British/ English accent


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
Now, I know you guys got a bunch of different accents over there, and I must admit, I love them!!

I just love how ya'll speak,
I've been watching Fox's crime series 'Lie To Me' lately, and Tim Roth's accent is just killing me!!! It's so sexy! lol

Well anyways thought I'd tell you how much I love your accent lol :wub:
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Re: British English

I can honstely tell you EVERY english/britsh person has attempted the american accent and for some reason it's always....and ONLY ever the word....


we say it like Sar-Ker........and everyone says it in a really gay voice for some reason its just how it comes out
I love English accent too
btw, I found this :lol:


If you can understand a really thick Geordie or scouse accent then I'd be impressed ;)
Re: British English

I can honstely tell you EVERY english/britsh person has attempted the american accent and for some reason it's always....and ONLY ever the word....


we say it like Sar-Ker........and everyone says it in a really gay voice for some reason its just how it comes out

Because we Brits play Football.............:yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:!!!!!
Thanks hun but my accent is just so boring lol! I'm from the South so our accent is quite generic where I am, just a regular Southern Middle English accent lol! So dull zzzz
I love British accents, especially the "standardized" one that you hear on TV. It sounds so charming and classy. I was just watching The Voice of Holland and the host was interviewing Duffy and Adele, and the first thing my sister said was "God, I love their accents!" lol :wub:

My favourite British word is "mate" btw :p
Thanks hun but my accent is just so boring lol! I'm from the South so our accent is quite generic where I am, just a regular Southern Middle English accent lol! So dull zzzz

I hate my accent it is sooooooo boing lol infact i dont even think i have an accent???? Is the Irish accent that does it for me :)

I'm from Leicester and it's pretty much the same for us.............but the funny thing is that down the road is Birmingham.....which is the total opposite!!!!


I love the way Roger Moore talks in The Saint and the James Bond films.........
The South accent is like the standard one, right? Like the way they speak on TV and in movies? Then I really like it, it sounds so classy and polite. Basically, you can say the most rude things and still sound sophisticated with a posh British accent :D I don't like the way they speak in the north though, it sounds a bit too "farmer-ish" to me and almost impossible to understand. My English teacher is from Scotland, her accent was kinda funny in the beginning but after a while it just gets annoying and everybody starts to imitate her lol :p
Also, did you notice how many movies that have a magic/fairytale type of theme use British accents, even when the actors are American? E.g. Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Sweeney Todd.
Thanks :D

But yeah, Like someone said it is different in all parts of the UK.

I have a south London accent.. :p

Ever seen Eastenders? Kind of like that :lol: Just not as common. :fear: :unsure:
I had always did have a huge L.O.V.E. for the British accents too. Which explains why I am almost always watching some kind of a British show well mostly British comedies. Especially the show My Family I just L.O.V.E. Kris Marshall's accent. And that I am also a Harry Potter fan. Plus also with me having some British blood in me also explains why I L.O.V.E. everything about the British.
When i was in NY for the MJ shows in 2001 some newyorker said i talked like the queen LOL very bizarre when im from Leeds. think of mel b from the spice girls but not half as bad lol uk accents are strange as theres so many of them. travel 30 miles south from leeds and theres an accent there that i can hardly understand myself. nothing worse though then when u get US actors doing a bad Uk accent. they try to do the standardised accent ie like the wonder americans think we all talk like that lol is there such a huge range of usa accents? obviously theres the N.Y one and the southern accent but can u tell pretty much where someone comes from by their accent all the time or are they not that obvious
My family are Nigerian but I was raised in this country so I have the stereotypical black-british accent. I feel flattered that the youth of today have decided to adopt this accent and turn it into "street speak" though.
I hate my accent it is sooooooo boing lol infact i dont even think i have an accent???? Its the Irish accent that does it for me :)

YEAHHHY :punk:


i like the irish accent too..i dont like my irish accent though..i like the southern irish brogue!
i love the american accent too..and australian!
Thanks :D

But yeah, Like someone said it is different in all parts of the UK.

