Chris Brown does Moonwalk at Lil Waynes Tour...

BLECH!!! THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER so these lil younungs can just give it up now.. That moonwalk looked a hot sloppy mess...
why is he pushing his upper body forward :mello:

it was like he was going to fall over and trying too hard. Michael did it smoothly with minimum effort. comment on Chris Brown. Everyone kept saying he was the "new michael" after one of the MTV VMA awards. But no one mentioned the fact he lip synced the whole time, as far as I have ever seen at any awards show or TV appearance Michael could dance AND sing at the same time. Plus I'm not for women beaters.
LMFAO.. Chris Brown is not the new Michael Jackson and NEVER will be. sit down already chris -_- .
It's pretty evident he's using MJ's death to redeem himself with the public.

I agree! Did you see the red shit with gold buttons(?) he was wearing on the video clip where he apologized for what happened ?
I was like - you are even trying to dress like MJ. For some reason there are certain style of clothing I associate with MJ. Definitely that shirt reminded me of MJ.

May be its just me.
I agree! Did you see the red shit with gold buttons(?) he was wearing on the video clip where he apologized for what happened ?
I was like - you are even trying to dress like MJ. For some reason there are certain style of clothing I associate with MJ. Definitely that shirt reminded me of MJ.

May be its just me.

LOL. exactly my thoughts!

He might as well worn a CTE shirt :p
I really can't stand Chris Brown...really. In my opinion, he's a no talent.

It's an insult to Michael that anybody would ever call Chris "the new Michael." Why can't people face the fact that there will never be another Michael Jackson?

On the other hand, I laughed pretty hard at that video. Wow...that was bad. :laugh:
He needs to go away...

Oh...and he reminded me of a chicken for some reason

"I like chicken I like liver meow mix meow mix please deliver" :p

Naw, time to go to sleep I think :D
Ughh, that's not even CLOSE to how MJ did the moonwalk...what was Chris doing with his arms?! ..And don't even get me started on Lil Wayne... stupid comment... never liked or respected him, and I absolutely detest him after hearing that he called MJ a "f*g"...
Ughh, that's not even CLOSE to how MJ did the moonwalk...what was Chris doing with his arms?! ..And don't even get me started on Lil Wayne... stupid comment... never liked or respected him, and I absolutely detest him after hearing that he called MJ a "f*g"...

I was gonna mention the Lil wayne comment then I was like........ "why waste my precious typing skills on the bum". But since you mentioned it. I couldn't agree with you more. The comment was deplorable.
I agree with that Chris Brown has no talent.Nothing close at all.Never figured out all the hoopla on Chris Brown anyways.Apparently,Lil Wayne doesn't mind people who beat on women.
Uhhh. . . I remember when they said that Tevin Campbell was gonna be the next Michael Jackson back in the 1990s. I guess that didn't pan out.

I don't like Chris Brown because he beat up his gf. No respect for that at all!

I thought his dancing was good during his live performances on awards shows, but it's obvious he can't dance and sing at the same time. Besides, he doesn't have that good of a voice. Michael was a SINGER!

Yah, I don't know why or how this thing got started that Chris Brown was the next Michael Jackson. . . . It's obvious that there will never be another Michael Jackson EVER!

You know who's really gonna be the next MJ. . . Electric Blanket!!! Yah, baby!
Uhhh. . . I remember when they said that Tevin Campbell was gonna be the next Michael Jackson back in the 1990s. I guess that didn't pan out.

I don't like Chris Brown because he beat up his gf. No respect for that at all!

I thought his dancing was good during his live performances on awards shows, but it's obvious he can't dance and sing at the same time. Besides, he doesn't have that good of a voice. Michael was a SINGER!

Yah, I don't know why or how this thing got started that Chris Brown was the next Michael Jackson. . . . It's obvious that there will never be another Michael Jackson EVER!

You know who's really gonna be the next MJ. . . Electric Blanket!!! Yah, baby!

This is what Blanket would look like dancing
Chris "Breezy," the woman basher, goes beyond homage and borrows a little to liberally from Michael's repertoire for my liking. L'il Wayne recently made some unforgivable comments about Michael. Screw them both.