Beyonce Copies MJ Waaaaaaay Too Much


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Beyonce has been paying "tribute" to MJ for a long time now, and I think shes now juss simply looking for attention out of it. After seeing her performance at the Grammys on Sunday, I about just had enough. I mean come on, it just now popped into her head to perform with an Army Drill? Not to even mention it didnt go with the song she sang "If I were a boy". Sorry if you're a Beyonce fan, but seriously thats enough. I youtubed her and saw that she has actually been copying A LOT of people, esp MJ with his army style (clothing and dance) and the one that really pissed me off was the angel shes been using on tour that comes down and hugs her, copying the Will You Be There performances from the Dangerous tour. She says its a tribute, but come on!!!! Enough! Come up with your own ideas! hey I guess it's like husband like wife, because J's big break out song "Big Pimpin" was stolen from a very famous Arabic singer from back in the day (Proof Below). Here are the youtube vids im talking about, Let me know what you think!!

(Part I)
(Part II)
(Part III)

Jay Z's Proof at (2:55) Mark :
This woman just won 6 Grammys on Sunday, breaking the record for the most Grammys won in one night by a female. Do you REALLY think she's looking for attention?
r u kidding? i really do!!

aside from winning all those awards, im not saying she has no credibility at all, but she def doesnt rely on her own creativity much.
Beyonce's great. I dont mind her getting inspired by Michael either music or fashion.

Michael is genius in every way from music to fashion. He inspired everyone. His style never failed.It was his trademark ,his signature style. You see the military, you think Michael Jackson.With his passing,the designer were making the military jackets,biker jackets back. I guess it gotta do with the IT trend.Clebrities like Beyonce and Rihanna, I guess they are just following the trend only. When this fashion's out then I dont think I'll see Beyonce wearing military again.
The most annoying part about Beyonce is the over exposure. It's tiring to see her tush and vagina on the television always. Girl needs to take a 3 year break and just vanish for some time, start a family or something her husband is already 40 +
wohow... wathcing those videos.. never thought she'd copy THAT much..
I always knew she was inspired but come on is time to do ur own thing yes..I agree with you.
Cant argue with those videos.........Thought I might be able to but I cant.

There is being influenced and being inspired by someone, then there is flat out just taking ideas from other artists and using them. The angel thing was the worst.

As for 'copying' other songs. Its called sampling. Lots of artists do it and its still creative because its what you do with the sample that counts.
r u kidding? i really do!!

aside from winning all those awards, im not saying she has no credibility at all, but she def doesnt rely on her own creativity much.

i kinda like the fact that she is keeping Michael's steps alive and up to date , the more the artists use his material the more it stays alive.. i mean hell we all know and so do they , that it is Michaels material
She really move like MJ, but i think that she is one of us, and she missin Michael like we.But it's possible that is good way to promotion.

Sorry for my bad english,i hope that you know what i want to say :)
This woman just won 6 Grammys on Sunday, breaking the record for the most Grammys won in one night by a female. Do you REALLY think she's looking for attention?

Beyonce won those awards because those awards were given to her, she didnt earned them. The Grammys are a joke and RECORDS dont mean ISH if there isnt anything to back them up with. Her music is garbage and she is very overrated and oveexposed.

She always copies from people and always gets credit for it. This isnt anything new.
Beyonce won those awards because those awards were given to her, she didnt earned them. The Grammys are a joke and RECORDS dont mean ISH if there isnt anything to back them up with. Her music is garbage and she is very overrated and oveexposed.

She always copies from people and always gets credit for it. This isnt anything new.

I've read a lot of your posts, and you seem to not like Beyonce. Tell me, and I hope you can answer this question relevantly, if you don't like Beyonce, why are you always in threads about her? :unsure:
I've read a lot of your posts, and you seem to not like Beyonce. Tell me, and I hope you can answer this question relevantly, if you don't like Beyonce, why are you always in threads about her? :unsure:
Regardless of her feelings toward Beyonce she is right about the Grammy's.
I agree with you ....After seeing the Grammy's I was like...uhhh...ok, too much now...I adore Beyonce, she gives props to Michael, and loves him to death...I respect her.....But I do agree that she's not very creative..I mean, yes, it's one thing to pay tribute to Michael, but don't copy his style, because in that sense, what is she winning six grammy's for???? For copying Michael's style and creativity...In that case, does she really deserve all those Grammy's...Don't get me wrong, she's talented, but she's not a fantastic performer....Not compared to Mike anyways...
Regardless of her feelings toward Beyonce she is right about the Grammy's.

