Confirmed New Album Collaborations & Info/Quotes Part 2 (May 2008 onwards)

J5, you're making way too much sense, lol.
I think some fans just feel like they can sleep better at night if they know Michael is singing "pop" music. When you, me, and anybody who's been a Michael Jackson fan for more than 5 years can tell you unequivocately that dude's been rooted in R&B his whole life. Apparently, some fans think you have to look like Usher to sing R&B music. Why Michael looks like music royalty. He's too good to be fitted in the same category as a bunch of young black guys who have baggy jeans, tatoos, pierced ears, and bad attitudes. Right?
Pardon my sarcasm.


LOVE this post.
I hope its true . I,m getting real excited , come on michael we are waiting for the king.:clapping:
wow some ppl sure know how to be mean :unsure:

all i said and plz forgive me for annoying y'all so much is that michael's music doesnt have the same sound as the music of usher, destinys child, chris brown etc etc
thats what i meant when i said that im happy to know that michaels not taking the r&b turn (meaning the r&b of todays music industry) given the fact that hes collaborating with artists whose sound is todays r&b. anyway i think that some ppl like to argue just for the sake of it....
i never denied the points u guys made. we're all pretty much saying the same thing. but ur all too quick to start an argument when theres none really
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Michael's music should not be put in any genre. Yes, his music is basically pop music, as pop=popular but not pop="britney spears", "bublegum" pop music.
Michael's roots may be in R'n'B but he is not tied to his roots and that's what I like about him. He is an artists who doesn't let anything limit him. And most todays so called R'n'B songs are far from the 'good old' old school R'n'B.
A song like Give in to me, DS, Beat it could be considered as a rock song.
I often find Michael's albums in music store in "dance" category, which I don't like at all. How could you say that Will You be there or Childhood are dance songs?
People, let music be music don't chain it into a small box.
No it's just the fact you grouped R&B into a box...even today's R&B...when it isn't that way, is all. Then arguing against the fact that MJ always has been an R&B artist i'm not being arguable here. I'm just sayin my piece.
if u and some others here read my posts more carefully u'll see i didnt put r&b into any box and i never denied the fact that michael has always been an r&b/soul artist. i only pointed out how his sound is different than the today's r&b sound (which doesnt have mass appeal). blah!
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If u say that michaels always been r&b is no different than saying his music has the same sound as chris browns, ushers etc sounds which it doesnt.

This sentence to me sounds like both of those things...both denying he's R&B and putting R&B in a box. I'm sorry. Maybe I did misinterpret.
I own some of their material. They weren't too shabby for that time period, imo

I used to own their material. But then, I lost it. LOL. I was a huge fan of that group as well. :)

i think ppl are just happy to know that michaels sticking to pop and not taking an r&b turn like many artists nowadays (given the fact that hes collaborating with r&b/hip hop artists and producers)

What's wrong with R&B music? You make it sound as if R&B music is not as good as pop music used to be. MJ always done R&B music. I mean, what do you define R&B music? The fact that he is collaborating with a lot of urban artists tell me that MJ is going for his core root: urban music.

Apparently J5, Roxanne and a few others here don't know that.
After all, Michael is the King of "POP", right?
Sorry for the sarcasm, LOL!

Good one. Some people feel that too much "brown" isn't really good for Mickey. LOL. Some of his fans love to forget about the fact that all of his biggest hits were R&B music.

K well MJ's R&B sound has been appealing to POP culture which makes him popular. Not all R&B sounds like Usher LOLOLOLOL. Rhythm and Blues...thats what it is. Not all R&B sounds the same and not all Pop sounds the same. I mean if u wanna put MJ in a box, u can say all his stuff sounds like N'sync if u wanna categorize him in "generic" pop...just like R&B sounds like "usher" lol. MJ has been in R&B for a loooooooooooooooooong time. What is most of the Thriller album? R&B : Billie Jean...Thriller...Lady In My be mine.......all R&B that became popular...which made it pop too. MJ's always have been rooted in R&B, and he hasn't steered away from it. Even his more rockish songs have some R&B center in it. Give Into Me, Beat It, and Dirty examples. Yes he's made it more appealing to Hip Hop has become....there are hip hop songs that are pop, but that doesn't mean they aren't hip hop lol

Exactly. A lot of fans forget this about Michael. Also, MJ working with urban artists does not mean that he will become them because MJ knows his idenity. It means that he prefers to work with them or he likes what they offered him. When you really break it down, think about all of the producers that MJ has worked with throughout his music career: they all did urban music. From the people at Motown to Gamble and Huff to Q and Rod Temperton to Teddy to Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis to Rodney Jerkins and Dre and Vidal to now and Akon, Michael has always worked with the top producers of the urban music world. So, I asked myself at times, why do so many of his fans forget about this?

