Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]

Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

This around I would advise everybody - PIRATE the documentary if you insist having to see it. For lords sake, DO NOT give HBO or whoever its broadcasting ratings. Any company broadcasting this slanderous stinking piece should be avoided.

I assume someones going to pirate it and make a full written transcript?

I actually do wonder if there's a chance of this leaking via BitTorrent before it premieres...
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Well, Geraldine Hughes saw it at sundance. And Taj has confirmed he is in contact with her. So Taj definitely is not completely in the dark. I am sure Taj and the estate knows as much as possible, having not seen it themselves.
I bet the spanish movie director who was in the podcast with Taj will have send him his copie of the film and he probobly saw LN already.
I relly hope that this did happen!
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

we know about the first 45 min sets up how they met Michael than the remainder 3+ hours is descriptive story telling and excusing why they lied about it for so many years.
This is the best info we have about the documentary from Marcos Cabotá on the MJCast:

Host: We might hand over to Marcos and get a little bit of a rundown on the film ‘Leaving Neverland’ he has seen. Marcos was not at the Sundance festival to see the film – it was sent to his film distribution company and this is how he got to see the entire ‘documentary’. Marcos, can you give us a bit of a rundown on things that the film includes and how you as a filmmaker view this film and its effect?

8:45 MARCOS: Okay. Like two weeks ago, or ten days ago, I don’t remember, my distribution company called me that they had received a film ‘Leaving Neverland”. Actually they were a little worried. This distribution company distributes my films and my next film is not a Michael Jackson documentary [but about Bruce Swedien] and they called me and said, “Maybe you should see this because this could be a problem”. So I went to their offices and sat down in front of a computer and I watched the whole movie and I couldn’t believe what I saw.

What the director has done in this movie is that he builds up the first part of the movie very very good, and it’s very credible. The first part of the movie is how James and Wade met Michael. You have to think that meeting Michael Jackson is something quite unique. Not everybody has had the luck to meet the man. So when you are watching a movie where two kids, two normal kids have the luck to meet Michael it is already like magical.

They tell you this for like half an hour or 45 minutes, they explain to you how these kids met Michael. And they are showing you pictures of the kids with Michael – Michael with the kids in their home, like very relaxed pictures on the sofa with family, and you as a spectator you are like – oh, my God, how lucky they’ve been!

So you are slowing getting into their world. You trust them, you believe them, because you see the evidence – because yes, they’ve met Michael Jackson. And that’s quite unique.

And when they have captured you in this way, when they have you like “now you are in my world, you are now in a magical world, you see I met Michael, you see my pictures with Michael. Now I am going to start saying other stuff”.

And that’s why I couldn’t find it credible, that stuff. Because it was like a very nice movie about two kids meeting Michael, first one and then the other, and then suddenly they start talking about abuse, they start saying those nasty things that I cannot even reproduce. Descriptions, descriptions, descriptions of so many horrible things, you wouldn’t imagine.

I couldn’t believe a word of them. I saw clearly what the director was doing. When you want to say a lie first you have to say the truth. The first 35 minutes of the documentary is all truth, so you believe everything and from then on you have to believe everything they say. When the 35-45 minutes were over, it’s when lies began. I couldn’t believe a word of what they said.

What Dan Reed has done is a very credible 35 minutes beginning of the story and very nice too, so when they get you trapped, now the lies begin.

12:00 HOST: So basically he’s gained the audience trust and then…

12:05 MARCOS: Exactly! Because you like those kids. For the first 35 minutes you liked them, you want to be like them, you want to be their friends, you think how lucky they’ve been and how incredible was Michael. They talk about Michael and say that he is a great guy, so it is a very nice, nice atmosphere. And after that it turns like 180 degrees and the bad thing starts.

12:35 HOST: Also the first 35 minutes which is the wonderful stuff and all those photos is another reason why you trust and believe them, because it’s all real, easily provable, there is evidence for all of that. So they have evidence of all those stories – why would you then doubt the rest?

12:55 MARCOS: Exactly. That’s the trick, that’s the trick of the film. The 35 minutes are all true – so now you believe the rest, the other 3 hours. That’s what they’ve done.

13:05 HOST: So Marcos, when you get into the second half of the film when the allegations are coming out and they detail the allegations that are horrible lies around sexual acts, does Dan Reed attempt to put in any evidence, like other evidence around at all or is it just the stories of the guys?