Well just because YOU two don't believe she deserved them, doesn't make the Grammys any more or less credible.
I've read a lot of your posts, and you seem to not like Beyonce. Tell me, and I hope you can answer this question relevantly, if you don't like Beyonce, why are you always in threads about her? :unsure:

LOL Is there a Beyonce music thread on here because if there is I'm not in it. Most of the threads about Beyonce ask the same dumb questions and I'm tired of it so I just say my opinion thats different from being a fan which I'm not, I'm not a hater either but I dont understand why fans feel the need to make threads like this asking and talking about the same things. There are more talented and credible artists we can talk about.
LOL Is there a Beyonce music thread on here because if there is I'm not in it. Most of the threads about Beyonce ask the same dumb questions and I'm tired of it so I just say my opinion thats different from being a fan which I'm not, I'm not a hater either but I dont understand why fans feel the need to make threads like this asking and talking about the same things. There are more talented and credible artists we can talk about.

Well voicing your same opinion in two different threads has a term. And that term is called "repetitive". And I see you weren't able to answer the question relevantly. But it's whatever.
I agree, it annoys me. I wouldn't bother me so much, if she would be a ''real'' fan. But she just doesn't come across to me as a very genuine person.

Whenever Michael was in trouble, she would keep her mouth shut. But whenever Michael would all ''hot'' again, she would be the first one in line to shower him with kind and nice words, how he inspired her. I love her heartbreaking tributes, but I just get the feeling that Beyonce adjusts her opinions to what the general public wants to hear.

And yes she copies a lot of other artists, she has been copying Kylie Minogue with the metallic glove, J.LO with a dress and many others and the fact that annoys me the most is that there are so many people giving her credit for her Sasha Fierce performances and showmanship, while she didn't come up with these things on her own. Face it, Beyonce is not unique. It's one thing to use something and use it as an inspiration, but its another thing to copy someone completely.

I love her performances, but that girl is one of the biggest copycat of all time.
Well voicing your same opinion in two different threads has a term. And that term is called "repetitive". And I see you weren't able to answer the question relevantly. But it's whatever.

Your thinking to hard.... this is a message board and message boards are up for discussions, mutiple discussions regardless if a comment is similiar to another comment or not. I do not know Beyonce personally to dislike her for any reason but I do not like her music. The two threads that your talking about basically asked a similiar question and ask for opinions so my replies are gonna have similiar responces related to her MUSIC. There really isnt nothing to analyze lol.
I agree, it annoys me. I wouldn't bother me so much, if she would be a ''real'' fan. But she just doesn't come across to me as a very genuine person.

Whenever Michael was in trouble, she would keep her mouth shut. But whenever Michael would all ''hot'' again, she would be the first one in line to shower him with kind and nice words, how he inspired her. I love her heartbreaking tributes, but I just get the feeling that Beyonce adjusts her opinions to what the general public wants to hear.

And yes she copies a lot of other artists, she has been copying Kylie Minogue with the metallic glove, J.LO with a dress and many others and the fact that annoys me the most is that there are so many people giving her credit for her Sasha Fierce performances and showmanship, while she didn't come up with these things on her own. Face it, Beyonce is not unique. It's one thing to use something and use it as an inspiration, but its another thing to copy someone completely.

I love her performances, but that girl is one of the biggest copycat of all time.

