Bashir feeling sorry for himself about Michael

I'm going to tell him that he's contributed to his death and how he dare to release a statement about his sorry ass. Pure evil he is

Pompous git: Michael was outraged too and would be right now if he saw this. We're just expressing our anger

Michael was outraged by the doco, but at the same time Michael moved on from it and continued to promote peace.

He would not want fans to be stuck in 2003. Move on and enjoy his legacy instead of wasting your time on hate filled comments that serve to thwart Michael's mission to Heal The World.

Now, which route will YOU take?
His SORRY is out of the picture when the PERSON he is turn to is not alive....
He should do it before Michael's death coz now it doesn't apply...
Urghh. If it wasn't for that bastard and his 'interview', Mike would probably have never been accused in 2003, and he wouldn't have turned to drugs again, thus probably would still be with us today.

Another point - How the hell did this guy manage to run through Central Park without being mauled to death by Michael Jackson fans?
I agree. Look at MJ in 2003 before the claims. He looked great even more so. Look at him on the BET 2003 when he honored James Brown. He had weight (still slim but more weight); after this trial, he got sick, lost more weight. People are evil and they have to pay for this.
^^^Yet people who slated MJ when he was alive are HELPING him to set new world records!

He's making HIStory all over the world in various national charts this week. Would you want to stop them buying his records and rediscovering his talent just because they slated him in life?

Better late than never, I say.
I really believe that he will pay for this in karma. Perhaps we don't know what will happen, but I have a very bad feeling. He better just watch his back. I have a feeling...

And even though he would never release a statement, Tom Sneddon will be drug to hell soon himself. God works mysteriously, but he is fair. These are two evil men. We shall see.
Bashir killed Michael, he droped the first stone. OMG I hate that idiot...
To The Martin Bashirs, The Tom Sneddons, The Diane Dimonds, The Jordan Chandlers...

"Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil"

Have a safe trip...:)

That is all.
That piece of shit. He can go rot in hell. Everything that happened was all his fault. The trial was his fault. To me, I think Micheal's passing was partially his fault. And now he has the nerve to say this? God ... he makes me so angry. :no:
There is only one word he should utter, well no, two. The first is sorry and the second is goodbye.

I doubt if Michael ever forgave this shitbag, and even if he did I am not as nice as him, I wish him nothing but bad luck.
After reading these replies I won't watch the clip...
I don't want to waste my time or energy on insignificant people like this.
Bashire has got some nerve. He should be ashamed of himself. He is one of the few people that Michael trusted and look what he did with that trust. He is one of the worst people on the face of this planet. Just remember folks.. now he has to live with himself
Omg, I just watched this for the first time. Who the hell does he think he is? "I saw no wrongdoing.. I don't believe he did anything criminal" and yet he put every effort into purposely perpetuating that very image. It's absolutely infuriating! The NERVE on this cockroach..
Martin Bashir can go straight to hell!

The nerve of that man and all the others who tried to destroy Michael in life and are now speaking so glowingly of him! You all are gonna get yours!
I'm not a violent person but I really want to smash his face.
I'm not even gonna bother wasting my time on him. I don't care what he has to say... but i hope Mike haunts him lol
IGNORANT ... bashir is like a rat ... a snake... this little creatures are innocent...Is an insult to compare Bashir with a animal ... Bashir is despicable ...

Hey, rats and snakes are great, Michael proved that with Ben and Muscles. You're right, comparing Bashir to rodents and reptiles is an insult to the animals.

I hope he'll get killed or die very soon. He is responsable for the death of Michael.
hm.. I don't know what to think about it. Don't think his interview was that bad. And its looks like he means it.

It looks like he means it because he's a back stabber that's why. Why you think Michael got fooled by this cockroach :mad: :angry:

I call every one to mail his sick ass and tell him to never show up near Michael and his family again or even name him. He killed Michael like he wasn't tarnished enough already! Damn I can't find his email address.

Normally I'm not like this but he just pushed it too far and I'm outraged
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he really is a jerk.. it's so GOOOOOD!!! that he can admid that NOW.. after this poor sould had DIED for crying out loud..

I hope this has teached him a lesson to not do such a thing again..