------ Breaking NEWS - No Public Viewing at Neverland -----

Will the body remain in LA now and not be flown out to Neverland on Thursday morning (LA time) ?

There will be no services or funeral at Neverland
that was just Tabloid speculation _

The Jacksons never announced Neverland
The are under a lot of stress trying to sort everything out
Michael didnt leave anything stating his wishes .. so Im sure
they are carefully trying to do what is right for Him, them and
the world who loved him dearly _

we must wait for an official spokes person to
announce the details -I wouldn't listen to CNN
or any so called inside source stating anything ..
thats how we got all the false info in the first place
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I KNEW a public viewing didn't make sense. I mean.. the Jackson family should know that a public viewing and putting Mj on "display" is the last thing that just happen. glad there will be a public memorial...
they said the paper work for burial could take between 7- 30 days. for nev. im sure someone could quicken up see its 7 or less. if htey want to put him there id ratehr they wait then have to move and disturb him later, god why am i even talking about this. i cant beleive we are even discussing this at all. thanks god for the boards cause u guys ahve kept me as sane as i can be at this time. .i jsut keep posting to keep my mind active so i dont have to stop and think. its like 03-05 again atthis rate ill be at 50k posts by the end of the month and i apologise for the spelling etc but i just cant be bothered going back and changing things at the mo

elusive i feel the same. i dont post often but this time i try to post as much as i feel like i need. and yes each time i read all this i cannot believe we're actually talking about this. i'm always like "is it our Michael we're talking about?" it's so unreal so unreal :( sometimes i have this absurd thought "ok Mike you really need to give a press conference now and explain all this catastrophe" i know it's absurd
but i think it's my brain that still cannot fully accept it

i wish he was in Neverland. i think he didnt go back there because it was painful. But he didnt sell it.
i might be wrong but i still think he loved the place and Neverland has like a print of his character. he put his heart into this place. i cannot imagine him in the middle of the big city. but i'm not the one to decide
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yeah! You're right DanceOfZenab1994!
How can I bare seeing him lying alone with a closed-eye... oh no! It hurts like hell!
I don't wanna see it, anyway!
yeah it would have hurt me too much too. I couldnt bear it :(
Even if I did bear it, it will kill me to see my idol who I never got to see laying there with people around him and me watching it on tv from the UK because i couldn't make it. It would destroy me.
I'm so glad this didn't happen. A public memorial is a much better idea.
well...umm...i guess...i hope for a glass coffin...>"< i just too scared to imagine they burried his body
maybe public funeral is not necessary but at least....it is important for fans who cannot see him before...will see him for the last final time...and someday...when they can go to neverland...put flowers...pray and still pay the respect...
i wish to go to neverland...meet him and give him flowers...but i cant...and now he is not there anymore...but at least i still can give flowers...
It's heartbreaking to know they can't put him to rest at Neverland. Hopefully, maybe not now but in the future as someone mentioned they will allowed to do so. I can't think of anywhere fitting than to have him on the ranch. I'm also relieved he won't be put on display for public viewing as much as I love this man, I couldn't imagine seeing his lifeless body put on display for hundreds and thousands of people to see, and maybe even the world. The world can come together and pay their last respects but I think the family should be alone with Michael in a private ceremoney and such.
thank god i waited for a confirmation, i never got *___*
otherwise i would be on my way to the airport at this moment..