Barack Obama has been elected President of the US

Bob George

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I think this is worthy of its own thread since the other thread is about the US Election and now the election is over.

Barack Obama has been elected the 44th President of the United States of America


Barack Obama surpassed the 270 electoral votes needed to win the 2008 Presidential Election at 23:00 (U.S. EST), November 4. Of the battleground states that went to Barack Obama were the three big ones; Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida. He also won traditionally red states that haven't gone to a Democratic candidate in more than 30 years such as Indiana, Virginia and North Carolina. The electoral college ended up a landslide victory for Obama with 365 electoral votes to McCain's 162 electoral votes with Missouri the only state still too close to call. Obama won 53% of the popular vote, 7 points ahead of John McCain at 46%. President-Elect Barack Obama delivered his acceptance speech at midnight, Nov 4 (U.S. EST) in Grant Park, Chicago IL. Senator John McCain delivered his concession speech earlier at 23:30 (U.S. EST) in Phoenix, Arizona.

Barack Obama will serve as President-Elect until January 20, 2009 when he is inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America. His main job until that time comes will be to put together his cabinet. So far he has named Rahm Emanuel (Democratic Congressmen and former Senior Advisor to President Clinton) as his White House Chief of Staff and Robert Gibbs (Chief of Communications of Obama's Presidential Campaign) as his White House Press Secretary.
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He just isn't president of EUA.Barak Obama seems like a president of the world!
I respect,honor and like very much this man!

Congrats,Mr.Obama!God bless you and all americans!:)

*Brazil loves,admire and support Obama!
Go Obama! I'll never forget this day. :clap::clap:
God Bless America and God Bless You President-Elect Obama! I am beyond thrilled to be apart of History tonight! All I can say is wow!! This is INCREADIBLE :wub: :wub: :wub: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Good night WINNERS!

God Blees you guys!God bless EUA!God bless Mr.Obama!!!


I'm very happy for all of americans!GO,OBAMA!

Even as an Australian I feel very privileged to be alive to witness this historic moment.

George W Bush showed me how much of and influence and an effect the US President has on the rest of the world. The US President is really the leader of the free world and I'm so glad that Barack Obama is going to be that leader for the next four years and perhaps the next eight years.

I really look forward to those next four (potentially eight) years and I am positive that with President Obama as the leader of the free world he can change things around for not just Americans but everybody who is in someway influenced by the actions of the US and as the recent global economic crisis proved, nearly everybody around the world if effected by what happens in the US. After eight years of those actions taken by the US President having a negative effect on the rest of the world I really look forward to a US President whose actions will have a positive effect on the rest of the world.

I have to be honest with you Americans. You probably already know this but the rest of the world hasn't had the highest opinion of your country for the last few years. Quite frankly a lot of people from around the world thought Americans were idiot who elected the biggest idiot of the lot of you to the highest office in your country. But what this election has shown the rest of the world is that George W Bush is not the rule. He was the exception. You really are fine, smart, decent people who have the ability to elect a really fine, smart, decent person to your highest office.

Who would've thought that seven years after Islamic extremists attacked the US and six years after the US invaded Iraq to overthrow a guy named Saddam Hussein that the American people would be so great as to elect a guy named Barack Hussein Obama. An African-American with a Muslim name. No one thought it could happen. But you guys proved that America is the real deal. Good on you :)
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Thanks you for your honesty, Bob George.

I gotta write in my blog...
Those were some kind words Bob George. Makes me proud to be an American.

I'm so happy Obama won : D
as a citizen of the world who followed the u.s. election closely, i join everyone in your jubilation for making history by putting your faith and trust to barack obama, the very first afro-american president of the united states of america.

now that victory is in his hands, i wish him the very best of luck because on his shoulders now lie huge responsibilities of running the world's greatest superpower. let us remember that whatever happens in the united states, the effect sends ripples that echoes across every corner of the globe.

i say, may the lord bless this man and may he be guided in every decision he makes bec. he is not only shaping the future of america but that of the whole world as well!
I am very proud.This is a happy day for all of us.

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This is History in the making.
Well done Barack and America. This is such a relief to the world.
It's such a shame that his Grandmother didn't manage to live for this moment, so sad.
The rest of the world celebrating with us:

Obama's step-grandmother in Kenya.


The school he attended while in Indonesia.








Props to the Huffington Post for this set
Congratulations on your election, America. You did it!!! :D :flowers:

I came in late for work today because of the election. I had a pretty good reason :)
this is just so awesome. congrats to barack obama and God bless america!!! :heart:
i was watching yesterday the results on cnn as they were coming in and i must say i was pretty much convinced that he'd win after he won ohio. no republican has ever been elected without ohio. im so excited about the future and i believe the greatest days for the US are ahead of us.