Confirmed New Album Collaborations & Info/Quotes Part 2 (May 2008 onwards)

Michael is a perfectionist. He is picky about most things. Not all his musical projects come out though. I hope this one does.
Michael is a perfectionist. He is picky about most things. Not all his musical projects come out though. I hope this one does.
Yeah, didn't he almost cancel the production of Thriller? I heard from somewhere that he got really frustrated with it and almost threw in the towel.
But once he cooled down, he decided re-do the whole thing and ended up happy with it. I can't imagine the world today without that album!
So the world "if" scares me too because it reminds me that it has to meet Michael's standards and expectations and that's obviously not easy if an album like Thriller was almost scrapped. :angel:
But I believe that it will come out eventually. It sounds like he's working as hard on it as he did with Thriller, and if that's the case, then I would bet everything I have that it's going to be amazing!
To make this thread a lot more readable, could you edit your first post whenever there's a new quote to post so that they're all in one place. I really like this thread but it's severely mis-managed.
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I don't believe Ne-yo. He always stumbles on MJ. That last question about the new album, was about "The Year of the Gentleman", not Mj's and here's Ne-yo still crapping on about Mj. :lol: He's rehearsed his responses too much- his quotes are all very similar.

he's my fiance. :wub:

Maybe that is his intention. Maybe Michael would like everybody to guess what is going on on this project and he instruct the collaborators to do so too..

That is my point of view though.. :p
To make this thread a lot more readable, could you edit your first post whenever there's a new quote to post so that they're all in one place. I really like this thread but it's severely mis-managed.

lol i take offense to that haha no joke.
i spend a LOT of time managing this and the other one (there is a part 1 - that one got too full, needed to start a new one)
See it here...

only a quote from him saying that IF mike wants to involve him he will be STRAIGHT on board, but he is not sure if MJ is even serious about this album, and he has not heard from him yet... ill get it... not related to the album directly so i have not included it in original postings...
Riley doesn't exactly sound confident that Michael is taking the project seriously. The interview is only a few months old. Below is the Michael Jackson related exerpt: As an artist, what has been your greatest career achievement?

Teddy Riley: My biggest achievement was the "Hip-Hop Honors." I mean for me, the latest achievement. But, as far as making records, the Michael Jackson project. Speaking of Michael, is there any truth to the rumor that you are working on his highly anticipated return to the spotlight?

Teddy Riley: Well, I can only say I'm waiting. If it comes around, definitely. I have much, much, a lot of respect for Michael Jackson, so... and, he's my good friend. If he needs me, I'm there. If he doesn't... because a lot of people, they're with the producers who are now, and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I wish him the best in that area. I know what I can do, and everyone still says that he should do records with me and Quincy [Jones], and the real guys who make records. The thing about it is in this business, you can make records until you're 80. Quincy still has it, and he still has the resources to the best guys. He called me on the scene. So, I know what I can do being with Michael. I am still waiting, you know, to figure out if he's gonna really do this because a lot of people just don't think he's serious.

So, despite claims that he IS already working on or has already worked on the project, it doesn't seem as though he has.

Source: / Damien @ Maximum Jackson
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only a quote from him saying that IF mike wants to involve him he will be STRAIGHT on board, but he is not sure if MJ is even serious about this album, and he has not heard from him yet... ill get it... not related to the album directly so i have not included it in original postings...

Teddy has been saying that since MJ was in Bahrain. I guess MJ never called him, so he thinks MJ is not serious, since he (Teddy) is not involved with the MJ's new project.

Sounds a little like "sour grapes" to me. I mean, if MJ didn't call him, how does that equate to MJ not being serious. LOL!
Ne-Yo speaks on 91.5

Mocha: So, speaking of writing songs for a lot of people, I heard, and this might just be a rumour, but the one and only Michael Jackson asked you to work on his new album.

Ne-Yo: Yes it’s true; I’m working with him.

Mocha: How involved in the writing process are you, does he tell you what to write about?

Ne-Yo: Well, he didn’t go as far as to tell me what to write about but he told me what kind of music to write, like what genre, but he told me not to talk about it, no song descriptions no titles, just what he wants it to sound like.

Edelle: Well, he’s Michael Jackson.

Thanks to: Smoothcriminal12 for transcripting:)
thanks for the info and i don't expect him to be working with teddy riley anytime soon. teddy been done for years.
Damien, are you going to include what he said in the phone call about going to the studio or is that not clear enough to be included here?
Hi Damien,

This is my second post actually. I guess you're an authority regarding the new album Collabos and stuff. Could you please enlighten me regarding what Ne-Yo stated in Le Journal De Montreal that he met MJ a few months ago in New York. It seems a little weird since he had numerously stated that he's been submitting songs for the past two years.
judging from the new version of "the girl is mine" i believe michael has done some amazing wokr for the long waited new album!!!!!mike we cant wait for your new work!
The fact that Ne Yo mentioned a specific genre means that it isn't likely to be the standard R&B/pop we expect. Anyone want to take a guess? I'm betting the new album will be a modern take on disco. said that the album will be like off the wall for todays generation, so that idea seems to fit.
^ well did Ne-yo say a GANRE or 'type of song'... cuz that can mean many different things..

Type of song as far as???

overall feel??

What I picture Michael telling Ne-yo.. (considering what we have heard from and what we know OF Michael is..

"send me some songs that have great rhythem, just great feel songs with strong melodies. The type of songs everyone around the world can hum along to.."

I just see Michael askig them to create songs instramentally strong for todays standards, yet mantaining the melodies that will stay strong forever..

I think he's going for 'club bangers'.. When I say club bangers, I don't mean it in the same sence talked about.. I mean, songs that make people want to dance because the music drives them to it.. Not just 'hott' tracks..
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I agree with you, KOPV. I think Michael is looking for great melodies. And that is exactly what Off The Wall had. That is why that album was so good. I would love to see Michael release an updated OTW. I truly believe that Michael is going big with this album. He wants this album to be filled with number one hits. I can really see at least 3 number ones coming out of it. I can also see a handful of Grammies too.
Ne-yo was on TRL and spoke about michael but unfortunately I forgot what he said. Luckily TRL will rerun the episode tomorrow on MTV Hits so I can tape it.
^If you forgot it, he probably didn't say anything interesting :lol:
Michael has got a big opportunity in his hands which, as it shows, he is not going to waste and he's taking his time (BASTARD) to work on. I believe the album will be musically groundbreaking and it'll sound nothing like anything that has been done before. That's what he has always done and I'm sure he's gonna do it even better this time around. HE HAS TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

As far as i'm concern, I'm here waiting, and i'm sure not to miss it.
Michael take your time. I can wait.