Beyonce is talented, but her personality is in question with me..I wonder is she as sweet as she seems in front of the camera?
Not only Beyonce, but there were a lot of other people that weren't there for Mike when he went through all that crap he went through..smh

I know that Beyonce said that MJ was her hero and she is inspired by him, but she goes overboard and actually copies some of his performances..I bet you that she will use 3D on her next concert because she seemed like she enjoyed the MJ tribute VERY much..
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Beyonce is Mathew Knowles daughter after all... she's got to be two faced .. at least a bit. lol
Your thinking to hard.... this is a message board and message boards are up for discussions, mutiple discussions regardless if a comment is similiar to another comment or not. I do not know Beyonce personally to dislike her for any reason but I do not like her music. The two threads that your talking about basically asked a similiar question and ask for opinions so my replies are gonna have similiar responces related to her MUSIC. There really isnt nothing to analyze lol.

I just think you be giving Beyonce too much. In a world of today's music, being original is a thing of the past. Who in the past 10 years has done something that hasn't already been done? Even back in the 80s and 90s people were still recycling material from the 60s and 70s. You may not like her music, but objectively, her material is a little better than what's heard on the radio. There's a reason why she won 6 Grammys, even if YOU don't believe she deserved them.





Well when I saw the Single ladies video she is wearing one glove and then at the Grammys when she came out I thought of Michael immediately. Sometimes when she performs it comes across she is trying too hard. Like she is going to hurt herself. I am not bashing her but you want it to look(I am trying to think of the right word here) lighter or flawless. I didn't get why she sang Alanis Morisette. I thought Alanis was going to come out lol.
I just think you be giving Beyonce too much. In a world of today's music, being original is a thing of the past. Who in the past 10 years has done something that hasn't already been done? Even back in the 80s and 90s people were still recycling material from the 60s and 70s. You may not like her music, but objectively, her material is a little better than what's heard on the radio. There's a reason why she won 6 Grammys, even if YOU don't believe she deserved them.

Objectively? LOL So what is that suppose to mean? So just because her music is on heavy rotation on the radio, I should listen to it and it makes it good? No. I'm not even a big Alicia Keys fan but her music is even better than Beyonce and that is fair to say because she gets rotation on the radio as well. Alicia Keys write, produces, arranges, plays an instrument and she has creative input in her music unlike Beyonce who does not. So your point you were trying to make is not accurate. Because there is someone out there that makes better music than her and thats JUST with mainstream cause I can list alot of current artists that are way better than Beyonce. This is what happens when you limit yourself to the radio.

Im of type person that likes to speak the unspoken truth and when it comes down to real music thats what I do because I love good music. The Grammy awards are a joke period for the 50 million time. They have been this way for some time now because the industry is different. It use to mean something and it was something very prestigious once upon a time. Its not like it use to be and it probably will never be the same again. Yea your right there is a reason why Beyonce won 6 grammys and beated Michael, Janet, Marvin Gaye, Prince, Aretha Franklin for having more grammys. She won them because they were given to her and because she is POPULAR period and if you can not see that then you seriously need help. Anytime a mediocre artist such as Beyonce beats the great Michael Jackson and Marvin Gaye??? The Grammys are over and its sad that you can not see that it was politics involved in her success.

I also disagree with you saying being original is the thing of the past. Thats what makes a great artist and seperates them from the rest which media and critics are holding Beyonce. They are rewarding her and giver her that title when she is far from original. I feel that is unfair where there are MORE creative artists out there than her.

For example, in the late 90's Lauryn Hill released the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill and she won 5 grammys for her first solo album but its held as a classic BECAUSE IT IS. She has only released one solo album but its better than anything Beyonce has ever released or will. Miseducation of Laurn Hill > I am Sasha.. Fierce album which won 6 grammys LOL Ridiculous.
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Objectively? LOL So what is that suppose to mean? So just because her music is on heavy rotation on the radio, I should listen to it and it makes it good? No. I'm not even a big Alicia Keys fan but her music is even better than Beyonce and that is fair to say because she gets rotation on the radio as well. Alicia Keys write, produces, arranges, plays an instrument and she has creative input in her music unlike Beyonce who does not. So your point you were trying to make is not accurate. Because there is someone out there that makes better music than her and thats JUST with mainstream cause I can list alot of current artists that are way better than Beyonce. This is what happens when you limit yourself to the radio.

I'm not saying any of that Mrs. "Straw Man". I just said her music is a little better than the foolishness such as "Tik Tok" "Russian Roulette" and other mess on the radio. Also, you do not know what Beyonce does while she's in the studio. You are not there. Therefore, you saying what Beyonce does and does not do has absolutely NO standing.

