Coroner: Cause of Michael Jackson's death could be revealed next week

im suspicious of the fact that the med disappears from ur blood in as little as ten minutes and it took thirty for the emts to be called

I'm suspicious of that part too. Although, I read somewhere that they can find it in the urine for quite a while after. I really am suspicious about that Dr Conrad - I don't think he purposefully killed Michael, but I think he stuffed up big time and tried to hide it.
Yep, I agree. I'm uneasy hearing how he said all that as well. Saying things like we'll make sure he's Michael had concerns. I all seems a bit too weird now. What I once thought was the greatest thing ever (This Is It) is now something I'm resenting. I'd like to know the truth about all this but at the same time I'm scared. :(

Ya know, I was pondering who thought of the tour name, "THIS IS IT"???? I mean, think about along with this other odd stuff going on with this situation...dunno
w/ all that shit they had in that house, maybe a catheter was present. who knows cuz no one knew mj was up in the room w/ a cardiac arrest for thirty minutes. who the hell knows what murray was doing.

if he had all that med equip he may have had a catheter or a kit where u could use one. especially if he was using diprovan. he'd be asleep for quite awhile. this isn't something u put someone to sleep on and then take them off in two hrs. it's a deep damn sleep.

w/ all that shit they had in that house, maybe a catheter was present. who knows cuz no one knew mj was up in the room w/ a cardiac arrest for thirty minutes. who the hell knows what murray was doing.

if he had all that med equip he may have had a catheter or a kit where u could use one. especially if he was using diprovan. he'd be asleep for quite awhile. this isn't something u put someone to sleep on and then take them off in two hrs. it's a deep damn sleep.


:bugeyed that is not a good scenario to think of :no:
I'm very anxious for the results too.

...I want to know exactly why and how Michael is gone.

Then again, I would not be suprised at all if we do not get the whole truth.
I wanna know, then again I don't. But I think then we can understand exactly what happened to him.
I at first I was saying lets wait for the tox reports but now I feel that the tox reports are just going to make matters worst. The reports are only gonna show what was in michael at the present but it won't tell us how it got there. If this wasn't an accidental death then God only knows what murry could have pumped michael full of while he was alone with him. The man didn't call for help until after half an hour.

The only thing this report will do if anything is make michael look like an addict when that may not be the case. No matter what, the media is gonna spin the mess out of theses reports and try their hardest to make michael look bad. The only way for that not to happen is if the reports come back showing nothing. which I doubt

I have a problem with the diprivan theory because if you need all of that equipment then how was murry able to get rid of it without any staff seeing him move it (before ems was call) if it was still there then it would have been removed along with the meds that the police took. So I doubt diprivan was the culprit here. Also if there were supposed oxygen tanks and what nots then surely murry should have a defibrillator as well. He shoulda been prepared. This is why im leaning towards murder because it's clear as day to me that murry wasn't trying to help or get michael some help. And Lord only knows what he did or if he gave michael drugs after michael collasped. I still in my gut feelings don't think michael was sleeping for that whole day until murry just "fortunately" walked in and found him. I think michael was up then something happened (went wrong) and made him collapse and murry either try to help and when that didn't work he covered it up or he just down right finished him off.

I have a question how was murry able to get all these meds if he wasn't supposed to be practicing in california and wasn't board certified??

I think with these reports we are gonna get a whole nother overdose of media garbage for weeks to come and im not in the mood at all for it.
what the family needs is everything from a PI to CSI to crack this case open. Im talking phone records, bank records, who knows who and how, and serious connect the dots because the tox report isn't gonna do that.

Also I would love to hear from the guy who was speaking with 911, what does he know?
This whole situation with Dr. Murray is very odd. If MJ's tox report comes back that he was given something and Dr. Murray was the person administering the drugs, then to jail with him, forget a trial, he better just talk to the judge himself and ask for a sentence. Because I know all the world will descend on that courthouse even bigger than they did in '05. I also feel that some other shady doctors need to lose their license and maybe do some jail time.

