------ Breaking NEWS - No Public Viewing at Neverland -----


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Jackson Family: No Public Viewing at Neverland

The Jackson family has just released a statement via their newly acquired reps, saying there will be no public service for Michael Jackson at Neverland.

"Contrary to previous news reports, the Jackson family is officially stating that there will be no public or private viewing at Neverland.

Plans are underway regarding a public memorial for Michael Jackson, and we will announce those plans shortly."
Is there a link for this, or was it on TV at a mini press conference? Otherwise, this is being discussed in several other threads right now.
Well it makes sense because a LOT of people are going to go and it isnt the best place for it, either way i do believe something is happening this weekend.
thats what I have said from the beginning. Shouldnt everyone wait for the FAMILY to make the memorial service announcement?
Jackson Family: No Public Viewing at Neverland

The Jackson family has just released a statement via their newly acquired reps, saying there will be no public service for Michael Jackson at Neverland.

"Contrary to previous news reports, the Jackson family is officially stating that there will be no public or private viewing at Neverland.

Plans are underway regarding a public memorial for Michael Jackson, and we will announce those plans shortly."

once again from TMZ..
Re: Jackson Family: No Public Viewing at Neverland

ah..so where will be?damn,I hoped that public viewing would be at neverland
The Associated Press reports that an effort to bury Michael Jackson at Neverland Ranch has fallen through, and it appears more likely that a funeral and burial will take place in Los Angeles.

Authorities in Santa Barbara County had been preparing for tens of thousands of fans to show up to the 2,500-acre ranch for a public viewing on Friday, but a source close to the family has revealed that "nothing is planned for Neverland at least through Friday." The source added, "The family is aware a Neverland burial is not possible. They are expected to make decisions about whatever funeral and memorial service."

A private memorial service for family and friends could take place at the ranch, but the source said that Thomas Barrack, the co-owner of Neverland, sought an exemption to bury the singer at the ranch, which further complicates matters.

In order to bury Jackson on the property, the family would need to get permission from local land-use officials and submit an application and paperwork with the state Cemetery and Funeral Bureau. The state application would then need to be approved by the funeral board, a process that could take anywhere from seven to 30 days.
the body could be transferred to Neverland one day in the future. it has happened with Elvis and Graceland, right?
Re: Jackson Family: No Public Viewing at Neverland

reports say staples centre in L.A. hopefully something will be said soon
Re: Jackson Family: No Public Viewing at Neverland

opps, i thought i looked and searched through the forums, saw that there's already a thread on the general discussion there about this now.

delete this one.
ok now we have that cleared. I just hope and pray that the reason is becuase of legal issues taking time, and that Michael will be layed down to rest there once those problems have been solved.
This is unfair hundreds and thousands of fans will want to see him in the glass coffin to pay their last respects where is this news coming from the Jackson family or a news source
This is unfair hundreds and thousands of fans will want to see him in the glass coffin to pay their last respects where is this news coming from the Jackson family or a news source

read the statement it says they are planning a public memorial. and its not what fans want
I think this is because having it at Neverland would cause alot of trouble for the local community. It just is not practical to have it there, as they expect thousands of people to show up
sky news are numbnuts. there the ones who have been saying it was nevv when A.P and everyone else has been saying for hours that it aint happening. now they try and look like they are the ones breaking the news
I just saw it on Sky news too.

I wouldn't have wanted to go anways, I would rather remember him how he was... i'll pay my respects in my own time somehow. It's not goodbye though, he's always in my heart and his music will always be a big part of my life.

Lv x
This is unfair hundreds and thousands of fans will want to see him in the glass coffin to pay their last respects where is this news coming from the Jackson family or a news source

I think what the family wants takes precedence.
Everyone should wait for what the family says. It is their decision on how to make arrangements and no one should question after they are made.