Chris Brown does Moonwalk at Lil Waynes Tour...

Seriously, Chris Brown's personal life aside, he is a huge MJ fan just like everyone on this board. If we could all sing and dance, I'm sure we'd all be trying to imitate Michael. He does it because he is a fan just like us. He throws his own style in there and keep in mind that he's not in leather soled shoes which makes a big big difference.

I am not a fan of Chris Brown in any way, but why bad mouth someone who is trying to pay tribute to his idol?
yeah some of you are seriously overreacting Tust me when I say that nobody will ever Match Michael in any talent department.
yea he is a fan,so what,this not his best moonwalk,lol and even doesn't look like moonwalk..and honestly I hate him..
Why are everybody hating Chris Brown. And YES he did a huge mistake but the man regrets it very much ?? he wants to pay tribute to his insperation and king , Michael Joeseph Jackson, like all of us in here does.

He did a mistake. Chris is a good person and his human and did a mistake which he regrets. Be nice to him.

He always have respect when it comes to Michael. Doing the moonwalk for him after his death was a nice thing to do.. Michael wanted his legacy to live on forever, right?
I don't like Chris Brown and I never did. But I look at things like this differently. This is just a tribute to Michael Jackson. And I think such tributes are always good, it is what makes Michael live forever.
I like his moonwalk. I think he was just putting his on touch on it with the arms and all that stuff. I wish they would stop saying all this the new Michael stuff. There will never be another that can even come close to Micheal's talent.

I don't like Lil Wayne anymore since he made that disrespectful comment towards Michael.
I like his moonwalk. I think he was just putting his on touch on it with the arms and all that stuff. I wish they would stop saying all this the new Michael stuff. There will never be another that can even come close to Micheal's talent.

I don't like Lil Wayne anymore since he made that disrespectful comment towards Michael.

yeah lil wayne is the one to talk about. he said mike was gay and everything. i dont like him at all.
Chris Brown made a mistake? It's not like "Oh whoops - I acidentally beat up my girlfriend, my bad".

That aside, it's nice that he pays tribute. Good for him. I respect that act.
However, we're still allowed to critique the calibre of his dancing.
nice that he is paying tribute but his moonwalk is lame and whoever says stuff liKE OMG HE IS THE NEW MICHAEL JACKSON is obviously...well...and idiot at least, cuz there are many more people who should get that privilege of being called the new MJ (although that's ... never gonna happen) ... check that little guy who dances like crazy...
I just had to post this :p...

I won't judge him because of his private life. We all make mistakes in our life and I think everybody should get that second chance. btw, I can't judge him because I don't know him. It's the same way haters know about Michael and we don't know things about chris brown. Stop the hating here.
If someone can't forgive him, he's bad as anyone else.
I think he did his moonwalk great, because NO ONE can do MICHAEL'S moonwalk.
He paid some small tribute to our Divine Crusader and I loved it.
~~ God bless you ~~
Oh...and he reminded me of a chicken for some reason

lol definatley more funky chicken than could anyone compare that "lump" to MJ...

and the thing that really gets me is all the cashing in now...and singing his songs would have been nice if they were such "fans" and he was such an "influence" that they did it when he was alive?
Chris is so gorgeous and hot, as for Lil Wayne that homphobic ugly gremlin who attacked Michael after his death and then made this hideous song recently about beating women like slaves is an embarrassment to the music industry as a whole.
I think Chris Brown was trying to add his on touches to the moonwalk. Similar to how MJ added his own touches to the backslide dance to create the moonwalk. Chris failed miserably though. :lol:
I won't judge him because of his private life. We all make mistakes in our life and I think everybody should get that second chance. btw, I can't judge him because I don't know him. It's the same way haters know about Michael and we don't know things about chris brown. Stop the hating here.
If someone can't forgive him, he's bad as anyone else.
I think he did his moonwalk great, because NO ONE can do MICHAEL'S moonwalk.
He paid some small tribute to our Divine Crusader and I loved it.
~~ God bless you ~~

I respectfully disagree with the parallels to MJ haters and people judging Chris Brown. People who judge Michael do so without evidence. They do so out of hate. Chris Brown *did* hit Rhianna. No ambiguity there. Chris Brown has been judged by the law. Forgiveness is not an issue for us. That's for Rhianna to decide. However, whether or not one respects Chris Brown is up to them.

However, yes Chris does deserve a chance to med his ways. But one. Let's just say if he beats on a woman again, he's out.

The aspect of tribute though is meant well and appreciated. :)
LMFAO.. Chris Brown is not the new Michael Jackson and NEVER will be. sit down already chris -_- .
Good text comment from one poster there is "GREATS are never duplicated only imitated." That says it exactly like it is.
People wanna make money. It won't be long before Justin Timberfake AGAIN is introduced as The King Of Pop.

LOL, this world is stupid.
i like Chirs Brown's music
....his dancing not really though he is a good dancer--just don't let him 'krump', its not working for you man.

and on the JT remark I can't stand him now he's Mr. No Talent right there.

1st album - MJ feel
2nd album - prince feel
3rd album----what u'll go for madonna now?? sheesh
LMFAO.. Chris Brown is not the new Michael Jackson and NEVER will be. sit down already chris -_- .

agree you so much... He can't replace Michael. be he think it's so fun, but i don't think so. Michael Joseph Jackson juat the one only, and there will not be another in this world~~~~~~~

RIP Michael
I respectfully disagree with the parallels to MJ haters and people judging Chris Brown. People who judge Michael do so without evidence. They do so out of hate. Chris Brown *did* hit Rhianna. No ambiguity there. Chris Brown has been judged by the law. Forgiveness is not an issue for us. That's for Rhianna to decide. However, whether or not one respects Chris Brown is up to them.

However, yes Chris does deserve a chance to med his ways. But one. Let's just say if he beats on a woman again, he's out.

The aspect of tribute though is meant well and appreciated. :)

Yes I know the haters of Michael saying bullshit without evidence and we all know Chris did his thing at Rihanna, but I wanted to state in my message that people keep hating the boy of his mistake. Thanks for your opinion.