13:25 MARCOS: No, no. Just the stories, there is no evidence. Zero evidence. There are some faxes and some autographs, and Michael saying “I love you”, “I miss you”, but that’s not evidence to me. That’s not evidence of sexual abuse.

Host: Taj, you’ve found some letters that you’ve mentioned before. Marcos, you mentioned that in that documentary all they have is some faxes. Was there anything else other than faxes?

24:20 MARCOS: No. Nothing else. The big part of their accusations are descriptions. So when you are watching the film, the film is description, description, description. They say all these horrible things that supposedly happened. And you really feel bad. You feel bad because you don’t want to hear all those bad words, not because you are believing what they are saying.

If I do a three hour documentary saying that the Earth is flat someone will probably believe that the Earth is flat. And this is a documentary where for three hours and a half these two guys are saying horrible things. They describe horrible situations in hotel rooms, in Neverland and it’s quite sick, it is really, really sick. So this is like the strong part of the movie, the descriptions. But there is no evidence. Zero evidence. And there is only one side of the story. There is no one saying the other part of the story or trying to fight them back. This is not good professional work.

Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

They say this because there was found bleaching products in his room after he died and because of an interview where Kathrine said something which people missinterpreats.
For myself I'm not sure if he used bleaching products maybe after the LWMJ- Documentary to cover up his skin desease in some areas. I whould love to be sure about this subject.

It was documented that mj used benoquin which is prescribed to people with is used to try to even out the discoloured areas. It is a documented fact that mj had vitiligo. And also that prince has it. Why some of you bother with radar articles is beyond me. Its like following the national enquirer!.
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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I will not waste 4 hours of my life watching this nonsens... I'd rather spend the 4 hours with my son and wife having a good time.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

You would have to be a masocist to wanna watch that. There will be enough info on the boards etc from those who watch inorder to debunk the lies. So you can use that. And as others say if it mainly focuses on trying to explain their lies then maybe we already know the full details already.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

You would have to be a masocist to wanna watch that. There will be enough info on the boards etc from those who watch inorder to debunk the lies. So you can use that. And as others say if it mainly focuses on trying to explain their lies then maybe we already know the full details already.

The only reason to watch it is so that we can be fully prepared with rebuttal information when we need to defend MJ in discussions.
You can't do that if you don't know the specifics of that was said, and even the context.

Having said that, we already have a good idea of what will be said because we have access to the legal documents.

Didn't somebody post on here their notes from the sundance viewing? I thought I saw them somewhere. Maybe it was another site.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

One of the biggest swedish newspapers today printed the radaronlines story about Michaels "body to be dug up from his tomb"

I sent them the estates response letter and asked them to include it if they were set to publish such rubbish and keep it. I also asked them if they just translate and publish anything without checking any facts!

Thats the way it seems, the swedish media translates the most SHOCKING details and publish it without fact checking, just sites the original source. Unreal...
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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

The only reason to watch it is so that we can be fully prepared with rebuttal information when we need to defend MJ in discussions.
You can't do that if you don't know the specifics of that was said, and even the context.

Of course i agree. But as i said theres gonna be enough ppl who will watch and then post info that others can use. Dont push yourself to watch it and the anger upset it may cause as if its the only way you will find out info etc.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

One of the biggest swedish newspapers today printed the radaronlines story about Michaels "body to be dug up from his tomb"

I sent them the estates response letter and asked them to include it if they were set to publish such rubbish and keep it. I also asked them if they just translate and publish anything without checking any facts!

Thats the way it seems, the swedish media translates the most SHOCKING details and publish it without fact checking, just sites the original source. Unreal.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

This whole thing of '' mjs body being exhumed'' is aload of rubbish theres no way they can find evidence on a dead body theres no way especially when its been 10 years mikes body will be so decompsed that there will no dna in it whatsoever. I dont understand how media ppl are so dumb that they cant figure that out
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Well, Geraldine Hughes saw it at sundance. And Taj has confirmed he is in contact with her. So Taj definitely is not completely in the dark. I am sure Taj and the estate knows as much as possible, having not seen it themselves.

One of the fans at the Sundance screening said that Estate reps attended. So they have seen it.

I bet the spanish movie director who was in the podcast with Taj will have send him his copie of the film and he probobly saw LN already.
I relly hope that this did happen!

Commercial companies don't give out copies of their films at premieres. (Marcos attended the screening at Sundance)

This whole thing of '' mjs body being exhumed'' is aload of rubbish theres no way they can find evidence on a dead body theres no way especially when its been 10 years mikes body will be so decompsed that there will no dna in it whatsoever. I dont understand how media ppl are so dumb that they cant figure that out

Ancient DNA is regularly studied. Here (below) is an article about tracing neanderthal DNA.
DNA can also be analysed from embalmed bodies, after long periods of time. 10 years is 'no time' in DNA analysis.