I think some fans just feel like they can sleep better at night if they know Michael is singing "pop" music. When you, me, and anybody who's been a Michael Jackson fan for more than 5 years can tell you unequivocately that dude's been rooted in R&B his whole life. Apparently, some fans think you have to look like Usher to sing R&B music. Why Michael looks like music royalty. He's too good to be fitted in the same category as a bunch of young black guys who have baggy jeans, tatoos, pierced ears, and bad attitudes. Right?
Pardon my sarcasm

Clapping hard. You are on point, my friend. Some fans really do think that if you do R&B it has to be sounding like R. Kelly or my man Usher. If MJ does hip hop, he has to wear his pants down and disrespect women in his music. I keep on telling fans that there are other forms of hip hop and R&B and they need to go an explore what those other forms are. Ignore the mainstream because in so many ways, it is manipulated and focus on what is not mainstream. Stop thinking that being an R&B singer/performer, you have to have sexy, nasty freaking songs in a CD. No, you don't. There are R&B artists like Musiq, Jill, Chrisste, etc. that do not do those type of songs. Fans got to stop thinking that in order to be an hip hop artist you have to cuss and disrespect people. No. There are people like Nas, Mos Def, the Roots even Kanye, that do not do that type of music. Michael is music royality, but also a grown man who makes his decisions and if he decides that he wants to work with whoever, then that is his decision. Great post.

A song like Give in to me, DS, Beat it could be considered as a rock song.

Then, what is the root of rock music? Rock and Roll which is known as "black music".

Look I see what you are saying that music and music at the end of the day. But there is nothing wrong with genres when trying to define music in a sense. I think that some fans who seem to be in denial about the fact that MJ's roots is R&B music needs to give it up. You are a fan of an R&B/Soul musician who happens to be the King of Pop and made the greatest selling CD ever. Live with it. :)
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I used to own their material. But then, I lost it. LOL. I was a huge fan of that group as well. :)

What's wrong with R&B music? You make it sound as if R&B music is not as good as pop music used to be. MJ always done R&B music. I mean, what do you define R&B music? The fact that he is collaborating with a lot of urban artists tell me that MJ is going for his core root: urban music.

Good one. Some people feel that too much "brown" isn't really good for Mickey. LOL. Some of his fans love to forget about the fact that all of his biggest hits were R&B music.

Exactly. A lot of fans forget this about Michael. Also, MJ working with urban artists does not mean that he will become them because MJ knows his idenity. It means that he prefers to work with them or he likes what they offered him. When you really break it down, think about all of the producers that MJ has worked with throughout his music career: they all did urban music. From the people at Motown to Gamble and Huff to Q and Rod Temperton to Teddy to Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis to Rodney Jerkins and Dre and Vidal to now and Akon, Michael has always worked with the top producers of the urban music world. So, I asked myself at times, why do so many of his fans forget about this?

Clapping hard. You are on point, my friend. Some fans really do think that if you do R&B it has to be sounding like R. Kelly or my man Usher. If MJ does hip hop, he has to wear his pants down and disrespect women in his music. I keep on telling fans that there are other forms of hip hop and R&B and they need to go an explore what those other forms are. Ignore the mainstream because in so many ways, it is manipulated and focus on what is not mainstream. Stop thinking that being an R&B singer/performer, you have to have sexy, nasty freaking songs in a CD. No, you don't. There are R&B artists like Musiq, Jill, Chrisste, etc. that do not do those type of songs. Fans got to stop thinking that in order to be an hip hop artist you have to cuss and disrespect people. No. There are people like Nas, Mos Def, the Roots even Kanye, that do not do that type of music. Michael is music royality, but also a grown man who makes his decisions and if he decides that he wants to work with whoever, then that is his decision. Great post.

Then, what is the root of rock music? Rock and Roll which is known as "black music".

