Coroner: Cause of Michael Jackson's death could be revealed next week

You know what? I think I'd be relieved if they came out and actually did say "natural causes", okay. Not relieved, but it would feel a bit better to me. But, we all know it wasn't natural causes, and unfortunately I'm sure it was an overdose/manslaughter case. Time will tell. I want to know what happened, and who did it. Maybe a bunch of the fans can gang up and tell off the alleged murderer. Ugh, wishful thinking.
remember he had second and third degree burns. u can't grow hair after burns like that. was he totally bald? i don't believe so but we cannot forget the extent of the damage that fire did to him nor what it could've caused for him later in life...painkiller addiction
I know but I do not believe he was bald. Michael had pretty side burns and bady hair around the face. There is no wig, weave,etc that will give you that look. At his 30 anniversary and MTV 1995 and the black or white video, BAD, TWYMMF, DIRTY DIANA, and others, that was his hair.
I have no faith in anybody at this point. They're just going to twist it and make it Michael's fault even if it wasn't. Alot of the media can barely contain themselves waiting on those autopsy results because they want to do just that. It's already started. Just look at all the crap we've been hearing about this for the last two weeks. It's sickening.
I agree. I do not even believe the addiction yet. He is was on med but was he addicted. We will see.
Ya know, I was pondering who thought of the tour name, "THIS IS IT"???? I mean, think about along with this other odd stuff going on with this situation...dunno
I did not like that titled either. I even post it on here. I said, Micheal sound like he is about to leave this earth. He should change that title". I believe he was saying it to show that he was not going to tour no more but it did not sit well with me. I do not believe God took Michael, I believe Man's greed and carelessness caused his death. It has nothing to do with how big he was or the shows he was doing, etc. It has to do with taking meds that you should not be in your system. And that applys to all of US famous or not.
MJ did say in March that it was his "last ever show"...

I think he wanted to devote the rest of his life to bringing up his children. Also he was apparently going to turn his hand to movie directing as he enjoyed doing alot of the Thriller work I think.
MJ did say in March that it was his "last ever show"...

I think he wanted to devote the rest of his life to bringing up his children. Also he was apparently going to turn his hand to movie directing as he enjoyed doing alot of the Thriller work I think.
last ever show in London. which is kinda obvious when u think of what he was gonna do.
I am just getting tired of people trying to make Michael's death out to be because of his fame, because of what he said, because of his shows, etc. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT in my book. It is clear now that Michael should NOT be dead (if it was natural, none of the police and of this other stuff would be going on right now. Look at Billy Mayes who died from heart diease when they though he died from that hit on the head). Michael's death was clearly on carelessness by someone.
Ok I'm just really angry it suddenly went from possibly being announced Friday to two weeks, I mean one week yeah fine but two?! that's a huge jump in numbers. I wish I could contact ET and asked what the heck happened.
I know but I do not believe he was bald. Michael had pretty side burns and bady hair around the face. There is no wig, weave,etc that will give you that look. At his 30 anniversary and MTV 1995 and the black or white video, BAD, TWYMMF, DIRTY DIANA, and others, that was his hair.
i never said the man was bald. i said he would have bald spots due to teh severity of the burns. that's common sense. and sideburns are not 'head hair' they don't count. bald men have some sideburns but most men shave them off while shaving.

but w/ those sideburns gave us the opportunity to see the lacefront, the net, u could tell that after the burn, mj no longer had his org. hair. does it matter now? not really

what matters is what's being said and what's gonna come out

the fam already has their tox report. they waiting to see if it jives w/ what the la corn. has found. that's y toy has gone out and spoken on record. they already know
Well after the burn, MJ's hair was still short and it looked very real to I guess he did a good job in that bald spot?? I dunno.

The lacefront simply means a wig not baldness.

The coroner is still giving himself 6 weeks. In the meantime the media will kill themselves on digging up all the 'news' they can find. They can't help themselves. I don't think the family has a full knowledge of the tox reports either. They need to do a full investigation themselves.

Please don't get me talking about LaToya (if she actually did that interview)...
u ain't seen mj's real hair sincethen. don't get shaun talking on THAT.

and y, prey tell, wouldu wear a wig when u can just, flat iron an dgrow it out? unless u don' thave it. but this is NOT what the thread is about.

la toya has good intentions. she's one of FEW
I can tell alot about wigs because I live around people who wear them ALLLL the time. And they got lots of hair. I ask them the same question

But several things....when you want that full look that MJ is going for his hair alone won't cut it; flat-ironed or not.

I think he showed his hair in the private home videos thingy...stringy etc.

And that is what alot of people go for that wear wigs...body, fullness (except for the orthodox jews who's reasons are purely religious). Of course the other option is to put in tracts which I'm sure he had in at one point or the other.