This is just sickening to know that MJ could've lived had he had a REAL doctor around him that wasn't afraid to tell him NO. I can find fault with MJ, but at this point in his addiction the ppl feeding him this stuff need to take the blame.
I hope we find out soon because I take this anymore. I want to know why MJ is gone!
you see this is what gets me ,the official cause of death has not been disclosed yet,but yet the tabloid crap are informing the world as if they know,this really gets to me,we will hear the truth soon.
Well no, he wouldnt have died from anxiety! It was almost certainly medications as the cause of death. Extreme stress might kill a frail 90 year old or 100 year old, but not a healthy 50 year old man, at least not directly kill.

Don't forget, he wasn't 100% - he was in the clinic two weeks before - regardless of what the medical report said. He did look thinner than ever. Plus, Lupus would have made him feel like crap. One of the symptoms is alopecia (losing hair). In one docu they say he had no hair - stemming from when he went up in flames (coke ad). The doc said that this is when he starting taking all sorts of drugs (prescription). In my mind, that was the start of the rolling ball.

Lupus website:
somebody correct me if im wrong but the clinic michael was going to, was for dermatology, wasn't it? NOT general health! The man has vit so I can see why he was there a lot. Also why do ppl keep saying he looked thin? Is there a healthy thin michael and a sickly thin looking michael...and if so can I get some pics so i can decifier the two. Because michael joseph jackson had NEVER been close to fat:smilerolleyes:. So help me out here.:doh:

have yall seen michael's small waist in beat when he got out of that bed. Baby coulda hoola hooped with some cheerios that how skinny mike is..was (sigh). what in the world man. Michael has always been thin. or so I thought:scratch:
Sorry but I do not believe Michael was BALD. He might have been losing hair but her was not bald like Jordan.
Sorry but I do not believe Michael was BALD. He might have been losing hair but her was not bald like Jordan.
remember he had second and third degree burns. u can't grow hair after burns like that. was he totally bald? i don't believe so but we cannot forget the extent of the damage that fire did to him nor what it could've caused for him later in life...painkiller addiction
Also why do ppl keep saying he looked thin? Is there a healthy thin michael and a sickly thin looking michael...and if so can I get some pics so i can decifier the two. Because michael joseph jackson had NEVER been close to fat:smilerolleyes:. So help me out here.:doh:

have yall seen michael's small waist in beat when he got out of that bed. Baby coulda hoola hooped with some cheerios that how skinny mike is..was (sigh). what in the world man. Michael has always been thin. or so I thought:scratch:

Lol. You're hilarious! I agree. Michael has always been very thin, so I get confused when people start talking about him being so thin recently as though it were suddenly a problem.
well fans will go on about the chubby week he had in florida! lol when he was w/ tucker and paris etc....but yeah, mj's never been chunky.
what is hard to grasp for me is this... when I got my boyfriend out of hospital cuz he simply wanted to die at home and I wanted him home also... I had to do some training for all the medication he would get... some really strong pain killer... some stuff also to put him asleep as he had problems cuz of the tumor in his brain acting up. And I had to learn how to make injections and infusions and all that stuff... anyways as an overdose could have easily killed him also bla... I learned also I had to write everything down... time/dose/position on the body where I gave him the injection and I had to sign each and every time... that was premise to get him home at all because usually those medications are only allowed to be given in the hospital or under certain circumstances in a hospice. I had to sign like a thousand times to only get them home from the pharmacy.
And my doctor told me that only giving such stuff at home and once or twice not writing it down correctly means I'm with one foot already in jail and bla.
Well now we knew my boyfriend would die. Still when he finally passed away he was seen by two different doctors checking if everything was really correct and the cause of death was not medication I gave to him. They got my protocolls and then it took them a week with all results imaginable, well there wasn't an autopsy done but only a toxicology report which they took hair for and urine and blood.