Look I see what you are saying that music and music at the end of the day. But there is nothing wrong with genres when trying to define music in a sense. I think that some fans who seem to be in denial about the fact that MJ's roots is R&B music needs to give it up. You are a fan of an R&B/Soul musician who happens to be the King of Pop and made the greatest selling CD ever. Live with it. :)

I swear Bee, if some folks here found out that they were fans of an R&B/Soul artist, they'd probably have a heart attack, pee their pants, and then run down the street screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
So I think it'd be best if we just let them live in their own little world filled with denial.
Great post by the way.

I swear Bee, if some folks here found out that they were fans of an R&B/Soul artist, they'd probably have a heart attack, pee their pants, and then run down the street screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
So I think it'd be best if we just let them live in their own little world filled with denial.
Great post by the way.

Dawg, you ain't lying. I mean, don't be shocked when they come on here flipping out and mess of that nature. I think we should just let them be before I or you get "in trouble". LOL. Thanks for the props.
I swear Bee, if some folks here found out that they were fans of an R&B/Soul artist, they'd probably have a heart attack, pee their pants, and then run down the street screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
So I think it'd be best if we just let them live in their own little world filled with denial.
Great post by the way.

Yep! He sure is R&B/Soul first and foremost. He's also the Pied Piper. Wherever he goes his diverse fan base follows.

Don't worry about those that are gripping about the choices that he's making without their permission. They're going to follow him anyway just like they followed him to BET via their television sets and the Internet when he appeared on there, and just like they followed him to Ebony Magazine. LOL

Shoot, there were some here complaining about him doing songs with Akon and what did those same complainers do later? They YouTubed themselves some "Hold My Hand" every chance they got! LOL

See, this is why it's best not to try and control Michael Jackson. When people do this they only drive themselves up the wall. He's gonna do what he wants to do regardless of what anyone says. If he wants to sing R&B, he's gonna sing R&B. If he wants to sing Rock, he's gonna sing Rock. If he decides to sing Opera, he's gonna sing Opera. If he decides to mix it all together and sing Brockera, he's gonna sing Brockera.

It's a lot easier when ya just follow and listen. And whatever you can't get into, just skip, even if it means skipping the entire album. It's a lot easier than trying to get MJ to skip his plans and bow down to demands. If you don't like the songs on this upcoming album, you can listen to his songs of the previous years or wait for another one. Then, there's always that choice of not waiting at all. There are many options to chose from, but controlling Michael Jackson is not one of them. You will drive yourselves nuts tryin'.
This sentence to me sounds like both of those things...both denying he's R&B and putting R&B in a box. I'm sorry. Maybe I did misinterpret.

maybe we both misinterpreted each other. when i initially said that michaels not r&b i meant todays r&b. when i noticed that it confused some i made it more clear by adding "todays" in front of "r&b". so u see my early posts stating "r&b" and my later ones "todays r&b" exactly because i saw how ppl didnt get that i meant r&b as we all know it nowadays. when i refer to r&b and put names of nowadays artists/producers next to it i always mean "todays" r&b. so when i said that im happy to find out michaels not taking an r&b turn given the fact that hes collaborating with r&b artists (of todays music) i thought everyone would know i was referring to todays r&b. when i said that i was wrong about that i made it more clear.
anyway i think i nailed my points on this topic and its getting real boring ....

I swear Bee, if some folks here found out that they were fans of an R&B/Soul artist, they'd probably have a heart attack, pee their pants, and then run down the street screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
So I think it'd be best if we just let them live in their own little world filled with denial.
Great post by the way.

err what ? :blink:
He's also the Pied Piper.

No offense, but that story was creepy. Just saying.

Anyway, I agreed with what you stated.
maybe we both misinterpreted each other. when i initially said that michaels not r&b i meant todays r&b. when i noticed that it confused some i made it more clear by adding "todays" in front of "r&b". so u see my early posts stating "r&b" and my later ones "todays r&b" exactly because i saw how ppl didnt get that i meant r&b as we all know it nowadays. when i refer to r&b and put names of nowadays artists/producers next to it i always mean "todays" r&b. so when i said that im happy to find out michaels not taking an r&b turn given the fact that hes collaborating with r&b artists (of todays music) i thought everyone would know i was referring to todays r&b. when i said that i was wrong about that i made it more clear.
anyway i think i nailed my points on this topic and its getting real boring ....
Today's R&B music really isn't all that bad and today's R&B artists aren't either. Today's R&B artists are still very entertaining. I'd rather have them around than no one singing at all.

