CONFIRMED - New Music released under SONY/EPIC

Michael finished 4 songs with, he did 2 complete songs with Akon plus 7-8 additional demos or "pieces" of songs but these are not complete. He also finished 2 songs given to him by Ne-Yo, and had several incomplete demos written by Ne-Yo. He was also working with other producers as well and apparently has 3-4 other songs written and composed by him that were recorded between 2006-2008 and are 100% complete. This would mean his "new" album would contain about 10 songs of new material. Sony may add in some demos, or incomplete verses to the CD, or include some unreleased material recorded in the 2001-2003 time frame.

How do you know this? What is your source? Just curious.
my opinion is this, mj was not like any other artist. he would prob do loads of demos and record a vast amount of songs. remmber like any artist,u never stop doing what u do best.

i recon mj has tones off unheard songs.

id have loved to hear the song starlight finished. imagine it came on in a club,every1 would be wtf,is tht thriller lol "STARLIGHT SUN!"
Really great news! :D That would be awesome. Thanks for posting.
How do you know this? What is your source? Just curious.

I have been talking with two Sony executives via email and phone over the past week. They have asked to not be named as of right now, but what I can tell you is that Sony fully plans on releasing NEW Jackson material this year. (2009). What they did not say is whether it will be a full out new album, or just singles.
I want to see some concert footage of MJ,and some of his tracks that didn't make his older albums
I dont think any of us would think of a new album being as simply being a cash in due to his passing.
MJ would have wanted the album to be released and we also have 2 unseen music videos from MJ to be released.

What videos?
one was made for the concerts . remember him being at the studio a month or 2 ago. dunno about any other
one was made for the concerts . remember him being at the studio a month or 2 ago. dunno about any other

Yeah...The "Dome Project"

Also, I believe the other unseen video is the 'One More Chance' video shot in 2003. It wasn't 100% completed, but there's 3 still images of the video shoot available. There's also a guy selling the footage (11 mins worth!) for $150 000 on Craigslist...:smilerolleyes:
I remember reading an article about this Amanda Ghost woman becoming the president of Epic. Not that long ago, just several months ago. She was an artist herself, so maybe this will have a positive effect on putting together the songs for the album. Of course, it might not have any direct effect, but it's much better to expect careful consideration from an-artist-turned-CEO than Tommy Mottola's in the music biz. You know what I mean?...
Michael finished 4 songs with, he did 2 complete songs with Akon plus 7-8 additional demos or "pieces" of songs but these are not complete. He also finished 2 songs given to him by Ne-Yo, and had several incomplete demos written by Ne-Yo. He was also working with other producers as well and apparently has 3-4 other songs written and composed by him that were recorded between 2006-2008 and are 100% complete. This would mean his "new" album would contain about 10 songs of new material. Sony may add in some demos, or incomplete verses to the CD, or include some unreleased material recorded in the 2001-2003 time frame.
To be honest, I don't really like Michael's music which isn't his own style. And I'm kind of scared these songs aren't his but more their styles. Like the Thriller 25th Anniversary album, it was too "Urban" if you ask me. It didn't fit Michael. So I really hope they keep it more "Michael Jackson" than they make it "" or "Neyo".
To be honest, I don't really like Michael's music which isn't his own style. And I'm kind of scared these songs aren't his but more their styles. Like the Thriller 25th Anniversary album, it was too "Urban" if you ask me. It didn't fit Michael. So I really hope they keep it more "Michael Jackson" than they make it "" or "Neyo".

Yea i really didn't like the remixes on that album. I just want the album too pure MJ
I just hope that whatever songs come to light are ones that were fully finished and approved by Michael songs. He was such a perfectionist, I'd hate to think that in order to make a fast buck, we get new material that wasnt the finished product or songs that he would'nt have been happy to have released.
we also have stuff he recorded with kanye west t obe realised and i heard the " dome project " was a complete album he may of used it to give away with the concert tickets like prince did??
guys, the "dome project" is just the code-name for the video background montage for the scheduled THIS IS IT concerts
New Michael Jackson Songs Will Be Released

Published Friday, 10th July, 2009 at 10:48 AM

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New Michael Jackson material will be released by the singer's label, officials have confirmed.

Following his death on June 25, several artists - including Ne-Yo, and Akon - have revealed that ***** was sat on a wealth of unreleased songs.

Many fans feared the music would never see the light of day, but Amanda Ghost confirmed to BBC 6 Music that Jackson's label will make some of those recordings available.

"I have no idea when it's coming out, but it will come out on Sony/Epic." Ghost revealed. "We haven't made any decisions because we just want to be respectful for his memory and not be seen in any way as trying to cash in."

"The appetite is definitely there... If we do release anything of unreleased material, it has to be fantastic and it can't damage in any way his legacy or his legend and I won't let that happen at Epic."

She is President at EPIC Records

Thanks for the info and pls keep updating
Thanks for the news.

If everything goes right, it has the potential of being as big as Thriller.
I hope Bruce Swedien is involved in this project as he is the link between all the eras. Although didn't I read that Bruce said there weren't that many songs that didn't make the cut?

I'm guessing that Sony are actually running around headless trying to get this up and running as soon as possible in order to get singles out and number one for Christmas.

I just really hope it's a selection of the newer stuff, like a proper new album first and then a wonderful collection of demos and outtakes, rarities etc second. Or maybe a double album, but I'm certain they'd do two at least.

There were so many rumours about people MJ worked with in the past. Songs we know about like State of Shock with Freddie, but didn't he work on some material with the Bee Gees a few years ago too?

I think Sony should create a site or some sort of informational service where fans, musicians, etc can let them know about stuff they expect to be in Michael's vault so they can follow up the leads. The reason being is that Sony doesn't always put the right tracks on compilation CDs, cuts them short, or messes with them... I think the fan should be involved in this process.

Michael would want his music to live forever, and maybe he still has lots of surprises in store for us.... who knows?!

When I think about how desperate we wanted new music, it's almost ironic, that these awful events might mean we'll get to hear a lot more of it a lot sooner than we could ever have imagined. You only have to read about the book publishers rushing biographies out to know this.

Sony and AEG know they are sitting on an absolute goldmine. The charts prove what we knew all along.

Michael, like Freddie, and to a degree John Lennon, will be even bigger after his death than he ever was in life...

"No one can ever outsell Thriller" they'd say. We always knew that if someone ever could, it'd be Michael.

You ain't seen nothin' yet!
Sony will release when the rest of his other stuff goes down in sales. That way the new stuff will sell and his old stuff due to the new stuff will get a boost as well.

my prediction... around the time of his birthday.
I always had the believe Bad Tour Wembley will only be released after MJ left us...

We need to e-mail Sony and MJJ Productions about this!