And this is what irks me... I mean we're talking about Michael Jackson... and we're talking about a Doctor (who must have studied something once??!!) and first he called the emergency simply too late (Michael was simply not known with a fatal disease!!!!)... and second if this doctor can't prove clearly what he has given to Michael exactly, how much when and why, if there are no clear papers and protocolls to follow easily which should have been easily proven by the first autopsy already... then why isn't he already in jail in remand? I mean I don't know how these things are handled in the US because in germany he would have already broken existing law clearly... and just think he's walking free and maybe treating others (wrong) also... that's what's hard for me to comprehend.
If he's then also responsible for manslaughter or murderer... or even if might not responsible for the death at all... that's the next page somehow.
That all seems so shady already to me.

That Michael might had some drug problems or maybe got some medication (cuz of Lupus etc.) mixed wrong or dangerous leading to SCA... that should just easily been proven also. As much as SCA cuz of Lupus complications or even stress etc.

That's why I also think we'll never get really clear answers. It just doesn't look like it already now... I'm almost sure the results will not really prove anything... and every stupid media will jump to their own conclusions. It will be hard to get some real facts straight.
I have no faith in anybody at this point. They're just going to twist it and make it Michael's fault even if it wasn't. Alot of the media can barely contain themselves waiting on those autopsy results because they want to do just that. It's already started. Just look at all the crap we've been hearing about this for the last two weeks. It's sickening.
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yep you can't trust the american media or the LAPD, remember what they did to him in the past
I am becoming suspicious of Randy Phillips. Everything thing that comes out of his mouth is a defense of himself and his company. He says Michael wanted to do 50 shows but if you listen to that video clip of him talking about when he informed Michael about the 50 shows, he said Michael asked him, "Randy, how many shoes do I have to do", as if Michael was not wanting to do all those shows. Yall need to look at that clip again and watch his tone. It was the one where he said Michael cried when he told him how many people signed up online.

theres an interview with mark leicesters daughter in a UK mag this week and even she mentions "oh MJ said he went to bed thinking he was doing 10 shows, and woke up and found out it was 50".. then randy in that interview "randy how many shows do i have to do".. has anyone heard the post-25 June interview with kenny and randy, where randy said he asked dr thome who confirmed 50 shows was fine?!?! what about asking MJ

Well no, he wouldnt have died from anxiety! It was almost certainly medications as the cause of death. Extreme stress might kill a frail 90 year old or 100 year old, but not a healthy 50 year old man, at least not directly kill.

yes but extreme anxiety meaning no sleep.. meaning turning to drugs. even without drugs, stress is a killer. thats a very silly thing to say

I'm very anxious for the results too.


can i just ask why everyones so anxious? dont we already know its 98% likely to be drugs? what are you guys scared to hear? something worse than drugs?? im genuinely a bit confused? :no:
can i just ask why everyones so anxious? dont we already know its 98% likely to be drugs? what are you guys scared to hear? something worse than drugs?? im genuinely a bit confused? :no:

I know what you mean, but I think people just want to know what it is already. There's so much speculation - Diprivan, Demerol, Oxycontin, etc etc. We just want it cleared up at this point. Also, if it was a drug that can only be administered through IV, that means a homicide is surely in play, in which case - the next chapter begins...
can i just ask why everyones so anxious? dont we already know its 98% likely to be drugs? what are you guys scared to hear? something worse than drugs?? im genuinely a bit confused? :no:

Agree with u here.

Alot of shit is being said ... will we ever know the truth? I think the only time id accept the truth would be if Katherine stood up on a podium and TOLD us from her mouth the real cause of death... otherwise we're relying on the lies of the tabloids. Then again, when it is revealed from the tox report, i suppose every paper will be saying the same things... with their added BS bits!
I know what you mean, but I think people just want to know what it is already. There's so much speculation - Diprivan, Demerol, Oxycontin, etc etc. We just want it cleared up at this point. Also, if it was a drug that can only be administered through IV, that means a homicide is surely in play...

Yeah but, MJ had so much money, he could buy people to do things for him. He could buy their silence too. Theres just no telling.
Yeah but, MJ had so much money, he could buy people to do things for him. He could buy their silence too. Theres just no telling.

Buy their silence on what exactly, now that he's dead? Please elaborate...