Coroner: Cause of Michael Jackson's death could be revealed next week


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
LOS ANGELES - The mystery of Michael Jackson's sudden death could be solved as early as next week.

"Hopefully we'll have something to report at the end of next week," said Ed Winter, assistant chief coroner for Los Angeles County. "We're still on track."

The official report should help resolve speculation that's become as dizzying as the King of Pop's signature spins.

Jackson, 50, went into cardiac arrest June 25 after his doctor said he found him unconscious in bed with a faint pulse.

Investigators later found prescription drugs and a personal stash of the surgery-strength sedative Diprivan, known generically as propofol, at Jackson's rented Bel Air mansion.

Meanwhile, sources questioned reports that Debbie Rowe had reached a custody arrangement with Katherine Jackson, the temporary court-approved guardian and grandmother to Michael's three kids.

A source said Rowe remained concerned about Joe Jackson's influence over the children considering Michael's rocky relationship with his father.

"[Joe Jackson] is a factor," a source told the Daily News. "That's part of it. And every time something has concerned her, she's gone back to do something.

"It's not like she didn't want to be a mom, but she thought: 'If Michael is there as a loving dad and they're safe, why disturb that situation?' But now the kids have lost their father, and it's not a pretty situation."

Joe Jackson told ABC he wants to help raise Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11, and Blanket, 7, so they can "grow up to be strong Jacksons."

He also told ABC that Michael wasn't up to completing the 50-show comeback tour that was scheduled to kick off yesterday. He said Michael told him he only agreed to 10 dates.

Longtime financial manager Leonard Rowe said ***** hired him in March to renegotiate the tour's timeline so he'd only do two shows a week.

AEG Live disputes that claim, saying Jackson originally agreed to 31 shows and then extended the run to 50 based on overwhelming demand.

"He told us he was also motivated by the opportunity to establish a record to be entered into the Guinness Book of World Records for the run he was about to embark on," AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips said in a statement.
Hopefully we got some answers..
but Im a little scared too :(
I am becoming suspicious of Randy Phillips. Everything thing that comes out of his mouth is a defense of himself and his company. He says Michael wanted to do 50 shows but if you listen to that video clip of him talking about when he informed Michael about the 50 shows, he said Michael asked him, "Randy, how many shoes do I have to do", as if Michael was not wanting to do all those shows. Yall need to look at that clip again and watch his tone. It was the one where he said Michael cried when he told him how many people signed up online.
:( I'm scared too, but it's only a matter of time that that we have to face it. Yeah, hopefully we'll get some answers... but one that is on track with the Jackson family's autopsy too... they did that for a reason to make sure nobody messes things up.
Well, I heard them say that the autopsies did not contradict each other.

68% of the people at LKL website believe LaToya when she says that Michael was murdered.
If there is any truth to the claim about Diprivan being found in the house, then I don't care what else is discovered. Someone needs to be arrested. And if there is any question about the care that he got prior to 911 being called, then someone needs to answer for it.
I am becoming suspicious of Randy Phillips. Everything thing that comes out of his mouth is a defense of himself and his company. He says Michael wanted to do 50 shows but if you listen to that video clip of him talking about when he informed Michael about the 50 shows, he said Michael asked him, "Randy, how many shoes do I have to do", as if Michael was not wanting to do all those shows. Yall need to look at that clip again and watch his tone. It was the one where he said Michael cried when he told him how many people signed up online.

I'm getting suspicious of Randy Phillips as well. I'm really not liking this guy.
Everytime Philips speaks he seems to get more and more defensive... If Michael wanted only to do 10 shows than that should have been it...push, push, push. He said in the PHM he did NOT like to tour...apparently no one listened. This is the end result.
If LaToya is telling the truth about Paris and nem not being allowed in the room while the doctor gave daddy his oxygen, then I aint feeling really good right now. Cause those tanks she is talking about is what is used by an anesthesiologist. And I also think it is suspicious that Dr Murray and his lawyers keep saying "no comment" when asked about the tanks but they keep saying Murray didn't give no Diprivan to him. If Murray didn't give it to him then who the hell gave it to him? It's gonna be hell to pay if a non-doctor a security person gave that stuff to him. I just can't imagine what else would be in those tanks. Why would Michael need oxygen? Can anyone else imagine what else could be in tanks instead of Diprivan?
If LaToya is telling the truth about Paris and nem not being allowed in the room while the doctor gave daddy his oxygen, then I aint feeling really good right now. Cause those tanks she is talking about is what is used by an anesthesiologist. And I also think it is suspicious that Dr Murray and his lawyers keep saying "no comment" when asked about the tanks but they keep saying Murray didn't give no Diprivan to him. If Murray didn't give it to him then who the hell gave it to him? It's gonna be hell to pay if a non-doctor a security person gave that stuff to him. I just can't imagine what else would be in those tanks. Why would Michael need oxygen? Can anyone else imagine what else could be in tanks instead of Diprivan?

