Bal à Versailles:MJ's favorite perfume.(By Karen Faye)

Black Orchid...... hat's my signature scent :( It's beautiful. Very heavy and quite musky. Very sexy.
If you can afford it, get the perfume. It will last a lot longer than the eau de toilette and the smell will be much stronger :)
Definitely. I try to get perfumes as much as I can but they aren't cheap! :) I usually get them as gifts. lemme see if I can find it somewhere for a reasonable price... Still looking!
I was always curious on what cologne he wore. Thanks for posting this. =)
Here we have TJ Max and there is one two stops from me on the train.. guess who will be making a pit stop there at lunch...
Here we have TJ Max and there is one two stops from me on the train.. guess who will be making a pit stop there at lunch...

I'd advise you to call them. I just called 3 stores (one where I live, 2 a train ride away) and was told that it wasn't in stock :( Save yourself the effort, call them up ASAP. If they have it, excellent, ask them to put it aside for you. Good luck, I hope you get it!

PS - The eau de cologne is the weakest perfume compound concentration.

Cologne - 3-4%
toilette - up to 8%
eau de perfume - 10- 15%
perfume (or parfum) - 20-25%

:lol: Thanks for the heads up... too bad I didn't check this thread before I left. They didn't have it. :( But thanks for the info on the concentrations, I never knew that before...
Interesting perfume. I wonder what it smells like...
I want to add Karen's FB but I don't think she's add me back. Has anyone tried?
I clicked on the link but it just sent me to the Facebook main page.
I was just about to create a thread called : "How MJ smells like" i wanted to have a reference of sent, I usually get memories or remember people of situations for the sents. so as I never got the chance to know his, I was wondering and now I know. Thank U very much, I'll look for it to comfort me :D
I just bought mine, my sister is going to kill me!!! But is worth it :D, so I hope before she make me pass away, Í can smell it...

I got it from here...

They have a Free shipping anywhere in the world coupon!!!
Im soo scared to buy this, to smell Michael again. I really want it but at the same time its too painful right now........