Dateline NBC tonight, 9pm E.T with Rabbi Boteach's tapes

In reference to Gavin, Rabbi said Michael rarely spent any time with him, therefore he could not believe this was the child making the allegations. One thing I did not like about the Rabbi, he did not accuse MJ of any wrongdoing, but he did not emphatically deny anything either. He was covering his a**.

(On why he didn’t hang out with a lot of other celebrities: )
M: They love the limelight and I don’t have anything in common with them. They want to go clubbing and afterward they want to sit around and drink….

M: I needed someone. That’s probably why I had, uh, the mannequins. Because I felt that I needed people, someone, and I didn’t have - I was too shy to be around real people.

(On fame: )
M: And I’m gonna say something - I’ve never said it before - and this is the truth Shmuley, I have no reason to lie to you: all my success and fame – and I’ve wanted it. I’ve wanted it – is because I’ve wanted to be loved. And that’s all.

M: I wanted to become such a wonderful performer that I would get loved back (from his father and from other people)…I was hoping I could get love from other people.

(On his mother: )
M: I don’t know anybody like her. She’s like a mother Teresa. There’s very few people like that.

(On Tatum: )
M: When I held Tatum’s hand, I was like, in heaven. It was the most magical feeling, it was better than kissing her – it was better than anything,
RB: she held your hand and you felt love?
M: like fireworks going off.

(On Brooke Shields: )
M: That was one of the loves of my life!
M: We dated a lot. We went - we went out a lot.
Her pictures were all over my walls – my mirrors and everything.

M: Man, we exchanged numbers and I was up all night, spinning around in my room. I was so happy – it was great.

(On Madonna: )

M: Afterwards I think she wrote some mean things about me in the press, and I said “she’s a nasty witch”.

(On his father: )

M: He would make you strip nude first…He’d oil you down so when the flip of the, um, the ironing cord would hit you, and it was just like you’re dying…

M: I’ll never forget one day, he said “you guys ever stop singing, I’m gonna drop you like a hot potato”…

M: I never felt love from him. And he’d never hold me or touch me.

M: And god bless my father, ‘cause he did some wonderful things. He was brilliant, he was a genius.

RB: How do you view him today?
M: I am scared of my father to this day…I’ve fainted in his presence many times…I’ll be honest…Once, to be honest. I’ve thrown up in his presence…

M: And now - he’s so different now and he wants to be a better father. I wish he would have learned that earlier.

(On his looks and aging: ) (this breaks my heart)
M: I saw it on the computer. It made me sick when I saw it. I look like a lizard. I look like – it is horrible. I don’t like – I never liked it.
I just don’t want to look old…I hate to see people grow old Shmuley…

M: I just don’t want to look old – and – and – start forgetting.

M: I want to always be youthful – and have the energy to run around and play hide and seek – which is one of my favorite games

RB: Do you want to live a long life?
M: I think growing old is the ugliest…the most…the ugliest thing.

(On race: )
M: You had Belafonte, you had Sammy, Nat King Cole…I was the first one to break the ice, to break the mold ….(talks about all the girls screaming “I love you!” at him) and a lot of the white press – they didn’t like that. And that’s why they started the weird stories…

M: This white guy in a car screamed to her: “go back to Africa you n*****!” And it hurt me so much.

M: I just hate it - because a person’s skin has nothing to do with the content of their character.

(On the press: )
M: They try to shred me apart – because when you’re the top selling artist of all time – you’re the target now.

(On his eating habits on the Dangerous tour: )
M: I wouldn’t eat. She (Liz Taylor) took the spoon and put it to my mouth….
Then they started doing it intravenously.

(On Children: )
M: I would love to come back as a – as a child that never grows old - like peter pan.

M: I see beauty in all children. They’re all beautiful to me. They’re so beautiful and I love them all.
The happiness and the joy that I see in the eyes of children - they give me - they saved my life. I wanna give it back. They saved me, Shumely - I’m not joking (tearing up).