I don't want to get into a discussion about preservation of bodies, as this would be both disrespectful and inappropriate on this thread.
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Lightbringer;4241114 said:
This is the best info we have about the documentary from Marcos Cabotá on the MJCast:


Ah, so this is how he's gonna try to hook people in. First let it be all positive about MJ with photos and everything (makes me wonder if W&S talk at all in the first part or if this is where Dan Reed explains it all how they met MJ) and then when that is done, make a 360 into a disgusting and totally different story full of disgusting stories and lies. Quite manipulative actually.

Yeah I can definitely see plenty of people being gullible enough and falling for this. Even more so if they aren't aware of the background story of these two AT ALL!
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

One of the fans at the Sundance screening said that Estate reps attended. So they have seen it.

Commercial companies don't give out copies of their films at premieres. (Marco attended the screening at Sundance)

Ancient DNA is regularly studied. Here (below) is an article about tracing neanderthal DNA.
DNA can also be analysed from embalmed bodies, after long periods of time. 10 years is 'no time' in DNA analysis.

I don't want to get into a discussion about preservation of bodies, as this would be both disrespectful and inappropriate on this thread.

It has been merely the tabloids that came with this story about DNA and digging up his body right? Nothing but the tabloids, correct? They are sick minded with their own sick fantasies and fabricated stories. There's nothing that goes too far for them. May they all burn in hell.
MJTruth;4241130 said:
The only reason to watch it is so that we can be fully prepared with rebuttal information when we need to defend MJ in discussions.
You can't do that if you don't know the specifics of that was said, and even the context.

Having said that, we already have a good idea of what will be said because we have access to the legal documents.

Didn't somebody post on here their notes from the sundance viewing? I thought I saw them somewhere. Maybe it was another site.

There is no reason to watch that trash. I wouldn’t be able to watch those liars without breaking my TV screen. We already know the disgusting lies they will tell. Their script comes straight from the pages of NAMBLA advocate, Victor Guitterez.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

It has been merely the tabloids that came with this story about DNA and digging up his body right? Nothing but the tabloids, correct? They are sick minded with their own sick fantasies and fabricated stories. There's nothing that goes too far for them. May they all burn in hell.

Yes, it goes with all the mud they sling about 'skin whitening', 'no hair', false nose', etc etc. As the Estate Atty letter says, we have to wonder 'which asylum this insider is in' (and that goes for all of these tabloid reporters. They spend their lives writing twisted stories from twisted minds for twisted purposes.)
myosotis;4241139 said:
Commercial companies don't give out copies of their films at premieres. (Marco attended the screening at Sundance)

Well, Marco himself claimed he did NOT see it at sundance but in the office of his production company. Remember Oprah viewed it on her luxury yacht. So they do send it out to certain people!
"Okay. Like two weeks ago, or ten days ago, I don’t remember, my distribution company called me that they had received a film ‘Leaving Neverland”. Actually they were a little worried. This distribution company distributes my films and my next film is not a Michael Jackson documentary [but about Bruce Swedien] and they called me and said, “Maybe you should see this because this could be a problem”. So I went to their offices and sat down in front of a computer and I watched the whole movie and I couldn’t believe what I saw."
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I thought they Estate WAS at the screening?
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

One of the biggest swedish newspapers today printed the radaronlines story about Michaels "body to be dug up from his tomb"

I sent them the estates response letter and asked them to include it if they were set to publish such rubbish and keep it. I also asked them if they just translate and publish anything without checking any facts!

Thats the way it seems, the swedish media translates the most SHOCKING details and publish it without fact checking, just sites the original source. Unreal.

I sent the pod pirates in Neverland to them and two other big Swedish newspapers some time last week. Disappointing indead...
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Well, Marco himself claimed he did NOT see it at sundance but in the office of his production company. Remember Oprah viewed it on her luxury yacht. So they do send it out to certain people!

Thank you for reminding me about the production company. I had mis-rememberd that he went to Sundance (My Apologies). And he doesn't have a copy of the film, as he needed to go to the production Co. offices to see it? So I don't think he would be able to send a copy to Taj?

