Chris Brown does Moonwalk at Lil Waynes Tour...

it was a tribue and he is keeping the mj fever going by doing that people are remembering mike by talking about it

I think it was a good tribute but it was the moonwalk and somthing else with his upper body -i saw brit (bnd90 here) do the billie jeans routine yesterday and her mooonwalk was sooo great
I dont think Chris want to be the new Michael Jackson ? Listen to y r self. He just creates great music and are dancing very good in his performances .. search on youtube on "wall to wall".

Chris never said he is the new king of pop, he just happens to be inspired of Michael like all of them in the music buisness.

Michael said he was taught to forgive. I think we all should forgive chris .. he did wrong beating up rihanna but comeon.. his life is shit right now , so be understanding that he is human and regrets it deeply...
Seriously, Chris Brown's personal life aside, he is a huge MJ fan just like everyone on this board. If we could all sing and dance, I'm sure we'd all be trying to imitate Michael. He does it because he is a fan just like us. He throws his own style in there and keep in mind that he's not in leather soled shoes which makes a big big difference.

I am not a fan of Chris Brown in any way, but why bad mouth someone who is trying to pay tribute to his idol?

My beef is that - if you are going to make a tribute.... do it properly and right. It was an impromptu performance, he wasn't doing the moonwalk so don't call it a moonwalk, if you want to pay a tribute... do it properly.
also, its a little TOOOOOO SOOOOOON to compare anyone to MJ. To me, it is too soon for someone to get on the stage, do a 10 second awful imitation, then have his fans or others label him "young michael" or whatever they are saying.
I do know Chris is a fan of MJ. So are many artists. Just because an artist may be a fan of MJ, if they screw up , we can't comment????

How big of a MJ fan can you be, if you are on stage with Lil Wayne.... the a**hole who recently bashed MJ.
i didn't make this thread to bash chris brown, if people don't like him. thats upto them.

i made this thread for 1. didn't like his moonwalk and 2. people now thinking he's the new michael jackson.

i was a chris brown fan up until he beat rihanna. i don't agree with domestic violence. i'm sure people who say, we should forgive him...which is fair enough, we should but that doesn't mean it was ok. imagine if that was your sister or a family member? would you be so forgiving then? but regardless of that...i give him props for being a michael jackson fan and i hope he does keep his legacy alive.
i didn't make this thread to bash chris brown, if people don't like him. thats upto them.

i made this thread for 1. didn't like his moonwalk and 2. people now thinking he's the new michael jackson.

i was a chris brown fan up until he beat rihanna. i don't agree with domestic violence. i'm sure people who say, we should forgive him...which is fair enough, we should but that doesn't mean it was ok. imagine if that was your sister or a family member? would you be so forgiving then? but regardless of that...i give him props for being a michael jackson fan and i hope he does keep his legacy alive.

agree with u. We SHOULD forgive him but it was NOT okey to beat a girl.
Chris regrets it deeply, I think we should try forgive him .. im not saying it was OK of him to do what he did ..
I agree! Did you see the red shit with gold buttons(?) he was wearing on the video clip where he apologized for what happened ?
I was like - you are even trying to dress like MJ. For some reason there are certain style of clothing I associate with MJ. Definitely that shirt reminded me of MJ.

May be its just me.

i seem that hahaha im like wtf mj would wear that omg

It's pretty evident he's using MJ's death to redeem himself with the public.

i agreed

Chris "Breezy," the woman basher, goes beyond homage and borrows a little to liberally from Michael's repertoire for my liking. L'il Wayne recently made some unforgivable comments about Michael. Screw them both.

i cant believe lil wayne said that about mj i want to get wayne for that i cruss him out on twitter plenty times

Chris is so gorgeous and hot, as for Lil Wayne that homphobic ugly gremlin who attacked Michael after his death and then made this hideous song recently about beating women like slaves is an embarrassment to the music industry as a whole.

i know i heard that song lil wayne is an disgrace to the music world
i dont feel like c.brown shouldnt perform for lilwanye after that bastard made that song about mj and called him gay im am mad at chris for that
Noooo didnt like that Lol no one can do it better than Mj himself x
I think the whole appolgy was to be like Michael. Mike had no problem admiting his faults and proclaiming his innocence to the world on live TV. So Chris wanna wish he could mike just took a que off of mike.

Chris doing the moonwalk, picture that.

He will never replace Mike no one will. Piss me off that someone has the audacity to even try.

Advise to any artist who think they might be any where close as good as mike. Give it up. You just end up embarrassing your self.

Listening to Can U Feel It (I loveeeeee this song)
i dont feel like c.brown shouldnt perform for lilwanye after that bastard made that song about mj and called him gay im am mad at chris for that

What Lil wayne had the nerve to call Mike gay.

This bitch kisses men in the mouth.

Chris, shame shame on you.
I really wish people would stop trying to replace Michael. He is and will always be the King of Pop.