I have a south London accent.. :p

Ever seen Eastenders? Kind of like that :lol: Just not as common. :fear: :unsure:

Ahaha :D Mines kinda like that. I'm frum Saaaafend in Essix, innit? :p

But no, the accent from where I'm from + around that area is the one most commonly heard on foreign T.V. etc I believe...
The South accent is like the standard one, right? Like the way they speak on TV and in movies? Then I really like it, it sounds so classy and polite. Basically, you can say the most rude things and still sound sophisticated with a posh British accent :D I don't like the way they speak in the north though, it sounds a bit too "farmer-ish" to me and almost impossible to understand. My English teacher is from Scotland, her accent was kinda funny in the beginning but after a while it just gets annoying and everybody starts to imitate her lol :p

Aren't you getting confused with the South West? Thats definitely a farmer accent (combine harvester and all that... ha!)

Ever noticed that on most American films, an upper-class English accent is nearly always used for the bad guy? English accents must sound evil!
Ever noticed that on most American films, an upper-class English accent is nearly always used for the bad guy? English accents must sound evil!

Yeah I know he he he!

Well put me in the generic South East pile of British accents, though last time i was in the US someone asked if I was from Australia :D
YEAHHHY :punk:


i like the irish accent too..i dont like my irish accent though..i like the southern irish brogue!
i love the american accent too..and australian!

You know me! I love the Irish accent...Same with British! SO sexy! Canadian accents are boring...If we even have
Aren't you getting confused with the South West? Thats definitely a farmer accent (combine harvester and all that... ha!)

No, I mean the north. It is completely incomprehensible to me. Here's a prime example:


I can understand the interviewer just fine but I honestly cannot hear a word of what Steven or Jamie are saying. It sounds like gibberish to me. Same with my English teacher from Scotland. When I first heard her speak I thought to myself "wow, I can't believe she's a teacher, her English is so poor!" and then she told us she was Scottish lol.

You know me! I love the Irish accent...Same with British! SO sexy! Canadian accents are boring...If we even have

I've been told there is a Canadian accent but I honestly cannot distinguish it from the standard American one. It just sounds exactly the same to me. And as far as American accents go, I can only distinguish the country accent from the South, the "black" street accent and the standard American accent. I'm sure there are more though ;)
well I understood these two men fine :lol:
But really there are times when I'm like :uhm: come again? :unsure: lol
But I love it, I just love it! It may be 'boring' or nothing special to you guys but it is to me, I wish I had such an accent instead of the boring ole nyc one :lol:
I've been told there is a Canadian accent but I honestly cannot distinguish it from the standard American one. It just sounds exactly the same to me. And as far as American accents go, I can only distinguish the country accent from the South, the "black" street accent and the standard American accent. I'm sure there are more though ;)

I can hear a slight difference in the American and Canadian accents....If you're just speaking of standard accents...We have many different accents in each province....Newfoundland is almost Irish-like, and then, of course, the French- Canadian accents....I don't have either lol
I can understand the interviewer just fine but I honestly cannot hear a word of what Steven or Jamie are saying. It sounds like gibberish to me. Same with my English teacher from Scotland. When I first heard her speak I thought to myself "wow, I can't believe she's a teacher, her English is so poor!" and then she told us she was Scottish lol.

I studied in Scotland (Glasgow) for a year a few years back and sometimes I couldn't understand a word some of my professors were saying. And after I came back from there, all of my friends claimed that I sound Scottish now. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing for them, but I like it. :lol:
yep there are soooo many accents here.

There's loads in England itself (standard, Northern, East London, Cockney, Geordie, Birmingham, etc etc. Then there's all the Scottish ones.

The Welsh accents are great though!

But I love the Irish accents! But there's so many of them as well. I love the way they speak in's close to an American accent actually.
No, I mean the north. It is completely incomprehensible to me. Here's a prime example:
well thats a scouse accent. most ppl from the UK cant understand it either lol. theres isnt such a thing as a northern accent cause theres so many of them the liverpool one being a prime example

love the soft irish accent.