the maturity level of some of his fans. Michael was good friends with Deepak and his son.

I dont like how some of the fans have this watchdog mentality. To me it's not the way Michael would want you behaving. It's like anyone that says anything about Michael that you're not ready to hear or dont want to hear, all of a sudden they are evil people and have ill will against Michael. Deepak is just making a point and sharing things about Michael in a positive way, to show you his humane side. I dont get it.
I remember Deepak Chopra being on a dutch program called ''Jensen'' where he called Michael a Freak, so that totally change my view of him....