As far as Chris Brown, nothing about him impresses me.

Everything about Michael impresses me, that's saying a lot.
You guys are so fucking petty! Michael Jackson didn't even invent the moonwalk, its not even called the moonwalk and anyone can do it any way they want. Its bad enough there are "mj clones" but then when people do things their own way theirs something wrong with that.

I know if half you put up videos with your shitty moonwalks you'd all sit there typing

"That was so good"

"Michael would be so proud"

etc, so why jump on people that are succesful and only doing what Michael did?

Lets list some of the things MJ has "borrowed" shall we

The Moonwalk
The changing faces in Black or White
The smashing of the windows in the panther ending
The intro of dangerous
The theme of Smooth Criminal
Dancing on the bar in YRMW

The list goes on, you guys are just stuck up your asses too much and it gets right on my tits!

That is all.
You guys are so fucking petty! Michael Jackson didn't even invent the moonwalk, its not even called the moonwalk and anyone can do it any way they want. Its bad enough there are "mj clones" but then when people do things their own way theirs something wrong with that.

I know if half you put up videos with your shitty moonwalks you'd all sit there typing

"That was so good"

"Michael would be so proud"

etc, so why jump on people that are succesful and only doing what Michael did?

Lets list some of the things MJ has "borrowed" shall we

The Moonwalk
The changing faces in Black or White
The smashing of the windows in the panther ending
The intro of dangerous
The theme of Smooth Criminal
Dancing on the bar in YRMW

The list goes on, you guys are just stuck up your asses too much and it gets right on my tits!

That is all.

You have a point... but you dont need to be rude about it :)
Lil Wayne's a moron. Brown didn't do anything wrong here, though. Yeah the moonwalk wasn't the best but he's just having fun. It's not even his concert. Some of you guys rag on him literally because he is a fan of MJ lol. Oh the irony.

people now thinking he's the new michael jackson.

Nobody really thinks that. Maybe some 14 year old girls whose opinion no one takes seriously think that, but it's definitely not the general consensus or anything.
well Chris Brown has been called the "young MJ" for a pretty long time now.. Not only after that thing..

Now ofcourse Chris Brown is not even close to MJ.. I'm pretty sure Chris "Breezy" knows this too, as he's said it personally..
And the world know that too.. Its just something u say.. Cause his style in some point reminds of MJ

But I do believe that in the industry today, he is probably the best dancer after MJ right now..
He's my favorite artist after MJ..
I repeat he is not close to MJ but compared to the other artists today he is pretty good.

Think he did this pretty well though:

Not as smooth as MJ but still better than what u would expect..
Think he did this pretty well though:

Not as smooth as MJ but still better than what u would expect..

I agree good performance... but the difference is when you see Chris Brown dancing with backing dancers he is not as good as them, but when Michael Jackson did it he was wayy better.. as in you focussed on him not the other dancers.
Lil Wayne's a moron. Brown didn't do anything wrong here, though. Yeah the moonwalk wasn't the best but he's just having fun. It's not even his concert.

There's nothing to blame Chris for here. It's Lil Wayne who made the stupid, ill-informed, ridiculous, insensitive, ungrateful comment.

Calling Chris Brown the "new Michael Jackson." PLEASE, what has he ever done?
Damn Chris. Come on, you've done it a lot better than that before. Boy needs to get back to work, he's slacking.
New young Michael Jackson?
It's not because he's copying him that he is him.

If there would ever be a new Michael Jackson, it would not be because he's trying to act like Michael but because he's trying not to act like Michael. Michael was an innovator and that's what made him so special! A 'new Michael Jackson' would be someone who changes everything like Michael did.

I'm not sure I made that clear, hard to explain...
You guys are so fucking petty! Michael Jackson didn't even invent the moonwalk, its not even called the moonwalk and anyone can do it any way they want. Its bad enough there are "mj clones" but then when people do things their own way theirs something wrong with that.

I know if half you put up videos with your shitty moonwalks you'd all sit there typing

"That was so good"

"Michael would be so proud"

etc, so why jump on people that are succesful and only doing what Michael did?

Lets list some of the things MJ has "borrowed" shall we

The Moonwalk
The changing faces in Black or White
The smashing of the windows in the panther ending
The intro of dangerous
The theme of Smooth Criminal
Dancing on the bar in YRMW

The list goes on, you guys are just stuck up your asses too much and it gets right on my tits!

That is all.

Your tone is very aggressive and offensive - isn't this the exact judgmental tone you're posting against?

Chris Brown is a performer. His work will be critiqued. Comes with the territory.
JUST like if anyone here posted their own moonwalk, some people would not like it.

Also, some people in this thread have commended Chris Brown. The aspect of tribute is respected, even if individual reserve their own judgment on his dancing. Heck, some people here bagged out Mariah for her singing at the memorial! I don't agree with that, but they're allowed to do it without being told their head is stuck up their asses - as long as the intent of performance is respected.
First of all let me preface this by saying that I love the music Lil Wayne makes. Seriously. Lil Wayne is a groundbreaker when it comes to hip-hop. The dude is pretty original and unique and he's hot in the clubs because of that.