Im of type person that likes to speak the unspoken truth and when it comes down to real music thats what I do because I love good music. The Grammy awards are a joke period for the 50 million time. They have been this way for some time now because the industry is different. It use to mean something and it was something very prestigious once upon a time. Its not like it use to be and it probably will never be the same again. Yea your right there is a reason why Beyonce won 6 grammys and beated Michael, Janet, Marvin Gaye, Prince, Aretha Franklin for having more grammys. She won them because they were given to her and because she is POPULAR period and if you can not see that then you seriously need help. Anytime a mediocre artist such as Beyonce beats the great Michael Jackson and Marvin Gaye??? The Grammys are over and its sad that you can not see that it was politics involved in her success.

Oh my. The Grammys are loosely based on popularity. If you think they are, why doesn't Michael have the most? Why does Mariah, who was the biggest music artist of the 90s, only have 5? How come Herbie Hancock won album of the year over Kanye back in 2008? Yes Beyonce has more Grammys than the aforementioned artists, but those artists broke the door down for her to win those awards. That's why these artists have it so easy.

I also disagree with you saying being original is the thing of the past. Thats what makes a great artist and seperates them from the rest which media and critics are holding Beyonce. They are rewarding her and giver her that title when she is far from original. I feel that is unfair where there are MORE creative artists out there than her.

Again, show me something original in the past 10 years.

For example, in the late 90's Lauryn Hill released the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill and she won 5 grammys for her first solo album but its held as a classic BECAUSE IT IS. She has only released one solo album but its better than anything Beyonce has ever released or will. Miseducation of Laurn Hill > I am Sasha.. Fierce album which won 6 grammys LOL Ridiculous.

Do you really think Lauryn's album was classic when it came out? :mello: Hell no album is deemed classic up its immediate release. Being "classic" implies the work has stood the test of time and it still relevant today.
I'm not saying any of that Mrs. "Straw Man". I just said her music is a little better than the foolishness such as "Tik Tok" "Russian Roulette" and other mess on the radio. Also, you do not know what Beyonce does while she's in the studio. You are not there. Therefore, you saying what Beyonce does and does not do has absolutely NO standing.

Straw Man LOL wow I'll ignore the immature comment because I'm above that. Instead of calling out names why dont you try backing up your posts with facts instead of saying outlandish crap. So please explain to me how "Put a ring on it" or "Freakum Dress" any better? Its the same pathetic crap and its not even worth discussing anymore. Why dont you turn off the radio and exactly find other artists more creative artists to listen to such as Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, India Arie, Donnell Jones, etc and then your realize how dumb you were sounding. LOL Everybody knows what Beyonce does which is nothing. There was an article recently talking about how she write her name on the credits for songwriter credit when she doesnt write any of her music. Because she doesnt. She doesnt have any creative input. She is just a commercial puppet who dances around half naked and sings pop tunes. She is overrated and you agreed. So why are u still trying to debate something we agree with? Regardless if you like her music or not we both agree that she is overrated because she is and thats all the original thread question was asking.

Oh my. The Grammys are loosely based on popularity. If you think they are, why doesn't Michael have the most? Why does Mariah, who was the biggest music artist of the 90s, only have 5? How come Herbie Hancock won album of the year over Kanye back in 2008? Yes Beyonce has more Grammys than the aforementioned artists, but those artists broke the door down for her to win those awards. That's why these artists have it so easy.

Why dont you SLOW down and READ my posts instead of glancing over them. For the SECOND time, I stated that the industry was DIFFERENT for Michael and for Mariah when they were in there peaks. They were up against more competive artists and awards exactly gave out awards for artists that deserved them. During the new years 00's the industry had completely changed so therefore awards and the standards are going to change. Michael was well out of his peak in the new milenimum so I dont know what was the point in bringing him up. She has more grammys because she is popular and the Grammys standards have dropped to the point where they give out awards. Record labels now nominate albums by certain artists. Its not something "earned" The Grammys use to be a award show that was voted by the artists peers but who knows how its done foreal in todays industry. I know for one thing however, its not fair and its full of politics.
You saying that Michael, Aretha and Marvin opening the doors for Beyonce to win 6 grammys is ridiculous because they were legends that changed music and her winning has nothing to do with that because she did not earn her awards like they did. They worked hard for there success. She didnt have to because the industry is different. They give out awards.

