Aug.10th Court Hearing...This is It Film Approved (Merged)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The main issue -- the planned release of a Michael Jackson movie featuring footage from his recent tour rehearsals. -- which should start at around 8:30 AM PT.

TMZ seems to have a live video. It's not about TMZ, but they do have the live video. Hope others can share infos here as they become available.
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Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

Thanks for this :).

Wish I hadnt scrolled down to read those comments below the video though.
Judge approves Michael Jackson film!


LOS ANGELES—Audiences will get to see the King of Pop perform one more time after a judge approved a major movie deal.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff approved a deal between Michael Jackson's estate, concert promoter AEG Live and Columbia Pictures on Friday and announced his ruling Monday.

A proposed contract states the movie will feature footage of Jackson's final rehearsals for a planned series of London comeback concerts. The film could also include videos prepared for display during the "This is It" shows.

Beckloff had until Monday to approve the film and allowed Jackson's mother, Katherine, to review the contracts and raise any objections. Jackson died on June 25, days before he was set to embark to England for his comeback shows.

Re: Judge approves Michael Jackson film!

Re: Judge approves Michael Jackson film!


He looks soo beautiful in that photo, like he always does!
Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

From TMZ:

One of Katherine Jackson's lawyers made an interesting comment -- law enforcement is looking at various policies and contracts, such as the AEG insurance policy. We don't know why.
Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing


The judge has sealed courtroom temporarily.

The lawyers just said Bravado has a number of buyers interested in merchandising Jackson memorabilia but if they don't get the green light quickly the buyer's could lose interest within a week.

This is really important. The judge just appointed a guardian ad litem for the 3 Jackson kids. That means they will have independent representation in court proceedings. The notion -- that the interests of the kids may not completely square with the interests of Katherine Jackson or the estate. It's not unusual this happened, but it's significant.

An attorney from AEG has assured the judge none of the video material in question has to do with the children.

Billie Jean just raised her hand like she wants to talk. This isn't Ms. Marcus' fifth period English class.

AEG is proposing a Michael Jackson memorabilia tour that would visit three cities.

The judge has taken the bench -- and Billie Jean is back with more documents.

Court is beginning to come together. Both Claire Elisabeth Fields Cruise and Billie Jean are milling around. Should be good.

Claire Elisabeth Fields Cruise is now at the podium. She's the "other" one.

Now for our Maury Povich moment of the day. Billie Jean just stood up and said "I am Blanket's mother and I am concerned about what's going on." She added, "I would like for all probate proceedings to be halted." The judge was polite and told her she could submit papers. She's walking downstairs so we're firing up our live stream for your entertainment.

Apparently bootlegging of M.J. merchandise is a big problem. The lawyers have raised the issue in court.

Katherine has issues over the Bravado/AEG merchandising agreements

This is interesting. The judge is talking about appointing a separate guardian for Michael Jackson's children -- to have their interests represented in estate matters. So Katherine and her lawyers would not be representing the kids in court.

The judge wants to review some docs. Recess till 10:30 AM PT

The judge just ordered that Katherine keep quiet about what's in the various AEG agreements. It's interesting ... Katherine's lawyer said she might want to use the AEG agreement in a non-probate proceeding. The lawyer didn't say -- but could this be the precursor to a wrongful death suit?

The judge has tentatively agreed to a protective order, which seems all the more interesting now that we know law enforcement is interested in certain documents, some of which are being held by AEG. The judge noted that law enforcement has the right to contact AEG or the estate directly for the info.

So far the biggest thing is that the Jackson rehearsal-footage movie has been approved by the judge, so Columbia can get rolling, stat.

One of Katherine Jackson's lawyers made an interesting comment -- law enforcement is looking at various policies and contracts, such as the AEG insurance policy. We don't know why.

Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, just said Katherine and the estate have some conflicts -- not in full agreement regarding financial issues.

Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Burt Levitch, just said Katherine is all in favor of the Columbia deal.

Billy Jean Jackson and Claire Elisabeth Fields Cruise are in the front row.
(Clair is another nutcase who claims she's the biological mother of MJ's kids.. and she even claims she's the mother of one of Tom Cruise's kids)

The lawyer for Columbia Pics is there. The judge approved the deal with Columbia Pics for the Jackson movie.

It's go time. The judge is on the bench.
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Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

One of Katherine Jackson's lawyers made an interesting comment -- law enforcement is looking at various policies and contracts, such as the AEG AEG insurance policy. We don't know why.

Very interesting...
Re: Judge approves Michael Jackson film!

I think I'll spend my evenings at the theater.. every night... to see my baby on huge screen, since I've never been able to see him for real.
Just hope it's gonna be in theaters here.. which I still doubt...
Re: Judge approves Michael Jackson film!

I love that picture of Michael too.. but not too sure about the avatar on the left of it... :|
Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

that poor jackson family...they're just trying to do the right thing and all of these circus freaks have to try and claim their piece, trying to claim they're parents of these poor kids..for what? they actually think they can make money off this? imbeciles
Re: Judge approves Michael Jackson film!

I really hope this is in 3D, i'm pretty sure they shot the rehearsals with RED camera's arent they 3D? also didnt they film some 3D stuff at that studio ie the Thriller stuff
Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

They're coming out of the woodwork -- someone else is trying to lay claim to Michael Jackson's kids.

A woman who goes by the name Claire Elisabeth Fields Cruise has filed three guardianship petitions -- one for each of MJ's three kids -- claiming "I am the biological mother of Prince Michael Jackson II and all of his siblings." Cruise also claims she's married to Michael Jackson "who is now deceased" -- but is also "engaged to Prince Michael Jackson II's biological father."

She also thinks she's the mother of one of Tom Cruise's kids. :wild: :clapping:

Welcome to Neverland.
Re: Judge approves Michael Jackson film!

I added that picture =D, am so excited, but its not going to be showen in kuwait i guess =(
I might travel to watch this movie on the large screen, i just hope so they show it =)
Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

I now feel sorry for the JUDGE to have to go through all these bull :wild: :doh:

I can't believe these $h!t anymore :no:
Re: Judge approves Michael Jackson film!

I think there will be also the 3D version. I hope they will make it perfect!
Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

This lady is another crazyy one.. get in line with billie jean jackson and Nona!!
Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

maybe someone just needs to buy a can of bug spray for these people...who's with me? lol
Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

Let's keep all the TMZ 'news' on the official TMZ thread, Thank you.

Please remember that this thread is about the Court Hearing.
Re: Michael Jackson Court Hearing

How are these women even given the time of day?

4 fathers and 5 mothers now..!

No. There has only been one person who parented and cared for these children and that was Michael Jackson.
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Re: Judge approves Michael Jackson film!

people doubted this film was going to happen? it was the only sure thing during all this brouhaha.