------ Breaking NEWS - No Public Viewing at Neverland -----

I might decide not to go now, this is nuts. We have $873 of a nonrefundable trip.

My day is screwed.

Wait until they confirm what is happening, i am sure they are doing something this weekend.
As long as he is given a proper burial and service, tht's the main thing. With regards to NL, I do feel that it would be difficult to go through the legal red tape that surrounds that issue...yet then again, it would be an ideal place for fans to come and remember/celebrate and embrace his creation...life.

This is all so unbelievable. Thanks for the info though, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they decide. I really wish I could attend though, as I know we all do.
Color me confused. If they weren't planning on doing anything at Neverland, why was this speculation allowed to continue without quick response? Activity at Neverland seemed to suggest that there was to be something there. Media people had already camped out. This sounds more like things didn't pan out with the current owner (co-owner?) of Neverland and so they had to change things around. Who knows.

What they need to do it put out information as soon as possible so those who are willing to travel to pay their last respects are able to. It's got to be hard for them to be able to orchestrate something of this magnitude, but that's Michael Jackson for you.
awesome. I mean, paying your respects doesnt mean you have to be in front of Michael's grave. for everyone out there, you can do it from far away too, even tho I wanted to go too, he's human after ALL and EVERYTHING and deserves to be burried like every other ordinary person on this planet.
Neverland is merely a property, it means nothing without michael.

Neverland is scared and it only reminds me of bashir and that kid.

I hope Michael is buried in gary indiana where he belongs.
This is surely a private matter for his family. It's not about what fans want.

We have lost our icon, our legend, our hero. But they have lot their father, son and brother.

I think it should be a private affair. Lord knows, his entire life was public. Now it's time for him to finally get peace.
After wednesday please,
so i can get the VISA to US :pray: Want to
be there to say good bye to Michael :cry: :praying:

I can say goodbye from here and in my heart althought it kills me to do so....But I will always remember Michael from the times I saw him and his voice when he spoke to me. Somehow thats enough....:(

sorry to all the ones who booked their tickets and were ready to go...

I had a feeling this would happen. Thats why you wait for the family to make the final decision
Well, if the media would just shut their mouths until they had an official confirmation this confusion wouldn't be happening.

Last night on Larry King, Londell McMillan stated very clearly that there were no confirmed plans for the funeral and that the family was still planning it, yet, CNN kept reporting it as if it were confirmed.
I might decide not to go now, this is nuts. We have $873 of a nonrefundable trip.

My day is screwed.

why? how long were u gonna stay out there for.? some reports say something will happen at staples on monday. a mem service aint gonna be happeing in weeks time
We keep forgetting that Michael belonged to God and to his family. He belonged to the fans in some way but never the same.
Michael's family will make the right decision and I will accept it. Michael needs to be laid to rest. He is at peace.
Why is this tragic? the neighbors were getting agitated about it happening anyway. And they may need a bigger venue that is easier to acess and hold that many fans.

Yes, if it brings confusion and added stress, it isn't worth the pain. Bad enough the family has to deal with the loss of a son, brother, uncle and father, let alone trying to please everyone. Having it in a large venue will give people lots of time to travel though and pay their respects, easy for traffic (parking etc.) simple location for folks to find and in some sad way the media to organize.

Dammit, I just wish he was holding a concert instead of what is really unfolding.
but what I don't understand is.... correct me if i'm totally wrong here. but isn't the rides, animals, statues, furniture, michaels belongings... basically everything that made Neverland gone?

If that's the case then what will happen ones michael will stay there? After all, it was just a land and Michael created it. So it's just a property now...? i don't undertsand

I know that it's been denied now, but I really cannot see any other place than NL to be his final resting place..... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm so frustrated

that is what my friend told me and if all that is gone then I would NEVER want to go there for a public memorial

what would be the point? it hasnt been mike's home for a lonnng time now
Will the body remain in LA now and not be flown out to Neverland on Thursday morning (LA time) ?

Nothing at all is happening at Neverland, Michael is staying in LA for now until the family release more information about the funeral. I have no doubt it will be a very public affair, its just the location that is called into question.

that is what my friend told me and if all that is gone then I would NEVER want to go there for a public memorial

what would be the point? it hasnt been mike's home for a lonnng time now

excatly it is just a place now.... so IF he was to be layd there in the future and made into some sort of graceland then all the rides and staues etc would be transferred back in order to be complete, right? I just cannot see that happen... what bothers me is that neverland was the ideal place. but it seems that it's impossible to do now..
Everyone stop panicking, the statement says there will be a public memorial of some sort. Michaels fans were a big part of his life, there will be a recognition of that in some way. Im really feeling for the family right now. The scale of what they have to arrange, as well as to grieve for themselves will be taking its toll.
but what I don't understand is.... correct me if i'm totally wrong here. but isn't the rides, animals, statues, furniture, michaels belongings... basically everything that made Neverland gone?

If that's the case then what will happen ones michael will stay there? After all, it was just a land and Michael created it. So it's just a property now...? i don't undertsand

I know that it's been denied now, but I really cannot see any other place than NL to be his final resting place..... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm so frustrated

Yeah it's hard to tell. A place to hold Michael's memory, like a museum. I can't really see them rebuilding or erecting new rides etc....and the cost and upkeep...although it would bring mass crowds. It is a far away location as well, hard to find if you're not familiar with the area.

I would think it ideal though considering there would be round-clock security. There are beautiful resting sites around L.A. though. It's still really hard to digest. *sigh*
Geez stop panicking about flights and locations and sh.it and just let Michael rest in peace.

You are so concerned about where he is going, and when he is going, you can't look at the bigger picture here.

And I cannot believe some had the cheek to say how unfair this news is.

Let the family do what they gotta do. Patience is a virtue.
Well, if the media would just shut their mouths until they had an official confirmation this confusion wouldn't be happening.

Last night on Larry King, Londell McMillan stated very clearly that there were no confirmed plans for the funeral and that the family was still planning it, yet, CNN kept reporting it as if it were confirmed.

So how is it that people are hearing that there's a public memorial at NLR. The media obvious have no regard for what this family is going through and apparently is making the funeral arrangements for the family. I say it is outright disrespectful during this family's grief. Thanks for clearing that up daphnieas. I missed LKL last night. The media just want to put a spin on this jumping the gun before the family speaks and it's so digusting what they are doing right now:( If I were the family I would have a private memorial with no media allowed!
I think Michael needs just the family to be there in the funeral and if they would be kind enough to leave something to us, the fans that we could cherish for the rest of our lives forever, that would be very kind of them.

I would like to visit Michael's grave one day and give him the most beautiful rose I could fine from LA and say a prayer. That is all I want...

I think they should make Neverland a museum or similar so that fans could remember him and that people will not forget his achievements...

The most important is to keep everything beautiful and sweet just like Michael was/is.
Geez stop panicking about flights and locations and sh.it and just let Michael rest in peace.

You are so concerned about where he is going, and when he is going, you can't look at the bigger picture here.

And I cannot believe some had the cheek to say how unfair this news is.

Let the family do what they gotta do. Patience is a virtue.

Well said.


I have got to the point where I just want it done and over with.
Michael needs to rest in peace now. :(
I just hope whatever is done, wherever he is laid to rest, It was Michael's wishes and not what the family want or what they think the public will want.