I think what's going on with today's R&B music have a lot to do with rap music. Don't get me wrong and don't misread what I'm saying. I love me some rap music and will dance to it just like I will dance to anything else. Rap came into my life while I was in high school. I was getting down to some Sugar Hill just like I was getting down to some Michael J. The beat will always pull you in and make your body move. It's the beat that makes it hard to ignore rap songs. Plus, some of these rappers are good at making their words flow. Some are really good at rapping free style.

But, I think rap songs gradually spilled over into R&B. Before the rap explosion, R&B songs had fewer words and we were really able to get a feel of the R&B artists' singing abilities. After the rap explosion, many R&B artists' ability to show they can carry a tune kinda got lost because their songs became very wordy. If they would scale back the words and bring forth more of their singing, they will be able to get it all to come together again. They also need to bring back the instruments. Especially the horns. Rappers don't need all of this because they're mainly trying to get their words to flow to a nice beat--a funky beat. If singers go that route and start leaving out instruments, their songs will sound like it's missing something.

Did you all see how well Beyonce's song "Crazy In Love" did? She had those horns didn't she? Do you see how well Robin Thicke's new song is doing? He went and got the veterans that worked with MJ didn't he?

The music industry as a whole needs to work a little harder at pinpointing the cusp of R&B and rap so they can separate the two genres again. This way, R&B will once again be R&B, and rap will be rap. Right now, R&B has turned into a genre that has fused itself with rapping causing the R&B artists to hold back on their singing abilities so they can say more words.

Look at the lyrics of R&B songs before the rap explosion and then look at the lyrics of R&B songs after the rap explosion and you will see the increase in words.

There used to be a time when people didn't know that Beyonce can blow. They know now because she made sure people know. There used to be a time when Mariah would really blow, but she's been holding back lately. But, even while holding back, everyone knows Mariah has a voice. She showed everyone early on and can do it whenever she wants.

Once the music industry allows R&B to be what it really is, things will balance out. Until then, at least Michael Jackson knows that he doesn't have to wait for them to figure it out, or for anyone to give him the go-ahead. He can show them now, if he wants. Or, he can give them something they've never even heard before. He can go in whatever direction he chooses because he is good at many different things.

No offense, but that story was creepy. Just saying.

Anyway, I agreed with what you stated.
Glad you know I didn't mean it in a creepy way when I referred to MJ as the Pied Piper! :lol:

You're quick-witted.
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Yes I think people are so quick to label today's R&B music. Its far from great but it ain't THAT bad. U gotta pick & chose.
maybe we both misinterpreted each other. when i initially said that michaels not r&b i meant todays r&b. when i noticed that it confused some i made it more clear by adding "todays" in front of "r&b". so u see my early posts stating "r&b" and my later ones "todays r&b" exactly because i saw how ppl didnt get that i meant r&b as we all know it nowadays. when i refer to r&b and put names of nowadays artists/producers next to it i always mean "todays" r&b. so when i said that im happy to find out michaels not taking an r&b turn given the fact that hes collaborating with r&b artists (of todays music) i thought everyone would know i was referring to todays r&b. when i said that i was wrong about that i made it more clear.
anyway i think i nailed my points on this topic and its getting real boring ....

err what ? :blink:

I didn't stutter Roxanne, lol.

Today's R&B music really isn't all that bad and today's R&B artists aren't either. Today's R&B artists are still very entertaining. I'd rather have them around than no one singing at all.

I think what's going on with today's R&B music have a lot to do with rap music. Don't get me wrong and don't misread what I'm saying. I love me some rap music and will dance to it just like I will dance to anything else. Rap came into my life while I was in high school. I was getting down to some Sugar Hill just like I was getting down to some Michael J. The beat will always pull you in and make your body move. It's the beat that makes it hard to ignore rap songs. Plus, some of these rappers are good at making their words flow. Some are really good at rapping free style.

But, I think rap songs gradually spilled over into R&B. Before the rap explosion, R&B songs had fewer words and we were really able to get a feel of the R&B artists' singing abilities. After the rap explosion, many R&B artists' ability to show they can carry a tune kinda got lost because their songs became very wordy. If they would scale back the words and bring forth more of their singing, they will be able to get it all to come together again. They also need to bring back the instruments. Especially the horns. Rappers don't need all of this because they're mainly trying to get their words to flow to a nice beat--a funky beat. If singers go that route and start leaving out instruments, their songs will sound like it's missing something.