That said, Chris Brown's "moonwalk" as a tribute was weak. I know the moonwalk wasn't created by MJ originally (it was originated in breakdance circles) but still, as an MJ tribute, sh** can do better.

I'm split when it comes to Chris Brown. First of all, I used to love his vocal contributions on tracks I'd play in the club, but then with the whole Rihanna-beatin' situation....kinda changed my opinion on him and I played a lot less of his tracks in the club.

But then the new track with "The Game" called "Better On The Other Side"....damn...I didn't want to play any Chris Brown tracks in the club, but.....I played this one. I couldn't help it. And the 2nd week after MJ went on to be with God I played it in front of Hurricane Chris and the G-Spot Boys (who were partying at our club)...and they loved it. And the crowds since then have been feeling it too. Since then I've had more "open-ness" to Chris Brown.

But I'm still conflicted. I don't condone beating women. I have a beautiful wife who wouldn't condone his actions. And I know damn well that MJ wouldn't condone that s*** either. But "Better On The Other Side" is such a damn good song.

That said, Chris Brown's "moonwalk" should've been a hell of a lot better. Come on, Chris.......too busy beatin' on Rihanna to learn your steps? S***.......
wtf is all this Breezy sh*t about? :huh: Did I miss something?
What Lil wayne had the nerve to call Mike gay.

This bitch kisses men in the mouth.

Chris, shame shame on you.
exactly he kisses men in the mouth and stuff wtf

You guys are so fucking petty! Michael Jackson didn't even invent the moonwalk, its not even called the moonwalk and anyone can do it any way they want. Its bad enough there are "mj clones" but then when people do things their own way theirs something wrong with that.

I know if half you put up videos with your shitty moonwalks you'd all sit there typing

"That was so good"

"Michael would be so proud"

etc, so why jump on people that are succesful and only doing what Michael did?

Lets list some of the things MJ has "borrowed" shall we

The Moonwalk
The changing faces in Black or White
The smashing of the windows in the panther ending
The intro of dangerous
The theme of Smooth Criminal
Dancing on the bar in YRMW

The list goes on, you guys are just stuck up your asses too much and it gets right on my tits!

That is all.

You guys are so fucking petty! Michael Jackson didn't even invent the moonwalk, its not even called the moonwalk and anyone can do it any way they want. Its bad enough there are "mj clones" but then when people do things their own way theirs something wrong with that.

I know if half you put up videos with your shitty moonwalks you'd all sit there typing

"That was so good"

"Michael would be so proud"

etc, so why jump on people that are succesful and only doing what Michael did?

Lets list some of the things MJ has "borrowed" shall we

The Moonwalk
The changing faces in Black or White
The smashing of the windows in the panther ending
The intro of dangerous
The theme of Smooth Criminal
Dancing on the bar in YRMW

The list goes on, you guys are just stuck up your asses too much and it gets right on my tits!

That is all.

well, i dont care who invented it? ITS THE fact that he has done it better then anyone that ever came/and will ever come....

about that chris dude!! well never liked him even b4 his assault on rihanna...HE has NO quality, in dance or in i even have to mention his HORRIBLE vocals too!!? JUST look at his thriller tribute at WMa it sucked!! bobby brown would have done a better job lol..btw i compare him to bobby brown a lot....both r one hit wonders.
well Chris Brown has been called the "young MJ" for a pretty long time now.. Not only after that thing..

Now ofcourse Chris Brown is not even close to MJ.. I'm pretty sure Chris "Breezy" knows this too, as he's said it personally..
And the world know that too.. Its just something u say.. Cause his style in some point reminds of MJ

But I do believe that in the industry today, he is probably the best dancer after MJ right now..
He's my favorite artist after MJ..
I repeat he is not close to MJ but compared to the other artists today he is pretty good.

Think he did this pretty well though:

Not as smooth as MJ but still better than what u would expect..

his dancing is soo overrated tbh... he has nothing that stands out in the dance world...its just so easy to find street dancers even kids dancing the same as chris or even better...

and that thriller performance looked crap!...from the first move he did. like wtf! the feet shift and the hands moving is soo BAD..GET AN MJ IMPERSONATOR HE WOULD HAVE DONE IT FAAR BETTER... and his live singing is just ugh ugh ugh!!!!he couldnt even breathe after the routine.
When the king of Rock, Elvis, died, people wanted to replace him and now, that the king of Pop died they want to replace him too. No one was better than Elvis, and no one will be better than Michael. It's a waste of time...
And, in my point of view, Chris Brown doesn't sing well. He only dances in his performances, and that's not enough. Michael made everything, he really was a complete artist, and he was bigger than Elvis! In nowadays, artists just want luxury, money and that stuff and don't even have talent... It's just sad.