Attendees @ MJs Funeral [ALL THREADS MERGED] - Keep all related Here

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Dangerous Incorporated

Ive seen Marcia Clark and sitting in front of her was Michael Moore. Who else have you seen that was not expected @ MJ's funeral?
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

That girl from that 70s show...
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

To be quite honest, I don't think we have the right to judge which attendee was odd or unexpecteted, since it was a private arrangement.

Mila Kunis is MacCauley's girlfriend
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Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I was "Shocked" to see Randy Phillips of AEG there.
Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Anybody have any thoughts or opinion's on this.

I've always believed he was telling us the truth. I was surprised to see him on Larry King Live before the Burial. He said Michael invited him in 2007 to come down to Florida and see him and he came. They talked about how Michael felt hollywood had abandoned him. He appeared on LKL with another gentleman, I think he is Tito's manager, cant remember the name. Larry asked him about a book. The man admitted he would be writting a book about Michael.

For those who were attacking Leonard Rowe, does the fact that he was an invited guest at our MIchael's burial, change your perception of him in anyway?

Its perfectly fine if your answer is "no".
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

To be quite honest, I don't think we have the right to judge which attendee was odd or unexpecteted, since it was a private arrangement.


Would the term surprise suit you better?
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Ive seen Marcia Clark and sitting in front of her was Michael Moore. Who else have you seen that was not expected @ MJ's funeral?

Michael Moore? I didn't see that. Anyone manage to get a picture of it?

I checked his Twitter and there's no mention...
Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

Obv some people who read my thread before completely forgot to read what i said and just based their anwer on the clip i posted..sigh..Regardless of what the clip was about which was absurd...I posted a thread to ask who that man was and if it was the same guy at the memorial..nothing more...surely someone knows..he hugged all the family as he arrived at the funeral and he is def a jackson...anyone know?
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

I don't know but I assume that he may be Joe's brother because he looks like him
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

If you men the black guy with the beard and walking stick I think he may be a relative. He looks like Joseph and is also in the family portrait picture.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I have to say they make a very cute couple. They seem very happy and comfortable with each other :wub:

Mccully Culkin is very lucky because Mila Kunis is one of the most beatiful girls i've ever seen.

Sorry for going off topic there
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

If you men the black guy with the beard and walking stick I think he may be a relative. He looks like Joseph and is also in the family portrait picture.
I think you are right. He did look like Joseph and that taller guy behind him looked like Joseph too to me. I think that was Joseph's brother. Tito, Jackie, Randy and Janet all gave him a hug.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I saw LisaRay McCoy from the show "All Of Us" sitting next to Al Sharpton. I didn't know that she was friends with Michael Jackson. Not that it's impossible for her to be his friend...... I don't want to seem mean, but some people were there because it is a way for you to be seen if you are in showbusiness.
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

i think the op is talkin aout the fedora guy that people were making hoax videos about - that speculation was going on in that thread by some ppl/a person.. thats why it was closed.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Appreciate your honesty Rasta Pasta. Thanks.

Anyone elese?
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

He is in the jackson family portrait.
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

robin i see what you mean but i cert said when i started that thread that obv it wasn't michael..i don't think anyone else thought it was mike but instead forgot what i asked and merely saw that hoax clip for the first time and the thread got turned into that..i would have posted a clip of that fedora guy without it being related to a hoax if there was one...but people were really missing the point...i still want to know who thst guy is...he looks intriguing and it doesn't look like 'joe's brother'..but of course it is not michael..that is absurd..that thread like this one is to clarify who those two might be
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I thought Tatiana attending was a bit odd. I mean she was just a girl in a video, a long time ago. They could have invited Ola Ray or Sheryl Crow or Siedah Garret too then. Why Tatiana? Maybe Michael liked her more than we thought after all?
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

^ Yeah same here. Maybe he did agree to the kiss on stage during the Bad tour afterall?
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I thought Tatiana attending was a bit odd. I mean she was just a girl in a video, a long time ago. They could have invited Ola Ray or Sheryl Crow or Siedah Garret too then. Why Tatiana? Maybe Michael liked her more than we thought after all?

I was wondering what Tatiana was doing there also, because it was supposed to be for family and "close friends" only...But then I saw Tatiana arrived with Majestic, and I saw other people have their "signifcant other" who had nothing to do with MJ there I figured Tatiana got to go through Majestic. As a "tag along" or escort. She seemed really sad though. Like she was about to cry the whole time. :(

Didn't really understand what Corey Feldham was doing there....Or Randy Phillips or that Sony boss from the UK. I was expecting to see Omer Bhatti, the Cascio family, the two "kids" (now young adults) from Germany, etc. there...I didn't like seeing Randy Phillips there. But what I DID like was to see Wayne Nagin there!! I always thought he was the best and nicest bodyguard and took such a good care of Michael. I'm pretty sure this would not have happened if Wayne would have still been MJ's bodyguard. :no:
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I was wondering what Tatiana was doing there also, because it was supposed to be for family and "close friends" only...But then I saw Tatiana arrived with Majestic, and I saw other people have their "signifcant other" who had nothing to do with MJ there I figured Tatiana got to go through Majestic. As a "tag along" or escort. She seemed really sad though. Like she was about to cry the whole time. :(

Sorry for my ignorance but who is Majestic and what does he have to do with Michael?
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Leonard is Joe's pal. It doesn't surprise me he was invited, but I don't think it's because he had some great unspoken bond with MJ.

In my opinion, Rowe was harassing Michael with Joe in the last few months of his life. They wanted a piece of the pie. Rowe's a charlatan who brought the Allgood lawsuit, and was just another shark. Thats the story I'm buying at the moment.

But no, Him being at the memorial doesn't change anything. He was there as a friend of Joe. he was no friend of Michael.

Thats what I think.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I thought Tatiana attending was a bit odd. I mean she was just a girl in a video, a long time ago. They could have invited Ola Ray or Sheryl Crow or Siedah Garret too then. Why Tatiana? Maybe Michael liked her more than we thought after all?

Tatiana was still in contact with the family as far as i know.

In the end... it was the families choice who they invite.
What do we know? Non of our business really.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Majestic was said to be MJ's "personal magician". Mostly friends with Joe I guess.

And yeah, of course it was the family's choice who they invite. Some choices just were a bit..."unusual". But I guess the family didn't necessarily know who all MJ was friends with. They weren't necessarily friends with the whole family.