(On living at home with his parents: )
M: I thought I was still this little kid. “It’s not time for me to go yet.
I’m still a boy, it’s not time for me to leave home yet.” I really felt that.

M: I would like some kind of way to disappear where people don’t see me anymore.

I've sure of heard of this somewhere b4..god the media r stupid lol[/quote]
he was so unique, and it so true what he says about celebrities

I sincerely think Joe is the root of all MJ's problems in life. I m sure the other brothers got a lot of the abuse, but MJ was such a sensitive soul, the abuse really broke his spirit.

i will never accept that with so many people in that family , NOT ONE was able to help. I am not talking about the recent problems, I am talking about the '80s. When he started to withdrawal and surrounded himself with things like the mannequins. That was not normal behavior ...someone, anyone should have show him a helping hand.
I am sure a lot of people will look back and like Madonna, will admit they drop the ball on him.

Gosh, I wish it wasn't to late for MJ. Such a beautiful person shouldn't have to go through that much misery...
his family did left him apart, but he seems to not like his father the most, i mean like he wanted him to be other way, but you cant choose your family, he was the most sensitive their for the most talented, but he did want Janet and his mother
I honestly don't believe he knew Vic. At times it sounds like he was a bit far away, like the recorder may have been hidden. I put nothing past anyone who claims to have been close to him and has something to gain from that closeness now. Publishing books and tapes and taking advantage of his inability to defend himself and his privacy now, it's ridiculous.

see cannot even trust a Rabbi these days.....he is looking to make money off of Michael too.....just another snake in the grass....he is showing his true colors now. Pretends to be Michaels friend in life then when Michael passes away he back stabs him......makes me sick.
I sincerely think Joe is the root of all MJ's problems in life. I m sure the other brothers got a lot of the abuse, but MJ was such a sensitive soul, the abuse really broke his spirit.

i will never accept that with so many people in that family , NOT ONE was able to help. I am not talking about the recent problems, I am talking about the '80s. When he started to withdrawal and surrounded himself with things like the mannequins. That was not normal behavior ...someone, anyone should have show him a helping hand.
I am sure a lot of people will look back and like Madonna, will admit they drop the ball on him.

Gosh, I wish it wasn't to late for MJ. Such a beautiful person shouldn't have to go through that much misery...

I agree with you so, so much. I think Joe was hard on Michael cuz like Michael said he was sort of the Golden Child. Thank God he had his Mom, at least she showed him what that pure love was like. Then I think later the fans gave that pure love, too.

I really understood why Michael surrounded himself with mannequins when he put it in terms of being shy. I just remember being one of the most shy kids in grade school. And I remember surrounding myself with stuffed animals and holding parties for them and all that good stuff. Sometimes it was easier than trying to get over being shy and reach out to people. I wish with all my heart I could have been Michael's friend back then or had that opportunity to know him aside from his celebrity. I think I would have understood a lot of those shy motivations he had.

I wish someone had helped him, too. I mean, I get the shy feelings SO well, I remember them, but he'd have had much more fun if a bunch of us (who really love him!) could run around Neverland and do water balloon fights, and hide and seek, and all those fun things.
Buying the book explains his comments more. Remember on T.V. these are small portions they are playing. I hate to give this guy the money, but if we must vindicate MJ we must arm ourselves with knowledge so we can fight for his legacy.
Draliongirl;2239240 [B said:
he was so unique, and it so true what he says about celebrities[/B]

Yeh i agree, what he said bout celebrites is so true!

They have no respect for ppl or themselves!
Forgive me for not reading every single post but
do you belive Schmuley when he said MJ wanted him to release the book?
A book in recorded form?
did MJ talk about janet & their relationship?

I like what he said about Brooke Shield. smh @ LMP's betrayal. It is like MJ is letting people know he wasn't stupid...he might have been quiet but he wasn't dumb.

A lot of people betrayed him and took advantage of his kindness.
Buying the book explains his comments more. Remember on T.V. these are small portions they are playing. I hate to give this guy the money, but if we must vindicate MJ we must arm ourselves with knowledge so we can fight for his legacy.

