Bashir feeling sorry for himself about Michael

I think all he feels is unpopular.

And you know he's going to keep on doing these shows.
Diana's death did nothing to him - and I'm sure that Michael's won't.
This man will keep doing what he's doing - and TV shows will want him. In the end, the bastard wins.
He is a hypocrite, and a sad human being. He was one of the people who caused all this.
Michael promoted love, peace, understanding and forgiveness as he believed this would help Heal The World and make it a better place.

Do you seriously think he would want to see his fans posting hateful comments?

No, he wouldn't. He forgave because the God he believed in forgave each of us our sins as he read continously throughout his life.

This is not a fitting way to honour Michael's humantarian message which he extended to ALL people globally. I aim to honour that memory of his humanitarianism.

Will you?
You're right. I know you're right and thank you for reminding us. I usually don't go off on people (well, I just called him a prick and told him to stay off my tv screen), but Bashir still pisses me off. It's so sad. And just now I remembered the time when Michael said to someone about (was it about Gloria Allred?) "She can go to hell". So we all have our moments, don't we. Ugh.
I hate this Bashit more than ever now!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

I HATE YOU!!! GO TO HELL!!! Sun of b*tch!! :angry:
Im ashamed this man got the opportunity to spend months with Michael interviewing him. He is a sad excuse for a reporter and he embarrasses me just looking at his sad face... He can try act like he is sorry about his death but I really feel like everything coming out of his mouth is BS.
oh my god, honestly my perception before was "hey he's got his opinion, and whether we like it or not, that's his right. After seeing this, it is obvious that was not the case. He wasn't simply expressing his opinion. He was being deceitful and dishonest for money. He was committing fraud. I'm so disguested now.
Mike already expressed his feelings about Bashir. He said Bashir is a rat.
My friend mentioned 20/20 was doing a retrospective and I was on my way downstairs to watch. then he said bashir was on it. i went back to my room and turned up thriller instead.

i despise that man and his lies. he is everything that's wrong with the media.
BACKSTABBER ALERT, BACKSTABBER ALERT!!! Someone end that....horrible POS already.

The thing is...when that doc aired, LWMJ..the damage was already done. Bashit constantly saying 'how disturbing' here dude let me put that 'disturbing ' down your throat....damn!!!! People watching it, and thinking and believing what they saw was 100% the truth.

The second doc from MJ´s good, but i bet so many people never watched it. Cause...they already had their opinion on Michael, and another doc wasn´t gonna
change that. That´s for damn sure. So how DARE he even say anything about MJ after his death?
I just cannot put into words (which is rare for me!!) how much I detest Bashir!...But I'll give it a shot!...

Martin Bashir is simply IMO the scum of the earth...As someone above me stated, He is one of the people responsible for causing all of this. His conduct during the time he was 'associated' with Michael was totally reprehensible, disgusting and above all, 'two-faced'.

I hope this Motherf*cker gets what he deserves one day...
Well he's a f....hypocrite...
Ohh does it feel bad, do you feel responsible his that why you're pretending to be the good guy????
What a piece of..

Michael let him in his world...but he just used him.
yup I seen this.....he is such an ass. He feels guilty now...awwww tooo baddd
How can he live with himself? How can he show his face, and even have the gall to actually talk about MJ?
i cannot believe this. i hope he can't sleep at night! he had a major negative impact on michael's public perception which manifested negative unbearably stressful situations in michael's life. why didn't he say at the end of the documentary that although michael is different he didn't see anything wrong? why did he edit in all his commentary to lead viewers to his conclusions instead of their own? i remember watching this documentary so excited because it was my first glimpse into michael's life as a person and by the end i just felt horrible. i'm so hurt by what he did to michael. it's so unfair. and i can't help but think of all the people that i wish it were instead of michael and bashir is easily at the top. i am just disgusted with how carelessly and unfairly all these assholes really destroyed michael's life and then completely took it away from him. my heart will never heal. i just don't understand human behavior.

i know it's a lot late, but i think we need to take action and hold these people accountable for all of michael's pain and the fact that he is no longer here. i'm going to try to find bashir's email and write him a letter. and then i'm going to try to find other email addresses of people that have done mj wrong and write them letters too. not threatening or anything, just a clear explanation of their contributions to michael's suffering and a wish that they feel guilty everyday for the loss of the greatest human to ever live and the endless heartbreak to millions of people around the world. they cannot be allowed to forget or avoid their responsibility. i've always felt michael's pain and have been enraged by it, but never felt like i could do anything, but now i'm determined. sometimes you have to fight a fight you know you can't win just to show them you're willing to fight.
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does anyone have his email address... i just feel i wana write him and put what i feel for him in that letter... then i think he is not worth it. but still, i wana write him and tell him how we feel about him and how he not only hurt Michael (RIP), but all of us..............
WTF? Go to hell Bashir. Don't yall feel like moonwalkin all over him and letting him know how we feel?

yea i feel like moonwalking all up and down his ass, to put it in eddie's words...
and tell him just what i think of him! and then moonwalk some more!
grrrrr! :angry:
Has he got a family of his own?

I hope what he did to Michael remains in his conscience and he finds it difficult to sleep at night.
Out of respect to michael i won,t say what i think.....
When michael is able to forgive, i,m also.....
But.....(and here it comes)
I never ever want to see that man in real, i will never ever talk to him, i even wont hear or see his face on television again.
I hope god will have mercy on what he did to michael and to this world....
Im ashamed this man got the opportunity to spend months with Michael interviewing him. He is a sad excuse for a reporter and he embarrasses me just looking at his sad face... He can try act like he is sorry about his death but I really feel like everything coming out of his mouth is BS.

Bashir is a waste of time and space and not fit to be discussed here.

For the record he also famously interviewed Princess Diana and look what subsequently happened to her.