Debate is Jason Malachi actually Michael Jackson

Skipper The Dog

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys,

First off just want to say's my first post!

I hate to bring this malachi fello back up in discussion but it's just been on my mind latley as things just don't seem to add up. I've read numerous posts of about the fact people being confused by the music Jason has on his myspae page and whether it is michaels or not and it is just confusing the me. Just going to post some interesting facts first that most of you have probably already read.

- the letters used in the name Jason Malachi are very similar to that of Jackson Michael. They also have similar initials JM vs. MJ

- Jason sound eerily similar though not spot on to mike. He has song a few songs like mamcita, let me let go and Don't walk away have been confused as being Michael's

- Jason seemed to appear on the radar a few months after it was announced that Mike was working with will i am on a new album. Could the duo have come up with the ultimate publicity/promo for a new album?

Now I've done a bit of research myself because i've become obsessed with it :)

- The picture on his my space page here is similar to MJ's Off the wall pic's with the red wall

- If you scroll through the songs in the player on his myspace page some wording comes up under the pic for the song don't walk away "Revelation 2008". hmmmmm

- If you watch the video on the myspace page of him singing live he also dances similar to mike (only not very well) but he is also clearly lip synching. It's true that he's dancing like a madman so he would use it to sound coherent but why would you do that so close to an audience and cameras where it is so obvious.

- More interestingly, also in the video at time 1min 50-2min 12 of the video you can quite clearly hear someone shout out Michael Jackson and people start pointing at something off camera. A little girl also asks "Is that Michael Jackson, Dad?". This guy looks nothing like Mike, Is it possible that Mike was there. hmmm....what if they were paid actors similar to how they use extras when performing magic tricks to createan illusion? Is mike playing with us? We know he likes magic right?

- All the artists that mike has worked with have been sworn to secrecy. Maybe they know what's going on?

- If Mike is doing this as a promo for the new album is he trying to get something across to the world? If hatrers don't know Michael is singing a song will they like it?

There you go....well if you are as bored as I am right now and can't sleep you'll want to add you're two cents to the discussion.
Are you joking? :lol: My god, Jason Malachi is definitely NOT Michael Jackson, he doesn't sound anything like him.
Michael and Jason Malachi are not the same person lol. I don't understand how some fans can't tell the difference between the two. If you listen carefully to any of Jason's songs, you can tell that it's not Michael singing.

Michaelli Vanilli?

:unsure: Jeez, I don't even now where to put a thread like this. Yikes. I guess lets see what happens :blink: :blink:
it is just a theory or a what if scenerio...can't we simply entertain the idea for discussion purposes?

Michael pulling a garth brooks move, that would be a very interesting thought in my opinion. What was that dudes name that put out Garths album?

**goes to google it**

lighten up peeps ;)
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Chris Gaines, that was the name he used.

Chris Gaines began in 1994 when Brooks, attempting to expand his career boundaries, collaborated with his production company Red Strokes Entertainment and Paramount Pictures to develop a movie Brooks was meant to star in as Chris Gaines. The Lamb was to have revolved around Chris Gaines, a fictional rock singer and his emotionally-conflicted life as a musician in the public eye. To create buzz for the project, Brooks took on the Gaines identity in the October 1999 album Garth Brooks in ... The Life of Chris Gaines, which was intended as a 'pre-soundtrack' to the film. Brooks also subsequently appeared as Chris Gaines in a television mockumentary for the VH1 series Behind The Music and as the musical guest on an episode of Saturday Night Live which Brooks hosted as himself.
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I never heard this about Garth Brooks...Interesting.

Yeah I wondered about the whole Malachi thing to be honest, but decided to just sit back and watch it all unfold. We all know music is being made....where does it go? The same place my elaborate, well thought out, life changing posts go when my connection fails? The black hole of cyberspace? Or given time, will an album emerge? That's what I'm sitting back and waiting for...but hey, who doesn't like a good mystery to solve? This is a fun one right?

EDIT: Woah now there is a belt buckle! :lol: Edit again: What was Garth Brooks reason for doing this? Did he have a good reason there?
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Well, the difference between Garth Brooks/Chris Gaines is that Brooks had a hit as Chris Gains and he didn't suck.

This Malachi or whatever... to me personally.. his songs just suck. Generic, teeny-bopper pop. It reminds me of the crap the people from the disney shows put out. Just generic, robotic music without a good melody. I have no idea how his songs have been spread across the net under MJ's name and so many people think it's actually MJ. There are very, VERY brief parts where he sounds like Michael Jackson, but they're so few and far between.

Long story short.... if MJ is pulling double-duty, he'd be better off portraying someone who makes good music.
Who cares about this wannabe? Of course he isnt MJ. His vocals are forced were as MJs are natural.

How many more threads do we need on this try-hard deceiver?
Michaelli Vanilli?


:unsure: Jeez, I don't even now where to put a thread like this. Yikes. I guess lets see what happens :blink: :blink:

Poor Shannon. :lol:

Dude, there is NO WAY Malachi is Michael. Why would he pose as a 20-something Caucasian man? :blink: People want Michael Jackson, not some poser. Also, plenty of people's songs have been mistaken for Michael's in recent years, like those "Give Thanks To Allah" and "Get You Weight Off Me" songs. All not Michael. People just want Michael so they will put a Michael Jackson label on anything that bites his style a little bit.

