------ Breaking NEWS - No Public Viewing at Neverland -----

muumi, I feel the same way

let the family say goodbye and in our time the fans could say goodbye
The media are pissing me off bigtime at the moment. They're impatient, they dont want to wait around for actual confirmed details, so they listen to hearsay and make up what they want to fill in the gaps The public viewing at Neverland was never ever confirmed by the family.

They need to shut up and stop picking apart Michaels life whilst they wait for the next bit of breaking news.
yeah I agree too

be patient and let his family do what they need and want to do.
but what I don't understand is.... correct me if i'm totally wrong here. but isn't the rides, animals, statues, furniture, michaels belongings... basically everything that made Neverland gone?

If that's the case then what will happen ones michael will stay there? After all, it was just a land and Michael created it. So it's just a property now...? i don't undertsand

I know that it's been denied now, but I really cannot see any other place than NL to be his final resting place..... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm

i guess then they need to restore it to itsformer glory. at least the auction never happened so everything is still there and could be put back to how it was
A public memorial with music with prayer and eulogies/stories from friends would be lovely. Like James Brown but without his body. I do think fans are looking and need to say goodbye or somewhere to go to do that. But I am glad there is no public viewing because media madness etc would not have been right for the man. They would have made a mockery of it. He needs to be left to rest in peace now.
Color me confused. If they weren't planning on doing anything at Neverland, why was this speculation allowed to continue without quick response? Activity at Neverland seemed to suggest that there was to be something there. Media people had already camped out. This sounds more like things didn't pan out with the current owner (co-owner?) of Neverland and so they had to change things around. Who knows.

What they need to do it put out information as soon as possible so those who are willing to travel to pay their last respects are able to. It's got to be hard for them to be able to orchestrate something of this magnitude, but that's Michael Jackson for you.
Probably was planning for Neverland, but changed plans because of the neighbors protesting.
i doubt the neighbours said anything. media properganda. theres hardly any neighbours there. they prob just realised its not gonna work doing it there and if they cant bury him there yet
nice to see u back obi. which is wasnt for this though. hopefully now the family have hired a P.R firm things wont go left unchecked
i doubt the neighbours said anything. media properganda. theres hardly any neighbours there. they prob just realised its not gonna work doing it there and if they cant bury him there yet
Only speculation on my part, but I suspect that in addition to a possible public viewing, the private services and burial was desired to be there as well. But because of state law, it could not be done (the burial part). They probably appealed to Gov. Terminator for a waiver but it's probably something that takes the act of the California legislature and obviously there's no time for that right now...

Now they have to work out the logistics of burial in a cemetery. I would imagine a secure location is first and foremost on their minds, among other things...
Why is this tragic? the neighbors were getting agitated about it happening anyway. And they may need a bigger venue that is easier to acess and hold that many fans.

PLEASE! Who said the neighbors were getting agitated? The media? Don't make me laugh!

The media were the ONLY ones who "claimed" that there would be this public viewing for MJ. The family never confirmed that was true.

WE need to learn once and for all that until something is CONFIRMED, by the Jackson family or a spokesperson for the Jackson family, one way or another, any report regarding MJ's services are not true!
I am just glad there is no public viewing...I know it is part of the culture across the "bond" but I can not see media suddenly starting to treat Michael with respect...there would be pictures...that would break hearts. Some would only go because of that...open viewing surely should not be the reason why to pay your respects...there are more delicate and beautiful ways to remember...if Michael wanted big, they could broadcast it across the world but keep it beautiful and simple.

