Bashir feeling sorry for himself about Michael

As long as the idea that bad news is more profitable than good news persists, men like this will continue to destroy the lives of far too many innocent people. Bashir is feeling a sense of guilt as he well should be. I hope he never forgets that he had a hand in Michael's untimely demise. That should be punishment enough.
my favorite part was when he pretended to have a heart

bad acting
This waste of human flesh apparently is trying to rewrite history! Too late - we all know what he did - and we will NEVER forget. No amount of trying to ease his own conscience will work now. It is too late. The damage has been done!

Bashir and all of the rest of these vile, evil pieces of crap who misused, abused, brutalized and terrorized Michael for all of these years will have HELL to pay on this earth! I truly believe that.

It ain't nothin' but the guilt talking - he can save it. He, along with all the others who had a hand in systematically trying to destroy Michael have sown the wind and will now reap the whirlwind.

God will trouble ALL of those who troubled Michael!
Urghh. If it wasn't for that bastard and his 'interview', Mike would probably have never been accused in 2003, and he wouldn't have turned to drugs again, thus probably would still be with us today.

Another point - How the hell did this guy manage to run through Central Park without being mauled to death by Michael Jackson fans?
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Bashir, you'll get what you deserve, in this life or after. God see everything!
I hope the guilt he should feel for putting a nail (if not several) in Michaels coffin eats away at him for the rest of his sad, miserable life
It is too late... Nothing will bring him back now! Not all the "sorry" in this world... nothing...

Yeah I saw this online that day. What a horrible being. Too late now Bashir. Where were you when Michael really needed you...
*Humpf* I hope this eats away at his conscience (that is if he has one) for the rest of his life! Same goes for the Chandlers, Sneddon, Arvizos ALL OF THEM!!! :threaten:
Urghh. If it wasn't for that bastard and his 'interview', Mike would probably have never been accused in 2003, and he wouldn't have turned to drugs again, thus probably would still be with us today.

Another point - How the hell did this guy manage to run through Central Park without being mauled to death by Michael Jackson fans?


why is he moderating abc news?
I can not stand him. A dJ was talking about him about how can he try to paint Michael in a bad light and now saying these good things about him. This DJ mind is now changed about the claims because he said if Michael was so guilty why would Martin say these things. I blame some of this mess on Martin, JOrdan Chandler, That con artist family, etc. They will pay for this.
Sorry Bashit, we all hate you and hold you partially responsible. F*** off! Nobody cares what you think or say or do or what happens to you. Stop trying to make bank off of Michael's name!!!!!!!!!!!
Bashirs will come and go, Michael will live forever!!

~ quote from Karen Faye 2003

Don't even mention his name he's a sick ass freaky ugly face. He's not worth it. That man is truly Bulshir
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Upside;1968642Another point - How the hell did this guy manage to run through Central Park without being mauled to death by Michael Jackson fans?[/quote said:
Coz unlike bashit......we actually have a heart and know mike wouldnt want us to do anything violent to anyone.

But i must say he sure deserves it! :angry:
Yeah, pound your evil little nails into someone's coffin and then whine about how great the person was and how sad that he ended up in it. Prick. Lot of good that does now. Stay off my tv screen, Bashir, you piece of sh*t.
Michael promoted love, peace, understanding and forgiveness as he believed this would help Heal The World and make it a better place.

Do you seriously think he would want to see his fans posting hateful comments?

No, he wouldn't. He forgave because the God he believed in forgave each of us our sins as he read continously throughout his life.

This is not a fitting way to honour Michael's humantarian message which he extended to ALL people globally. I aim to honour that memory of his humanitarianism.

Will you?
Bashir feeling SORRY to WHO? TO MY ASS ? TO MICHAEL ? Am I mad or MICHAEL is not alive already?? So I'm askin' again Bashir is feeling SORRY to who?

Too Late Mister Shit.....
Michael would be ashamed at this.

He loved peace and unity between all people and he even said this in 1992:

"Without a guilt, without regret,
I am here to forget
Tainted memories of imagined sin
In every friend, kith and kin.

We have come to celebrate here
The getting rid of every fear."

Are you going to honour that universal message Michael so dearly loved?
I'm going to tell him that he's contributed to his death and how he dare to release a statement about his sorry ass. Pure evil he is

Pompous git: Michael was outraged too and would be right now if he saw this. We're just expressing our anger
hm.. I don't know what to think about it. Don't think his interview was that bad. And its looks like he means it.