I am sorry but there is ABSOLUTELY noway I will buy this guys book.....we already know Michaels legacy..I dont need this chump to teach it to me..with all do respect to you.....

I like what he said about Brooke Shield. smh @ LMP's betrayal. It is like MJ is letting people know he wasn't stupid...he might have been quiet but he wasn't dumb.

A lot of people betrayed him and took advantage of his kindness.

So true
Just finished reading through the thread and I feel sick. This Rabbi Boteach is a a**hole to the nth degree!

I for one do not believe that Michael intended on all of these taped conversations to be released to the public. This guy was supposed to be his spiritual adviser at the time. These might have been their sessions (like a psychologist), but never meant to go public.

I agree with Victoria. . . TOTAL INVASION OF PRIVACY.

Thank you to all those that bit one for the team and watched it and posted what was going on.

How is this guy a holy man anyway? To do down-low, dirty sh*t like this to somebody that came to him for help?

Also, does Schumley actually refer to himself as Michael's friend on the show or does dateline refer to him as Michael's friend? I hope that people who watched this can see that this was no friend to Michael.
I am sorry but there is ABSOLUTELY noway I will buy this guys book.....we already know Michaels legacy..I dont need this chump to teach it to me..with all do respect to you.....

For those who want to read it but don't want to grease his pockets, I would suggest waiting and getting it used on Amazon or look at the library. Then we can know what to prepare ourselves for in Michael's defense, but not give this guy money.
Buying the book explains his comments more. Remember on T.V. these are small portions they are playing. I hate to give this guy the money, but if we must vindicate MJ we must arm ourselves with knowledge so we can fight for his legacy.

why? Are you getting a cut?

Thanks but no thanks...the book will leak online in a matter of days And we won't have to give a dime to that greedy rabbi.

Enjoy your book.
All in all...I felt the interview was quite thought provoking and educational...

I for one am "very impressed" (unlike so many other "so called" friends of Mr.Jackson's ) when asked what he (the Rabbi) would do with the proceeds from the book/tapes...

The Rabbi stated although he is a publisher and that what he does...(published 4 books already)...

"Most of the proceeds from THIS book will go to a charity to help promote the basic foundation of children...the family unit...!"

With that being said...Mr.Jackson would be proud..!

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
For those who want to read it but don't want to grease his pockets, I would suggest waiting and getting it used on Amazon or look at the library. Then we can know what to prepare ourselves for in Michael's defense, but not give this guy money.

this is a good Idea....the library is free...that way I dont give him one red cent!!!....thanks you for the Idea..
I have the book. He also states that he loves old people and have a connection with them. He says they have childlike qualities and loves talking to them. He felt old age was not good because it is cruel to your body and mind. He also said growing old would be okay if he could continue to play and keep childlike qualities.

Thank you!!! Unlike the bulls*** which is being reported with $humley's quote ("He lost the will to live.") to make it seem as if he wanted to die. Disgusting.

Buying the book explains his comments more. Remember on T.V. these are small portions they are playing. I hate to give this guy the money, but if we must vindicate MJ we must arm ourselves with knowledge so we can fight for his legacy.

$hmuley could have easily explained MJ's comments more. He could have quoted what else MJ said to elaborate if he really wanted us to hear MJ's voice. Instead he is twisting snippets of what MJ said to fit into his crooked view of MJ and to have us believe his lies.

$humley serves mammon. He is a son of the father of lies.

I am sorry but there is ABSOLUTELY noway I will buy this guys book.....we already know Michaels legacy..I dont need this chump to teach it to me..with all do respect to you.....

:D Someone will post it online. Don't give $humley one cent of your hard earned money.
I am sorry but there is ABSOLUTELY noway I will buy this guys book.....we already know Michaels legacy..I dont need this chump to teach it to me..with all do respect to you.....