I think the Geffen yacht screening for Oprah is different. I get the impression that these people are all 'in it together' as influencers with HBO and Channel 4. I've no doubt at all that HBO have shared the film widely among such 'influencers'. :(
f I do a three hour documentary saying that the Earth is flat someone will probably believe that the Earth is flat. And this is a documentary where for three hours and a half these two guys are saying horrible things. They describe horrible situations in hotel rooms, in Neverland and it’s quite sick, it is really, really sick. So this is like the strong part of the movie, the descriptions. But there is no evidence. Zero evidence. And there is only one side of the story. There is no one saying the other part of the story or trying to fight them back. This is not good professional work.

To me, this is even more lies by these clown. First of all, if it was this was this much "descriptions" as they are lying in the moving, the way MJ was investigated even by the FBI, REAL EVIDENCE WOULD HAVE BEEN FOUND. That is how you know this is a lie. Also, if these lies were true or suspected, the judge in the law suits would have allowed it to go to trial just to be heard regardless to statue of limitation but they got NONE OF IT. I am dealing with this in the court of law where it matters which this trash was not done. In a documentary, ANYONE can say anything. Again, this trash will be dissected. And wait, don't they supposed to suffer from "repressed memory"? Give me a break.
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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Thank you for reminding me about the production company. I had mis-rememberd that he went to Sundance (My Apologies). And he doesn't have a copy of the film, as he needed to go to the production Co. offices to see it? So I don't think he would be able to send a copy to Taj?

I think the Geffen yacht screening for Oprah is different. I get the impression that these people are all 'in it together' as influencers with HBO and Channel 4. I've no doubt at all that HBO have shared the film widely among such 'influencers'. :(

I agree, unless Taj is playing poker, he has not seen or have access to the film. I hope he has though. But since the estate and geraldine hughes has seen it at sundance, at least he should be informed pretty well. I assume the person or persons from the estate PAID VERY CLOSE attention to everything that happened in the movie - in preparation for their 10 page letter, right+

Hey. Dont forget that HBO wants to sell the film all over the world, they could only fit in a small people at sundance. So they probably sent it out to some other countries that were not present at sundance. Thats my best guess.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I sent the pod pirates in Neverland to them and two other big Swedish newspapers some time last week. Disappointing indead...

Thanks. Thats good. But I doubt anyone there cares to listen even 5 minutes, let alone 3 hours. They just dont care and want clicks, so they just translate ANYTHING and put it out there ASAP without having a clue whether the information is correct or not. They also translate very badly, I assume that means they do it very quickly and sloppy. If not, then they have problems understanding and translating english properly.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I think the Geffen yacht screening for Oprah is different. I get the impression that these people are all 'in it together' as influencers with HBO and Channel 4. I've no doubt at all that HBO have shared the film widely among such 'influencers'. :(
I agree. This is an orchestrated media campaign, disguised as 'moral high ground' opinion of several 'influencers' pretending to be independent.

I guess it's the only way to advertise something that is so unfounded, get a paid chorus to repeat the same thing ad nauseum, strictly inducing emotions only instead of thinking. And sadly it works, many would think there must be some credibility to it then, not realising they didn't read any facts just mere opinion, from people with a hidden agenda.

It's actually an exploitation of real abuse cases and real victims for ratings.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Thank you for reminding me about the production company. I had mis-rememberd that he went to Sundance (My Apologies). And he doesn't have a copy of the film, as he needed to go to the production Co. offices to see it? So I don't think he would be able to send a copy to Taj?

This is why you shouldn't state things as a matter of fact when you don't know.
SeeingVoices;4241094 said:
Just out of interest - does anyone else here intended on NOT watching this 'documentary' when it airs? I'm reluctant to invest 4 hours of my time on this nonsense, however with the same token I feel like I'll be ill prepared when challenged..

Never. I won’t, not even if it goes on air every day for a year, I feel sick just talking about it, actually I’m hoping for a resounding flop.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Just read an article saying Michael died in 2007 and an impersonator was used afterward. This one and the 'he punched bubbles in the face' have me rolling in laughter.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

This whole thing of '' mjs body being exhumed'' is aload of rubbish theres no way they can find evidence on a dead body theres no way especially when its been 10 years mikes body will be so decompsed that there will no dna in it whatsoever. I dont understand how media ppl are so dumb that they cant figure that out

It is rubbish but I have watched forensic shows that dig up 10-20 year old bodies and solve crimes from it.. that said it's usually the victim the dig up, there is nothing (that I can think of) they could find on/in Michael to make any difference.. they (I could throw up thinking about it) didnt leave his body as is!?! Idk how to word that in a non invasive way.