Well, if he was using Diprivan, I would've thought that he would need more than just oxygen tanks. His heart rate would have also needed to monitored and he would have needed to be supervised the whole time. According to Dr Murray's lawyer, Murray just "walked in" to find MJ unconscious on the bed, so it was obvious Michael wasn't being monitored. If he was left unattended while under anaesthesia, then someone is really going to pay.
Wow, I am so sad right now. I am listening to Gone Too Soon. How appropriate that song is to Michael's departing. Lord, you gotta help me cause my heart is just hurting so badly.

Anyway, you are right...somebody is gonna have to pay for this. I swear, they are.
the O tanks could have been used by Michael...Some people use tanks to sleep better at night..It is used for sleep apnea, but some people use it for health and staying young.
I am becoming suspicious of Randy Phillips. Everything thing that comes out of his mouth is a defense of himself and his company. He says Michael wanted to do 50 shows but if you listen to that video clip of him talking about when he informed Michael about the 50 shows, he said Michael asked him, "Randy, how many shoes do I have to do", as if Michael was not wanting to do all those shows. Yall need to look at that clip again and watch his tone. It was the one where he said Michael cried when he told him how many people signed up online.

wheres the clip of this? I have not listened to it
Wow, I am so sad right now. I am listening to Gone Too Soon. How appropriate that song is to Michael's departing. Lord, you gotta help me cause my heart is just hurting so badly.

Anyway, you are right...somebody is gonna have to pay for this. I swear, they are.

Yah... Thats been playing alot lately for me as well
I am ready for this report. I believe the Jacksons have the results of the secord and that is why Latoya is talking.
I can just imagine all the tabloids and stupid media. I hope they didn't find anything too shocking. I just want them to stop killing the man over and over again. I get so angry!
I am becoming suspicious of Randy Phillips. Everything thing that comes out of his mouth is a defense of himself and his company. He says Michael wanted to do 50 shows but if you listen to that video clip of him talking about when he informed Michael about the 50 shows, he said Michael asked him, "Randy, how many shoes do I have to do", as if Michael was not wanting to do all those shows. Yall need to look at that clip again and watch his tone. It was the one where he said Michael cried when he told him how many people signed up online.

It is great you mention this, as I have been thinking about this BEFORE MJ died. I really don't believe Michael was given a choice.
I am becoming suspicious of Randy Phillips. Everything thing that comes out of his mouth is a defense of himself and his company. He says Michael wanted to do 50 shows but if you listen to that video clip of him talking about when he informed Michael about the 50 shows, he said Michael asked him, "Randy, how many shoes do I have to do", as if Michael was not wanting to do all those shows. Yall need to look at that clip again and watch his tone. It was the one where he said Michael cried when he told him how many people signed up online.

Yep, I agree. I'm uneasy hearing how he said all that as well. Saying things like we'll make sure he's Michael had concerns. I all seems a bit too weird now. What I once thought was the greatest thing ever (This Is It) is now something I'm resenting. I'd like to know the truth about all this but at the same time I'm scared. :(
It is great you mention this, as I have been thinking about this BEFORE MJ died. I really don't believe Michael was given a choice.

I remember that comment made by Randy Phillips, it did seems that it was done without any consultation with Michael. Michael probably could not get out of it seeing it was already done. I believe it caused Michael extreme anxiety and he gave out. We know how he feels about touring it was very stressfull for him.