Again, show me something original in the past 10 years.
Nothing playing on the radio is original. But if you turn off the radio you will find alot of artists that are original some artists that I mentioned already. Hollywood is never going to give its due to the real artists. Only the commercial artists.

Do you really think Lauryn's album was classic when it came out? :mello: Hell no album is deemed classic up its immediate release. Being "classic" implies the work has stood the test of time and it still relevant today.

Laurn Hills album is classic COMPARED to Beyonces trash. Its been over a decade since it was released. Her album still inspires alot of hip hop artists and has impacted that genre. She won 5 grammys and she exactly deserved them. WHY DONT YOU LISTEN TO THE ALBUM FOR YOURSELF. Listen to the LYRICS. Look at the song writing credits you will see she wrote the songs herself. She plays an instrument and she produced her music. Beyonce hasnt realeased any classic material. ALL her music garbage.

You keep contradicting yourself and its really not worth discussing with you anymore.
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Straw Man LOL wow I'll ignore the immature comment because I'm above that. Instead of calling out names why dont you try backing up your posts with facts instead of saying outlandish crap. So please explain to me how "Put a ring on it" or "Freakum Dress" any better? Its the same pathetic crap and its not even worth discussing anymore. Why dont you turn off the radio and exactly find other artists more creative artists to listen to such as Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, India Arie, Donnell Jones, etc and then your realize how dumb you were sounding. LOL Everybody knows what Beyonce does which is nothing. There was an article recently talking about how she write her name on the credits for songwriter credit when she doesnt write any of her music. Because she doesnt. She doesnt have any creative input. She is just a commercial puppet who dances around half naked and sings pop tunes. She is overrated and you agreed. So why are u still trying to debate something we agree with? Regardless if you like her music or not we both agree that she is overrated because she is and thats all the original thread question was asking.

Why dont you SLOW down and READ my posts instead of glancing over them. For the SECOND time, I stated that the industry was DIFFERENT for Michael and for Mariah when they were in there peaks. They were up against more competive artists and awards exactly gave out awards for artists that deserved them. During the new years 00's the industry had completely changed so therefore awards and the standards are going to change. Michael was well out of his peak in the new milenimum so I dont know what was the point in bringing him up. She has more grammys because she is popular and the Grammys standards have dropped to the point where they give out awards. Record labels now nominate albums by certain artists. Its not something "earned" The Grammys use to be a award show that was voted by the artists peers but who knows how its done foreal in todays industry. I know for one thing however, its not fair and its full of politics.
You saying that Michael, Aretha and Marvin opening the doors for Beyonce to win 6 grammys is ridiculous because they were legends that changed music and her winning has nothing to do with that because she did not earn her awards like they did. They worked hard for there success. She didnt have to because the industry is different. They give out awards.

Nothing playing on the radio is original. But if you turn off the radio you will find alot of artists that are original some artists that I mentioned already. Hollywood is never going to give its due to the real artists. Only the commercial artists.

Laurn Hills album is classic COMPARED to Beyonces trash. Its been over a decade since it was released. Her album still inspires alot of hip hop artists and has impacted that genre. She won 5 grammys and she exactly deserved them. WHY DONT YOU LISTEN TO THE ALBUM FOR YOURSELF. Listen to the LYRICS. Look at the song writing credits you will see she wrote the songs herself. She plays an instrument and she produced her music. Beyonce hasnt realeased any classic material. ALL her music garbage.

You keep contradicting yourself and its really not worth discussing with you anymore.

I agree with everything you said here..and yeah, Miseducation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sasha Fierce!
I think Beyonce is talented but she's not a visionary.

She's lacking in that aspect.

I do hope she continues to grow as an artist. That's her main weakness. Maybe she should take a few years off, solidify her sound and then maybe she will release her 'classic' album one day.