So according to the religious people in that Richard Dawkins video, god is real because Richard Dawkins is gay? That has to be the best argument I've ever heard. Check mate atheists!
He's not even gay, but yeah, the logic is brilliant. LOL.
Talking about a gay atheist, don't you love Stephen Fry? I do, his unapologetic attitude when he talks about god. I couldn't agree more with Stepeh, great points after great points and the interviewer's face is quite priceless. If Yahew exists, he's a genocidal and psychopathic monster.
Talking about the story of Job:
I fully agree with him. I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian church
Oh that sucks Did you ever believe any of it?
The way it all gets into your mind and controls and suppresses everything you think does a lot of damage and can be difficult to get out of because of the fear. I hated church for the last few years I went but I was too fearful to question anything too much. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and left but it was a number of months before I could muster up the courage to research anything on the opposite side of the Christian belief system. Once I did it didn't take long for me to stop believing it. I felt much better and my mind was quieter, I could actually think! Before that my thoughts had been a constant circle of repenting for everything all the time, it never stopped. I didn't realise how much of a prison it was until I was free, then there are so many things you can see about Christianity that you couldn't see when you were on the inside of it.
respect77;4087320 said:[video=youtube;bryQVxS9xFA][/video]