Thank you Silentstar. I am glad I am not the only one thinking like that. I am getting so tired and stressed. I wish they would let him sleep like he wanted. Michael was tired.
they said the paper work for burial could take between 7- 30 days. for nev. im sure someone could quicken up see its 7 or less. if htey want to put him there id ratehr they wait then have to move and disturb him later, god why am i even talking about this. i cant beleive we are even discussing this at all. thanks god for the boards cause u guys ahve kept me as sane as i can be at this time. .i jsut keep posting to keep my mind active so i dont have to stop and think. its like 03-05 again atthis rate ill be at 50k posts by the end of the month and i apologise for the spelling etc but i just cant be bothered going back and changing things at the mo
I am just glad there is no public viewing...I know it is part of the culture across the "bond" but I can not see media suddenly starting to treat Michael with respect...there would be pictures...that would break hearts. Some would only go because of that...open viewing surely should not be the reason why to pay your respects...there are more delicate and beautiful ways to remember...if Michael wanted big, they could broadcast it across the world but keep it beautiful and simple.

Thank you Silentstar. I am glad I am not the only one thinking like that. I am getting so tired and stressed. I wish they would let him sleep like he wanted. Michael was tired.

There is going to be a public viewing though, the Jacksons have said tonight
lans are underway regarding a public memorial for Michael Jackson, and we will announce those plans shortl
thats all they said.
i know their are more important things, especially for the family, buti wish i could know , so that i ca kow whether to cancel my weekend trip to la or not :(
I wish Michael would have left instructions in his will on how he wanted this done... :-/
el Jackson's remains are still being held at Forest Lawn Mortuary, RadarOnline.com has learned while his family continues to grapple with how to best memorialize and celebrate his life.

The family has still not made contact with Santa Barbara County officials and their frustration is growing by the hour. "We certainlywish someone from the Jackson camp would let us know what their plans are. In the meantime, we have to be prepared for anything and everything," a well-placed source told RadarOnline.com. "The ranch is on a winding country road and is not equipped to handling the kind of traffic a public service would bring in. It is already jammed with media trucks and fans."

Staples Center has also both repeatedly been rumored as a possible location for the public portion of the event but Michael Roth, spokesperson for the arena told RadarOnline.com that he sent all Staples employees an email this morning advising them that reports the memorial would be at Staples were "not true."

If a public service does take place in Los Angeles and the remains then transported the 130 miles to the ranch for a private family gathering, as other reports have suggested, that too presents nightmare concerns for law enforcement.

California Highway Patrol Office Vince Ramirez told RadarOnline.com: "Once that body starts movement, it's going to create a mob scene We want to make sure we're involved wherever that body goes."
A public memorial with music with prayer and eulogies/stories from friends would be lovely. Like James Brown but without his body. I do think fans are looking and need to say goodbye or somewhere to go to do that. But I am glad there is no public viewing because media madness etc would not have been right for the man. They would have made a mockery of it. He needs to be left to rest in peace now.

Well said....I totally agree.....a public memorial for us fans would be lovely....and a private funeral for the family & friends (would be best)
With a public memorial, will the coffin still take its last tour past fans? Then only friends and family bury him and see him? Is this what it means?
Just now heard on CNN that the public memorial will be at the Staples Centre on Tuesday (said by one of the guest)....they though are saying its not exactly confirmed, so lets see.
I think it will be at Staples Center, but in the end, Michael's final resting place will be Neverland.
All this unconfirmed bs is ridiculous. I'm sorry but if the Jacksons have just denied the public viewing at Neverland, why would people now start to believe the Staple on Tuesday story.

Can we not post fictitious news and just wait for official news from the Jacksons spokesperson?

But imo, nothing is going to be happening on Friday now as it's only a day away, so I wouldn't worry bout rushing to LA just yet.
^That article just said that an email was sent out to staple center employees that there wasn't one at the center? CNN just need to be quiet until all the detail are complete and the family releases a statement.
Ok, I can understand that... I will respect him on my way. It's my wish that he is rest in peaceful silence forever..
i'm sorry but this is not right i was getting to go to his concerts now this bull shit i'm mad ass hell something is not right
I am glad the family finally hired a spokesperson because they should have shot this thing down earlier.
Larry king will be Live in NeverL tomorrow night. I'm watch that for sure. Although larry be hyping things up and they don't be half as what they claim. Ima still watch.