As far as the Tox report I am afraid it's gonna be another unslaught of dragging his name through the mud. It seems the bad press will never stop for him.
:( I'm scared too, but it's only a matter of time that that we have to face it. Yeah, hopefully we'll get some answers... but one that is on track with the Jackson family's autopsy too... they did that for a reason to make sure nobody messes things up.
I glad that they did that. All I want at the moment is some actual facts instead of just rumors and speculation. I am not scared but you can´t tell it like it is before you actuallly know what it is. What I do hope is that the media will stick to facts once they have them and not make it sound worse than it is.
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I am ready for this report. I believe the Jacksons have the results of the secord and that is why Latoya is talking.

Yeah they probably really do have it already. Apparently it only takes 2 weeks for private.

I believe it caused Michael extreme anxiety and he gave out. We know how he feels about touring it was very stressfull for him.

Well no, he wouldnt have died from anxiety! It was almost certainly medications as the cause of death. Extreme stress might kill a frail 90 year old or 100 year old, but not a healthy 50 year old man, at least not directly kill.
There are to many things that just dosn´t make sence at the moment. Some people say that MJ only wanted to do 10 shows but Randy Philips was talking about a potential 3 year contract even before the tickets was released and MJ must have known that. Also Dr Thome Thome said in dec that he was finalicing negociations for both a world tour and other things. It is very easy to say that MJ said certain things now when he can´t deny it himself. All I heard the Jacksons say during the spring was that they were hoping for some kind of Jackson 5 reunion. Tito said that and said somewere in his heart there is a spade.
Randy Phillips shouldn't be blamed for this. If it was Diprivan and from what La Toya is saying it may well have been then the blame rests with whoever gave it to him.

OK so unless Michael was held down and forced to take it, he has some responsibility as any person abusing drugs, and if he own family are saying there was a long history then we have to face up to it that he was, and love and understand him anyway.

But no matter how much he begged for them, the person injecting him killed him, no difference between a syringe and a gun in my book.
LOS ANGELES - The mystery of Michael Jackson's sudden death could be solved as early as next week.

"Hopefully we'll have something to report at the end of next week," said Ed Winter, assistant chief coroner for Los Angeles County. "We're still on track."

The official report should help resolve speculation that's become as dizzying as the King of Pop's signature spins.

Jackson, 50, went into cardiac arrest June 25 after his doctor said he found him unconscious in bed with a faint pulse.

Investigators later found prescription drugs and a personal stash of the surgery-strength sedative Diprivan, known generically as propofol, at Jackson's rented Bel Air mansion.

Meanwhile, sources questioned reports that Debbie Rowe had reached a custody arrangement with Katherine Jackson, the temporary court-approved guardian and grandmother to Michael's three kids.

A source said Rowe remained concerned about Joe Jackson's influence over the children considering Michael's rocky relationship with his father.

"[Joe Jackson] is a factor," a source told the Daily News. "That's part of it. And every time something has concerned her, she's gone back to do something.

"It's not like she didn't want to be a mom, but she thought: 'If Michael is there as a loving dad and they're safe, why disturb that situation?' But now the kids have lost their father, and it's not a pretty situation."

Joe Jackson told ABC he wants to help raise Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11, and Blanket, 7, so they can "grow up to be strong Jacksons."

He also told ABC that Michael wasn't up to completing the 50-show comeback tour that was scheduled to kick off yesterday. He said Michael told him he only agreed to 10 dates.

Longtime financial manager Leonard Rowe said ***** hired him in March to renegotiate the tour's timeline so he'd only do two shows a week.

AEG Live disputes that claim, saying Jackson originally agreed to 31 shows and then extended the run to 50 based on overwhelming demand.

"He told us he was also motivated by the opportunity to establish a record to be entered into the Guinness Book of World Records for the run he was about to embark on," AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips said in a statement.

I'm sure they all have had enough time to rehearse their scripts. There will of coarse be MASSIVE media coverage on this.(As they are the script writers)

Will the Jackson's second Autopsy reveal anything different?
Will it conveniently be ignored of relegated to the tabloids(this is the media's private inside joke on MJ) like Latoya's statements?


Processing information is not thinking; actual thinking goes beyond the Media's next edict.

i swear some people are in COMPLETE DENIAL . Michael died NOT from natural causes, it's as simple as that! Geeez!
im suspicious of the fact that the med disappears from ur blood in as little as ten minutes and it took thirty for the emts to be called