I understand your feelings. I was torn also, but I'm am glad I did because watching the show without the book would make most people once again misinterpret what he was trying to say. I love MJ dearly. I can't stop crying, but being a fan of his means I constantly have to explain myself and MJ. Buy me having the book I can refute what people who only watched the show think.
All in all...I felt the interview was quite thought provoking and educational...

I for one am "very impressed" (unlike so many other "so called" friends of Mr.Jackson's ) when asked what he (the Rabbi) would do with the proceeds from the book/tapes...

The Rabbi stated although he is a publisher and that what he does...(published 4 books already)...

"Most of the proceeds from THIS book will go to a charity to help promote the basic foundation of children...the family unit...!"

With that being said...Mr.Jackson would be proud..!

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~

sorry I don believe him about most of the money going to charity....why should I he hasn't given me any reason to believe anything he has said tonight in that interview.
sorry I don believe him about most of the money going to charity....why should I he hasn't given me any reason to believe anything he has said tonight in that interview.

Excatly! :yes:
I understand your feelings. I was torn also, but I'm am glad I did because watching the show without the book would make most people once again misinterpret what he was trying to say. I love MJ dearly. I can't stop crying, but being a fan of his means I constantly have to explain myself and MJ. Buy me having the book I can refute what people who only watched the show think.

yeah I know waht you mean about explaining all the time.....but ya know what I am 42 years old and I have learned along time ago not to care what other people think about me or the people I love.....having said this.....I will always defend Michael...I dont care what others think.....I dont fault you for buying the book ....that is your decision to make...I do not judge others for buying a just is not the right thing for me.....:)
sorry I don believe him about most of the money going to charity....why should I he hasn't given me any reason to believe anything he has said tonight in that interview.

The money WILL NOT GO TO CHARITY, rest assured. I want to hear Michael's tapes, don't care about fake rabbi's words. How do we get the tapes without paying fake rabbi???
Let's face it, Madonna is those days was not a classy gal. Thank god teh birth of her daughter changed her ways.

Face what? That was MJ's opinion of her. Madonna had a fascade and a public image to protect and maintain just as Mike had his. Still doesn't make her the biggest bitch in the world lol. Having children changes people, period.

Also, I don't believe for a second that MJ would have approved for this stuff to come out, not like this anyway. He was never really one to namecheck celebrities (especially his contemporaries) and say what some might take as "unfavorable" things about some of them publicly.
Just finished reading through the thread and I feel sick. This Rabbi Boteach is a a**hole to the nth degree!

I for one do not believe that Michael intended on all of these taped conversations to be released to the public. This guy was supposed to be his spiritual adviser at the time. These might have been their sessions (like a psychologist), but never meant to go public.

I agree with Victoria. . . TOTAL INVASION OF PRIVACY.

Thank you to all those that bit one for the team and watched it and posted what was going on.

How is this guy a holy man anyway? To do down-low, dirty sh*t like this to somebody that came to him for help?

Also, does Schumley actually refer to himself as Michael's friend on the show or does dateline refer to him as Michael's friend? I hope that people who watched this can see that this was no friend to Michael.

I totally agree.
He even refers to it as his "confession". WHY would a confession need to be shown to the whole world?

And to answer your question, they made a big point to talk about how "close" the two were, and how Shmuley was like family, etc., but in the end Shmuley claims it was him that wanted to distance himself from Michal because of his living in excess.
I watched it as well. I think the general public is going to take what Michael is saying on those tapes completely wrong. As in make distorted opinions or they just can't understand where he is coming from. Why..Rabbi do this,he says to open ppls eyes,but is it $.. i dont like speculation.. sigh..
The Rabbi stated although he is a publisher and that what he does...(published 4 books already)...

"Most of the proceeds from THIS book will go to a charity to help promote the basic foundation of children...the family unit...!"

With that being said...Mr.Jackson would be proud..!

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~

Since he allegedly has a history of misappropriating funds (heal the world) I highly doubt this will come to pass. He is marketing his book IMO, this statement is part of his strategy to lure people to buy his book. Notice he named no specific charity. The family unit could be his own