But as you mentioned, since he had spots burned out he had enough hair to work with, and put in tracts. Then sometimes wigs are easier. You just get up in the mornings and put 'em on.
Lol. You're hilarious! I agree. Michael has always been very thin, so I get confused when people start talking about him being so thin recently as though it were suddenly a problem.
PPl annoy with the "oh michael looks thin" and Im like "oh really, when has he not been thin" :smilerolleyes:
well fans will go on about the chubby week he had in florida! lol when he was w/ tucker and paris etc....but yeah, mj's never been chunky.
yes michael had his chunky moment during the vince era but that was chunky FOR michael. He wasn't all that But if you asked me it was is not so hot times as well. So I'm all for thin michael.
I know but I do not believe he was bald. Michael had pretty side burns and bady hair around the face. There is no wig, weave,etc that will give you that look. At his 30 anniversary and MTV 1995 and the black or white video, BAD, TWYMMF, DIRTY DIANA, and others, that was his hair.
Im with you on this one. That all looked like michael's hair. Also I just went and checked my mom's arm where she had 3rd degree burns and sure nough she has hair on those patches. :yes:
I agree. I do not even believe the addiction yet. He is was on med but was he addicted. We will see.
im with you on this one too. I also don't believe it was diprivan. Once that nurse came out with that story ppl jumped on that bandwagon. How do we know if michael had a diprivan fix that night.:smilerolleyes: Come on now! Ppl are hearing lies and are jumping the gun.
THEY FOUND IT AT THE HOUSEthe chef said he saw the dr. carrying/rolling in oxygen tanks to the room. u need that w/ diprivan/propofol.he had triple of every script he had.
REALLY? have the proper authorities said much of anything? if we go by what THEY say, then all we have really is that michael has passed and that they're doing a tox report.the amount of meds found in his home are not from one rx. we'll just wait and in two wks we'll see what's up.
Never take at face value anything the corporate media says.
At present, the corporate media vultures are collecting
advertising money by reporting on Michael Jackson.
When Michael Jackson was on Earth, they treated
him disrespectfully, and refused to report on his many
entertainment and humanitarian achievements.
To Hell with the Corporate media!!
REALLY? have the proper authorities said much of anything? if we go by what THEY say, then all we have really is that michael has passed and that they're doing a tox report.the amount of meds found in his home are not from one rx. we'll just wait and in two wks we'll see what's up.
And that was exactly my point.

Until the proper authorities have had their say, all we have are a zillion "insider" theories and/or stories coming from a bunch of folks looking for their 15 minutes of fame, in my opinion, i.e. "triple of every script he had." Where the heck did that information come from, Uri Geller? LOL!
Finally, we can have the answer :) I'll do not trust all tabloid trash
And that was exactly my point.

Until the proper authorities have had their say, all we have are a zillion "insider" theories and/or stories coming from a bunch of folks looking for their 15 minutes of fame, in my opinion, i.e. "triple of every script he had." Where the heck did that information come from, Uri Geller? LOL!
Exactly. And I do not believe those people when they said Michael was taking 30 to 40 pills a day. I have a family member on that med Xan (anti depression) and she said there is no way he was taking 10 pills let alone 30 to 40. How does these people know this? Did they sit there and count the pills each day?
I EXPECT SOMETHING sorry 4 caps... but i will not judge Michael for what he has or hasn't done. Michael is one of the many who has fell into the bad shit. i am not overlooking anything but i know i love him and we all have skeletons in our closet not every1 is perfect. Michael had a circle of bad people surrounding him. He may not have needed any of these drugs but the docs around him told him he did. I dont trust the media.
THEY FOUND IT AT THE HOUSEthe chef said he saw the dr. carrying/rolling in oxygen tanks to the room. u need that w/ diprivan/propofol.he had triple of every script he had.
When did the chef say this? It there a link?
Who said he had "triple of every script he had." That sounds like something a "source" told a tabloid. Not something that I have heard from the PROPER authorities. Sorry!
exactly. its so many lies and exaggeration swirling around here until its not funny.
Exactly. And I do not believe those people when they said Michael was taking 30 to 40 pills a day. I have a family member on that med Xan (anti depression) and she said there is no way he was taking 10 pills let alone 30 to 40. How does these people know this? Did they sit there and count the pills each day?
Thats what im saying. Did the ppl count how many pills? The only person who would know is murry. And he ain't saying nothing.:smilerolleyes: If michael was taking that many pills a day he wouldn't have been dancing like that at rehearsal.
also to add to above.

Ppl were going on about demrol etc and soon as the nurse come foward now they are stuck on diprivan. And then LAPD just happens to find it. Im not saying it michael didn't take it. But why would LAPD come forward saying that they have his drug. That shouldn't have been made public. They have other drugs in the bags to but aren't naming those. We don't know if michael even took it THAT night. Why is everybody acting like they are maury povich a 100% sure that it was diprivan that killed him. We just don't know.

I for one don't think the tox report is gonna give insight to much of what REALLY kill him. Its just gonna be another tool for the media to trash michael.

anyways what kinda doc would these give michael something so strong and powerful just for sleep. Do you know how many sleep aid there are an alternatives there are for a betters night sleep and with a med degree all they could think of is diprivan. which is only to be used in hospital. And led michael to believe they were safe. This is so sicken. what ever happen to some unisom.