BREAKING! New footage from access hollywood!

this sucks ): everytime sth about This Is It comes up, everyone wonders again WHY THE HELL MJ HAD TO LEAVE.
All I know is if I dont go to see TII, I'll never have any peace of mind.
(I bought my tickets on Sweetest Day)

Yeah.....what could've been. Michael could still be here.
Tears always come when i see TII videos.....i wanted to see him so much

Awesome ,thanks for posting.
''They are going to have Michael back''.................:cry:

Thanks so much for posting! On one hand Im so glad to see him but it really doesnt make me feel better to see him look so good (and Im of course very happy about that) but I keep asking myself why did that happen? It just makes me so sad..
All I know is if I dont go to see TII, I'll never have any peace of mind.
(I bought my tickets on Sweetest Day)

Yeah.....what could've been. Michael could still be here.

If it wasn't for Murray, Michael would still be here :cry: Damn that doctor :ranting
WOW the opening..light man, just WOW!

Yeah when Travis P said that during Tii "the fans would have Michael back for a little bit"...heartbreaking
Michael Jackson’s Children & Brothers To See ‘This Is It’ Before Official Opening

There are just six days until Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” concert film opens on 18,000 screens worldwide on October 28, 2009.

Over 120 hours of footage were edited down to just 111 minutes to make the film, and on Thursday, Nancy O’Dell spoke to the team behind creating Michael’s magic on the big screen.

“We just found out a couple of days ago that the children were at a movie — just watching a movie and saw the preview,” Travis Payne, choreographer of “This Is It,” told Nancy. “And then [they] asked to see the movie… I think they’ll see it in the next couple of days with the family.”

It appears there was a change of heart by Prince Michael and Blanket – La Toya told Access previously that Paris always intended to see it.

Travis told Nancy that all three children have indeed now decided to watch their father’s final curtain call. Access Hollywood has learned that the children may see the film as soon as Saturday.

And Kenny Ortega, the Director of “This Is It,” revealed that the children did not come to the rehearsals for the O2 stage show Michael was planning to do.

“They didn’t come to the rehearsals, but they did visit us on the movie set,” he said. “Michael and I did 10 short films which were apart of ‘This Is It’ and in fact, Paris actually tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘This is the first time that I’ve seen daddy on a movie set.’ I think they’re aspiring filmmakers, to tell you the truth, both Prince and Paris, were just really curious and looking around.”

And Kenny revealed that Michael’s brothers plan on seeing the film today in Los Angeles.

Dame Elizabeth Taylor is one of the few others who were invited to screen the film early.

“We created a screening for her at Sony… Columbia, which is (the same lot as) the old MGM, which is where she used to have a contract,” Kenny said, referring to Dame Elizabeth’s time in the studio system, when stars were tied to a single studio. “So it was a grand day for all those who were present there to watch her walk onto the lot, because this was her old movie studio.”

Previews from the movie showed Michael teaching the next generation of dancers, proving Michael’s health was strong and his comeback, imminent.

“He seemed in perfectly good health?” Nancy asked Musical Director Michael Beardon.

“He didn’t seem, he was. He was in perfectly good health,” the music director said.

But Michael Beardon did admit to seeing one visual imperfection while he went over a potential set list with the King of Pop.

“He would show me his handwritten list and he would put on his reading glasses which was just great to me,” Michael Beardon said. “It was very cute and he would show me… I mean he [was] 50 years old.”
Michael Jackson’s Children & Brothers To See ‘This Is It’ Before Official Opening

There are just six days until Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” concert film opens on 18,000 screens worldwide on October 28, 2009.

Over 120 hours of footage were edited down to just 111 minutes to make the film, and on Thursday, Nancy O’Dell spoke to the team behind creating Michael’s magic on the big screen.

“We just found out a couple of days ago that the children were at a movie — just watching a movie and saw the preview,” Travis Payne, choreographer of “This Is It,” told Nancy. “And then [they] asked to see the movie… I think they’ll see it in the next couple of days with the family.”

It appears there was a change of heart by Prince Michael and Blanket – La Toya told Access previously that Paris always intended to see it.

Travis told Nancy that all three children have indeed now decided to watch their father’s final curtain call. Access Hollywood has learned that the children may see the film as soon as Saturday.

And Kenny Ortega, the Director of “This Is It,” revealed that the children did not come to the rehearsals for the O2 stage show Michael was planning to do.

“They didn’t come to the rehearsals, but they did visit us on the movie set,” he said. “Michael and I did 10 short films which were apart of ‘This Is It’ and in fact, Paris actually tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘This is the first time that I’ve seen daddy on a movie set.’ I think they’re aspiring filmmakers, to tell you the truth, both Prince and Paris, were just really curious and looking around.”

And Kenny revealed that Michael’s brothers plan on seeing the film today in Los Angeles.

Dame Elizabeth Taylor is one of the few others who were invited to screen the film early.

“We created a screening for her at Sony… Columbia, which is (the same lot as) the old MGM, which is where she used to have a contract,” Kenny said, referring to Dame Elizabeth’s time in the studio system, when stars were tied to a single studio. “So it was a grand day for all those who were present there to watch her walk onto the lot, because this was her old movie studio.”

Previews from the movie showed Michael teaching the next generation of dancers, proving Michael’s health was strong and his comeback, imminent.

“He seemed in perfectly good health?” Nancy asked Musical Director Michael Beardon.

“He didn’t seem, he was. He was in perfectly good health,” the music director said.

But Michael Beardon did admit to seeing one visual imperfection while he went over a potential set list with the King of Pop.

“He would show me his handwritten list and he would put on his reading glasses which was just great to me,” Michael Beardon said. “It was very cute and he would show me… I mean he [was] 50 years old.”

Awww I'm kinda glad the kids want to see it, too. I mean it's the reason he wanted to do this in the first place. So Yay for them having the courage and desire to see what their father worked so tirelessly on. And that had to be a shock to them to be in a theater preparing to see another movie when all of a sudden their father is up on the big screen. Whoa! Can't imagine what that had to be like for them...but whatever they felt, it apparently got Prince and Blanket excited. Paris is such a trouper. She's her Daddy's little soldier and biggest fan in every way. LOVE her! Bless all of them!

As for the movie being 111 minutes....oohhh boy! There's that number again. It's been haunting me since before Michael passed and even moreso since then. It's either 111, 1111, 1:11 or 11:11. My seat for the London shows even turned out to be in section 111. :fear: And now the movie is 111 minutes. What.the.bloody.hell?!

Thanks for posting.
-At first I was like, "show you what???!!! then I realized he was talkin about MJ's glasses. Lol.

-Eighteen thousand screens? That sounds like a lotta screens
but the time has been cut.
Over 120 hours of footage were edited down to just 111 minutes to make the film

In time I guessMJ's sons will see the movie.
I know Mrs.J said she wasnt gonna see it at this time.

Indeed Wendy!!