Britney's Official Album Title: 'Circus' + First Single: 'Womanizer'

I have to say, I liked Britney's last few singles, but Womanizer is awful. I hope the song grows on me?
I wish she would take some time off the spotlight to help her put things into perspective. This album would be at best mediocre -- and all this is heartfelt on my part...I wish her the best.

Someone needs to be advising her....sometimes taking some time off is a gem and god knows she needs it. She is so completely utterly over exposed.

Yes, I agree.

She needs to get back to GOOD pop music.
So I'm not the only one who isnt feeling this at all. All other Britney fans are hailing it as the comeback of the year or something. I was beginning to wonder what's wrong with my ear :lol: :lol: But anyway I hope it'll be a success for her :yes: :yes: And Pray her other material on the album is BETTER than this!
which will be better chris crockers new album or britneys ( looooool)
I'm just listening to Womanizer, and well, I didn't like 'Blackout' much, so I hoped she would make music like on her 3rd album. That's her best album in my opinion.
I love Womanizer, it was definitely grower for me. :) I had to listen to it severals times to feel it. I really can't wait for the video, it will be awesome. Heard she was dancing and in dominatrix outfit with a jet black bob. :eek: :lol:
And yesterday or something she was at a radio station in NY talking Circus.. and introduced the song. Also said there is going to be a World Tour next year. :)

I'm so excited! I'm sooo going. :lol::D
I don't get why she's rushing into another album when she just came out with one nearly a year ago. But I wish her best of luck and hope things turn out well.
im listening to it now..... i dont like it that much
I think this song would have been better with a rnb click to it!
Just my opion
i think that Britney's comeback and tour are gonna be great and commercially huge, the music industry feel that she is their last straw to save the music business .wether u like her albums or not.

if Michael's album is gonna be next year ,i'm afraid he will be experiencing 2001 again. i mean all the love and attention will be for Britney whome i love by the way ....
i think that Britney's comeback and tour are gonna be great and commercially huge, the music industry feel that she is their last straw to save the music business .wether u like her albums or not.

if Michael's album is gonna be next year ,i'm afraid he will be experiencing 2001 again. i mean all the love and attention will be for Britney whome i love by the way ....
I kinda doubt that, I think MJ will get loads of attention. And if I was to judge by her first single I would say that she definately wont be saving the industry b/c its sound liks gimmie more style. I think people will love it but not for a long time I think the song is pretty weak.
if Michael's album is gonna be next year ,i'm afraid he will be experiencing 2001 again. i mean all the love and attention will be for Britney whome i love by the way ....

whats 2001 gotta do with britney??

and dont worry bythe time mjs albums comes out britney will prob have released another 5 albums anyway
i think that Britney's comeback and tour are gonna be great and commercially huge, the music industry feel that she is their last straw to save the music business .wether u like her albums or not.

if Michael's album is gonna be next year ,i'm afraid he will be experiencing 2001 again. i mean all the love and attention will be for Britney whome i love by the way ....

People expressed the same concern about Michael releasing his album the same year as Usher and Mariah. And now look, a re-release of a 25 year old album from Michael it outselling both Mariah and Usher's new albums. Don't underestimate Michael. He's a bigger star then all of todays top acts combined.
Hey, this is what I think - I heard some parts of the song and I am not feeling it. However, I wish Britney the best. No need to be "hating" on the Brit. She is not an enemy, she is just doing her job. I know we would HATE IT if a bunch of haters say that "MJ is lame". Whoooooo - let's not even go there. So, let's not do the same to others. I do not like a lot of Britney's songs, hell I am not even a fan, but she didn't do a crime that harmed anyone, she never really trashed anyone, she was always such a nice person and she has a lot of loyal fans. Why even hate on her? I never get people that just hate on famous people for no reason. People need to put that energy on people that are paid to trash her for a living, like a certain Perez Hilton and Harvey Levin.
Oh yeah Perez Hilton deserves to be hated with a PASSION.

I am not hating on Britney, I am just saying she should focus on some good pop music, cause she can do it. Don't rush so much - would you rather Michael had 15 mediocre albums all the 6 kickass albums he has ? :)
All of Brit's albums are amazing. 'Britney' - 'Blackout' were pop masterpieces. And 'Circus' will be too. I think Womanizer will be the only song that sounds like this on the album because she is trying to make a radio-friendly song first so that she comes back with success. Then the rest of the album will be what she always has, amazing pop music. Not that this isn't amazing, because I am in complete LOVE with it. Everyone in my school say they love it, even the people who hate her. So... I say- SMASH!
That's cuz you are a fan,not objective. Same with MJ fans , they always say every song is great and would NEVER say if a song / album was bad OR(!!!!!!) worse than other songs/albums - (don't want to mention Invincible) .

Objective opinion from someone who likes Britney's songs is that since In The Zone, her songs have been... no thanks.
Well, I'm looking forward to Britney's new CD.
I've listened to Womanizer a few times, but not in a few days, but it wasn't terrible. I'm not in love with it, though.
But I really liked Blackout (and btw, I'm not a Britney fan who like knows all her songs), that CD was really catchy.
Looking forward to the music video, I heard it's going to premiere on 20/20 on Oct. 10th. Dunno about that, but if true cool. Can't wait. :)
I wouldn't call her music amazing, i suppose if you are a teen then you would love it but her music isn't nowhere near a masterpiece. And she can't sing for a start, but i wish her well. when mike comes back he will blow her and everyone of the radar pardon the pun