Plus, Malachi's singing is abysmal. Hell to tha no!
Skipper. I can go back to where Beach Boy Carl Wilson was singing "It's over now",His voice sounded sad and wounded to change his familiar sweet sounding angelic voice. He and The Beach Boys was also trying to change their image with The Album Carl and The Passions due to slumping BeachBoy album sales and Garth Brooks alter ego Chris Gaines was a switch .I loved that song he did,I still have the CD.I guess he wanted to try something diffrerent with his career.I do remember that Mockumentary,cute Or Paul McCartney with his alter ego Fireman CDs or George Harrison and His Traveling Wilburys.
You never Know unless some true historian will tell you or the person themselves will tell you that it's really them who is doing the recordings.They might change the way they sing or their mannerisms to diguise themselves so you can't tell it's them. In this case who really knows.I guess we are so use to hearing Michael doing Hee Hee Hee,Woo and Doggone lover, ect.. that we are not use to him changing his style like 2000 watts or Shout . I kept getting Scientology Mail for a person named Juan Miguel or Jose Miguel.I remember writing on one of these Message boards that I use to create A Baseball Player for my EA Sports game and Named him Juan Miguel or Jose Miguel.This person doesn't exist in my Home so it's like someone is trying to contact me through this non existing person. I'm not a Scientologist and don't want to be but you have to admit,If Michael is trying to diguise himself,He knows sooner or later you'll know it's him but he'll have to reveal himself to you in his own sweet time.
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it was only a matter of time before someone new would wanna discuss this. lol. ive seen a video of jason malachi singing LIVE, ACAPELLA, in his house, doing his half assed lame MJ moves while immitating justin timberlake and michael jackson's voice and these songs sound just like that live video.
I think its very entertaining to think that MJ may be backing Jason and behind this whole thing. Not exactly saying Jason IS MJ, but that MJ has a solid hand in the Jason promo is interesting.

Hey people its only speculation lol No biggie.
hehe..wouldn't it be funny if after everybody is like "NO WAY!! GET REAL" to find out that michael actually WAS behind the whole thing. i mean, personally i don't think he's involved in this..but the idea wouldn't surprise me coming from michael :p
well now now..i won't say he CAN'T SING! .. he needs his own style .. and we fans can tell a huge difference...but my sisters and friends, they can't hear a difference at he must be at least SOMEWHAT good at what he does...the biggest thing is...we don't want another heart can hardly handle one! lol
well now now..i won't say he CAN'T SING! .. he needs his own style .. and we fans can tell a huge difference...but my sisters and friends, they can't hear a difference at he must be at least SOMEWHAT good at what he does...the biggest thing is...we don't want another heart can hardly handle one! lol

there will never be another michael. even if someone sings better than michael, which some people can do, there will never been anyone like him. he is more than a voice.. more than dance.. more than videos and concerts and all that. he is a damn good person and thats something that is harder to replicate than his singing or dancing (im not saying malachi can dance either lol. it was quiet funny watching him try:lol:)
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first of all i think MJ has the greatest voice in the world. and a most original feeling. second of all..Malachi's music falls way short.

the music isn't good enough.

it feels dated after a time...

when i first heard the voice i was fooled..but then time became his enemy.

and yes..there is a bliss that is with MJ that is def not with Malachi

there is this feeling of trying to duplicate MJ's voice that clouds all the imitators. like...oooo i don't think a voice like that could ever be..but now that it is...i am trying to improve upon it type feeling. and that is lame and stale.

there is this feeling wanting to didn't think this kind of voice could cut it in the music industry, ey? now that it is immensely want to give advice to it, and 'improve' upon it? ( and this, after trying unsuccessfully to destroy it?) you can profit from it? gmab.
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first of all i think MJ has the greatest voice in the world. and a most original feeling. second of all..Malachi's music falls way short.

the music isn't good enough.

it feels dated after a time...

when i first heard the voice i was fooled..but then time became his enemy.

and yes..there is a bliss that is with MJ that is def not with Malachi

there is this feeling of trying to duplicate MJ's voice that clouds all the imitators. like...oooo i don't think a voice like that could ever be..but now that it is...i am trying to improve upon it type feeling. and that is lame and stale.

there is this feeling wanting to didn't think this kind of voice could cut it in the music industry, ey? now that it is immensely want to give advice to it, and 'improve' upon it? ( and this, after trying unsuccessfully to destroy it?) you can profit from it? gmab.

like geldoff says "when michael sings its with the voice of angels"
and when malachi sings "its like someone grabbing timberlakes nuts"
Poor guy.. I think he can probably sing better than most of us on this board can. I know at least the guy can sing better than myself. But I suppose he must have known what he would have to walk into with Michael fans, being he has fashioned such a similar style to MJ. He would have to be a fan himself and must know how harsh we all can be...but a bit more support for the guy might be nice.

(I haven't listened much because my computer doesnt seem to like it and keeps freezing up so I don't know how close he is to sounding like MJ, but I just oh my..if it really was him. Just not a perfected recording because it is a demo...and maybe threw the mix Foot in mouth moment perhaps for many here?) But you all speak your mind. I liked the songs I heard, what I heard of them. MJ or not. But I do think that MJ can (in the words of his sister) do so much better.
^^^^^i know that it is fun for some to start a carnival blasting fans for being defensive against imitators..especially since, usually, an attempt like this is designed to usurp the original, but, in this case that has not been successful(and since it has not been successful, it's time to blast the fans) but, the reason why fans defend against imitators, like this, is because of a story i know of..where a person was replaced by an imitator. and now the original, no longer has a career. that person shall remain nameless this time.. but, suffice it to say, that person is not Michael Jackson.

but, anyway..i agree with you and Michael's sister about MJ doing so much better.
Jason Sounds like Michael to People & Fans who don't know Michaels voice, anyone with the understanding of how his vocals work knows this is NOT MIchael, he isn't even close