Did you all see how well Beyonce's song "Crazy In Love" did? She had those horns didn't she? Do you see how well Robin Thicke's new song is doing? He went and got the veterans that worked with MJ didn't he?

The music industry as a whole needs to work a little harder at pinpointing the cusp of R&B and rap so they can separate the two genres again. This way, R&B will once again be R&B, and rap will be rap. Right now, R&B has turned into a genre that has fused itself with rapping causing the R&B artists to hold back on their singing abilities so they can say more words.

Look at the lyrics of R&B songs before the rap explosion and then look at the lyrics of R&B songs after the rap explosion and you will see the increase in words.

There used to be a time when people didn't know that Beyonce can blow. They know now because she made sure people know. There used to be a time when Mariah would really blow, but she's been holding back lately. But, even while holding back, everyone knows Mariah has a voice. She showed everyone early on and can do it whenever she wants.

Once the music industry allows R&B to be what it really is, things will balance out. Until then, at least Michael Jackson knows that he doesn't have to wait for them to figure it out, or for anyone to give him the go-ahead. He can show them now, if he wants. Or, he can give them something they've never even heard before. He can go in whatever direction he chooses because he is good at many different things.

personally i love todays r&b music. i love hip hop/rap as well. but i know that not everyone can listen to it and enjoy it. its not popular worldwide. michaels music always been the type of music that everyone could enjoy no matter where they come from, no matter what taste in music they have etc etc. so i say keep it POP as always mike :D

I didn't stutter Roxanne, lol.


good for u :)
Here's the thing though, if you say that MJ's good at making things appealing world wide, what makes you think that if he were going to go into "today's R&B" (which he probably will cuz he always does lol)...thaat he won't make it appealing like he did every OTHER time he went into R&B of whatever time period he released an album?
hes already done "todays r&b" songs like "you rock my world" and made them sound POP.
so no i've never said that he cant make them appeal to a worldwide audience. as i previously stated michael can even take a gospel or a country song and make it sound pop. i was only concerned that if he collaborates with those artists/producers and if hes not in total charge of his projects then the songs might not have a very pop sound (which is clearly not the case here since the ppl who are collaborating with him have already said that the songs are "very pop". so we're just talking hypothetically here and im trying to answer ur question about what my previous concerns were). so i was just concerned about the influence those collaborators could have on his music and if they could change the sound of it. for instance u can notice how janets sound has changed over the years. it used to be more pop. it used to appeal to a wider audience.
thats all.
Pop is such a general term though, ANY THING can sound "pop". Usher is CLEARLY r&B but if you notice, he is a pop artist lol. Butterflies is Neo soul but was making its way to Pop standards. Most of dangerous was New Jack swing-- CLEARLY New Jack swing, and sounded like New Jack, but it was still pop. YRMW is clearly R&B too. so say MJ sang a song by Neyo that sounded like a Neyo song (like he did with R Kelly)'s still R&B, even if it gets popular & u slap the name POP on's still today's R&B. LOL that's what I think people R saying here...people R afraid to say it's still R&B. It still sounds like straight up R&B. Pop can sound like ANYTHING cuz ANYTHING can be popular.
yes its still r&B. who said any different ? in michaels case its popular r&b, soul, rock etc
why would ppl be afraid to say its r&b ? :blink: i dont get it :ermm:
Christian Audigier: The Nightclub at Treasure Island in Vegas
By Steve Friess
July 10, 2008

DESIGNER Christian Audigier was a few hours from opening his first nightclub last week, a swanky spread that looks out at the Las Vegas Strip from Treasure Island, but he was already moving past all that. He's got loftier plans.

Much loftier. An airline, in fact.

"It's going to be nice, comfortable, with nice waitresses and nice food, a cool drink and a nice movie," Audigier says, igniting one of three cigarettes laid out neatly for him by an assistant along with a yellow lighter. "I'm talking to different people. I'm not ready yet, but I'm going to do that."

Uh, OK. It's hard to comprehend how a fashion impresario -- even one responsible for the stunningly successful Von Dutch and Ed Hardy lines -- could pull off such an endeavor. Then again, as he explained this, he was sitting on the terrace of his eponymous nightclub. He also has a development deal to build a 36-story hotel with his name on it in Dubai.

