Australian Idol -- Michael Jackson Night

jermaine will properly send mike a tape of the show anyway
I hate the fact they didn't present Michael as the biggest entertainer of all time (guiness world records stated so) which HE IS or state that he is the biggest selling artist of all time (750 million + sold) which HE IS!

Remember Elvis night? They made him out to be a god! I think they even went as far as calling him the greatest... *can't remember though... but something like that* it pisses me off!
OMG @ Wes - that was brilliant!!!! Luke was next best, then Chrislyn, then Teale, then Mark. However Wes was worlds above all of them. Whoever said that Wes is not a good vocalist - fine, have your opinion - however if you have watched previous episodes of Idol I highly doubt you would say that - he is a VERY strong vocalist. I thought he was great tonight, but if his vocal was a bit weaker than usual it was because he was dancing through the whole effing performance!!! Brilliant!!!!!
I've not watched it all this season as I said. He had a great sound and tone about his voice, it just sounded a bit thin/weak. Still a great performance.
I thought on the whole the adaptations were okay.
We have to remember --this is NOT Michael Jackson---they are all individual performers, so of course their interpretations will be different to what we know Michael can do.

Wes and Teale were the best. I was especially impressed with Teale's version on Billie Jean. Wes put on a real performance, the judges went crazy over him. I rooting for him to win.
Teale - He actually did very well. I was disappointed when I found out he was doing the Chris Cornell version. But I liked it. He sung it really well.

Mark - I didn't really like him. I agreed with Kyle and Dicko. But Jermaine came to him defence which was surprising. I didn't think he'd speak out against what the other judges were saying.

Chrislyn - I agree with Jermaine. It was too big of a song for her to take on. Before tonight I thought she'd actually be able to handle it. But she couldn't. It's probably the toughest MJ song to sing. MJ can't even sing it at times.

Luke - He did really well. He changed the song to suit his voice. I loved his bluesy version of it. I really, really liked it.

Wes - Brilliant! He's an absolute MJ fanatic and I think he just wanted to get out there and be Michael Jackson. It seems like he's always dreamed of performing before millions as Michael Jackson and he finally got his chance so good on him. And not only did he perform before (potentially) million of viewers but he got to perform in front of a Jackson. So I bet it was a dream come true for him.
Wes just blew the rest out of the water!! Lucky he's got his MJ fandom.

Teale was really good but I'm bored with Chris Cornell's version of Billie Jean. Would have been nice to see Teale take the risk and stick to the original or make his own composition.

Chrislyn was pretty good. It was entertaining

Mark- I don't know why so many people liked his performance! I thought it was way too boring. He could have jazzed it up more.

Mark was simply terrible.

Michael will have a laugh out of some of these if Jermaine really does end up sending him a copy of the show. Haha.
What did Jermaine say to them?

Teale - Said he sung great, sold the lyric and he moved him.

Mark - Two of the judges commented that the first verses sounded weak because he sung it very breathy. I suppose he was trying to sing it like Michael does. Jermaine came to his defence saying he built the song well by starting off soft.

Chrislyn - Said it was a bad song choice because it was out of her league. But he said he was impressed that she was only seventeen and still went after such an ambitious song.

Luke - Jermaine said he loved the version because he and his brothers started with blues and country music. He said it's important for a musician to understand dynamics and thought that Luke showed a real understanding in the way he built the song.

Wes - He gave Wes a "touchdown" which is an Australian Idol tradition for an outstanding performance. He praised him on his vocals and dancing. He seemed very, very impressed.
I really liked the performance by Wes..its nice to see an mj song done with all the moves! He must have been a huge mj fan who studied mj closley coz he nailed it :)
I liked Lukes performance, I think the bluesy feel suited him..anyway i don't he could have pulled it off had he done the original version..
And I kinda liked the Bille Jean version that Teale did...obviously it was missing all the instrumental genius of the song (like the bass line and drums)...but i thought his vocal was very raw and emotional..
I was dissapointed with Chrislyns performance..i know she has a really good voice but that wasn't the right song for her...sounded a little too much like karoake...i reckon she should have sung a more gospel powerhouse vocal kind of mj song like keep the faith or will you be there or something....
the rest of the performances were ok but nothing memorable...
And it was nice to see Jermaine on the show...I'd be so nervous if I was those guys performing in front of a Jackson..
super impressed with wes! top performance, i voted for him, he is very safe this week! noticed he was doing apacalla in the preview i thought he was going to rip that into black or white.

now i'll be interested to see how many viewers it pulled and watch affect it had on the aria charts next sunday night. interesting!
Thanks so much for the You Tube link of Wes. Unfortunately the other link is only for Australian Viewer's but I would love to see the other performers so that I can compare.
Anyway I loved his performance, and Jermaine loved it.

Wow, I guess people really do have low standards these days. The way people were talking about it I thought it was actually going to be good, lol.

That guy Teal seems to have the best voice of the lot, but if I hear one more person do that damned Chris Cornell version of "Billie Jean" one more time, I'm gonna throw up. Everyone is too afraid to sing it like Michael because they know they'll mess up royally. That girl Chryslin has an alright voice too, and she was doing okay up until about the middle and it just fell apart hard. The song is too quick for her voice to carry. The guy who did "Bad" was god-aweful, his voice is thin and weak and he has zero emotion or bite. The guy who did "TWYMMF" sucks too, lol. Same problem, thin, average voice, with no emotion. "Man In the Mirro" was a bore. I know why they always change the arrangements when they do a Michael night on these shows because to attempt to sing them as Michael does is basically impossible. I don't think people have any clue about how difficult it is to sing like Michael does or to deliver songs as he does, with the timing and control and the depth of his voice, until they try it.
Youch, that's a tad harsh.

I said it was fun, not spectacularly awesome. I enjoyed seeing someone who is such a huge fan of MJ do a nice little tribute. He pulled it off better than a lot of peeps, and the crowd loved it, so where's the harm?

This is all good... for MJ. Sales boosting, ka-ching?... I don't think anyone watches these shows with expectations of greatness.

No raining on peeps' parades allowed! :lol:
I don't think you need to over analyse and criticise a performance like Wes'. It was pure entertainment. Plain and simple. It's always been he's dream to perform a Michael Jackson song as Michael Jackson and so he just had fun with it. And I think that's what made his performance so enjoyable for the audience and the people watching at home. The fact that is was just fun and entertaining. Nothing more to it. There doesn't need to be anything more to it. It is what it is.
I'm not over-anyalysing, I just wasn't impressed or entertained, lol. I thought it really was average and there were better performances then his.
I'm not over-anyalysing, I just wasn't impressed or entertained, lol. I thought it really was average and there were better performances then his.

better perfomances on the show that night or in general? I think ppl were impressed coz he was an obvious mj fan who had grown up idolising michael and studying all the moves...and he was the only one that night out of everyone else who actually did mj justice by including the moves which is big part of michaels music...I admit he is not the worlds best dancer or vocalist and in general there have probably been better tributes around the world....but he was good for that night ...and for the idol genre it was a good performance...