So, really, who's to doubt the man at the center of one of the most meteoric rises in fashion history, a designer unknown to Americans a decade ago but who in May was regaled at his 50th birthday by the likes of clients Snoop Dogg, Fergie and Macy Gray? Michael Jackson showed up unexpectedly, declared Audigier the new King of Fashion and is now in talks for a Jackson-branded Audigier line.

"It's gonna be the new look of Michael, of course," Audigier says. "He's preparing a new album and a new tour, and I'm working on a collection to celebrate all the icons of rock, pop and funk. This is what I want to do in my collection for him."

After that, he says, clothing lines involving Madonna and Britney Spears may follow. In fact, the marriage between his clothes -- T-shirts emblazoned with elaborate and often Goth-inspired designs, going for more than $250 -- and the rock 'n' roll culture fits neatly into Audigier's earliest ambitions. He says as a teen he wanted to be Mick Jagger, and now, "Mick Jagger is wearing my clothes."

The nightclub makes Audigier the first designer to delve into the Vegas night life scene as an entrepreneur. He's partnered with Pure Management Group for a berth with an outdoor terrace facing Treasure Island's lagoon, where a pirate show takes place every 90 minutes. Inside, the space is tricked out with rhinestone-encrusted skulls and two 1,000-gallon tanks of 30 jellyfish each. The aim, he says, is "to instill a fashionable night life."

"When you're going into a club, you want to see sparkling and glitter and rhinestones," he says. "This nightclub opening is a big achievement for me, because having a nightclub in Vegas is not something I was dreaming in my life."

As Audigier moved about the place, two cameramen and a photographer tracked his every move, as they have for six years for a planned documentary he hopes to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May.

"This is really a success story, an American dream," says Audigier, who arrived unemployed in the U.S. in 2001. This year, his company is expected to gross $200 million in sales, and he owns homes in L.A., Miami, Paris and Brazil.

"I came to Los Angeles, and it was a struggle in the beginning. To put your mark on a line was very difficult, so I needed to do my own. Now look at where I am. It is amazing."

Steve Friess co-hosts the podcast "The Strip" at


Treasure Island Hotel-Casino, 3300 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Las Vegas

WHEN: Opens 10 p.m. Thursdays-Sundays

PRICE: Cover charge is $30 for men, $20 for women

INFO: (702) 894-7111,

Thanks to Marni at MaxJax!
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i think we're all basically saying the same thing and its annoying when some ppl (not u) dont hesitate to start a fight out of nowhere and start insulting others and being straight up mean and rude. like this post right here :

I swear Bee, if some folks here found out that they were fans of an R&B/Soul artist, they'd probably have a heart attack, pee their pants, and then run down the street screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
So I think it'd be best if we just let them live in their own little world filled with denial.
Great post by the way.


and this :crazy:

I think some fans just feel like they can sleep better at night if they know Michael is singing "pop" music. When you, me, and anybody who's been a Michael Jackson fan for more than 5 years can tell you unequivocately that dude's been rooted in R&B his whole life. Apparently, some fans think you have to look like Usher to sing R&B music. Why Michael looks like music royalty. He's too good to be fitted in the same category as a bunch of young black guys who have baggy jeans, tatoos, pierced ears, and bad attitudes. Right?
Pardon my sarcasm.


blah :bs: :brow:
You said that you rather MJ NOT go in the "today's R&B" route (which u classified as the Usher/CB group)...but the POP route. But Usher/CB is pop cuz theyre that's what I'm arguing about. In the way beginning u said that if I were to say Mj's always been an R&B artist, he'd be like Usher or whatever....and that POP would be better...I'm saying that anything can be labeled pop, it's a general term, and that at the root of it all Mj's always been an R&B artist. Even rock songs MJ's done has R&B roots, like i said before.
ok we're just going around in circles on here and im done with this cuz i have other stuff to do too. BEFORE the statement that mj's songs are very pop came out
i USED TO have some concerns that michaels sound was gonna be different. now i dont anymore. chris and usher are not very popular worldwide and not everyone can listen to their stuff. of course they can have 1 song out of 20 that can have a more pop sound. im talking about the majority. yes if michael was not in charge of his projects and those collaborators were then it would be very possible that his music would sound like usher's.
obviously thats not the case here.