
Limonali, its ok ur not the only one

I cant speak in italian either...wish i could though!
Umm i dont know

Well we have a tv character on a show called "home & away" and he says "flamin mongruel" ( i think i may have spelt that worong) and that is pretty much a swear word here! :lol:
If there is any fellow aussie appleheads here , they will know what i mean!
I do swear a lot offline :p
And I LOOOOVEEEEE swearing in Spanish! love adore those words are just so meaty :p

Swering in spanish:

Hijo puta
Me cago en todo
Ups where that come from???:mello:

I'm gonna search for him anyway :rofl:

What you going to search? Fat, crying, scalf wearing stalker? o_O

Hahahaha I saw him in that thread looong time ago and I dont remember his nick or anything, I just thoug Wow is that guy from comference.
I remember him so much cause is how I would behave if I was in his place :mello:


ni ni :hi:

That made me :cry:
Do you know if he hear them???
I hope he did, so much LOve for Mike :wub:

tom, here are some side views i hope you like them:













ok i enjoyed this way too much :ninja: :censored: :ninja:

Errrr Tom what is that you are doing cause I can help :ninja: Reserching you know.... -_-

talked to trista

Trista!!! How is her??? I hope she is fine, plase tell her we all miss her ok? :hug:

hi everyone!!!

Hey :hug: long time no see :cheers:

did you guys see Randy Jacksons new video??? Blanket is screaming in the background :eek:

*runs to YT to look for*
*dosent find it* :cry:

a - sorry to say that but MAYBE in the MIND because he's sleeping with me.
I ain't leave my man to wander the forum alone when I sleep, he's right here in my bed, what did YA think?
b- ILY chica mostest but I'll kill you if you touch Short Film Smoothy!

If that was this one: lil kitten Calla with even smaller kitten kitten, then it really is her :sun:
She has that thing for cats apparently...


:eek: :eek: :eek: ? ... linkage?

What to think of, what to think of, what to think of...
Ah I know!


Since today you will be getting two words in the price of one ...
:)blush: umm sorry we're still learning that capitalism thingy :p)

One word will be a normal nice word for normal apples and the second word will be dirty bad word for.... normal apples.
I mean, we all dirty aren't we? :naughty:

The normal word for today TADADADADAM is: APPLE! (it's good to know your name in a different language!)

This is the pronounciation tip Wiktionary is giving me: [ˈjapkɔ]
Ł is similar to the loong sound that you make when you say woooooo

Bad word for today: ummmmm :unsure:
ok that is going to be a bad one, I hope they won't kick me out:
I find myself blushing :blush:
This is a Polish word used for a D**K forgive me I won't post a picture this time :hysterical:

pronounciation from Wiktionary: /xuj/
CH you pronounce like H and you say it at the beginning of Polish words
(like Hermana in Spanish, but not like in Andalucia, where they don't say the first H. You need to say it)
J is like Y in English, not j. So you make a Y sound :giggle:

It can also be used in a dupek context, it's much more serious though.
You use it when you really are pissed with someone and wish bad things happen to them.
Okay I hope no one will kick me out for swearing in Polish on these boards :giggle:

End of class :hi:

hi everyone!!!

welcome back starlight :hug:

a - sorry to say that but MAYBE in the MIND because he's sleeping with me.
I ain't leave my man to wander the forum alone when I sleep, he's right here in my bed, what did YA think?
b- ILY chica mostest but I'll kill you if you touch Short Film Smoothy!

If that was this one: lil kitten Calla with even smaller kitten kitten, then it really is her :sun:
She has that thing for cats apparently...


omg that tiny kitten!!!!! that wasn't the one i was talking about lol. callie, u are very pretty! :) i'm not as pretty, but here i am :lol:


:eek: :eek: :eek: ? ... linkage?

What to think of, what to think of, what to think of...
Ah I know!


Since today you will be getting two words in the price of one ...
:)blush: umm sorry we're still learning that capitalism thingy :p)

One word will be a normal nice word for normal apples and the second word will be dirty bad word for.... normal apples.
I mean, we all dirty aren't we? :naughty:

The normal word for today TADADADADAM is: APPLE! (it's good to know your name in a different language!)

This is the pronounciation tip Wiktionary is giving me: [ˈjapkɔ]
Ł is similar to the loong sound that you make when you say woooooo

Bad word for today: ummmmm :unsure:
ok that is going to be a bad one, I hope they won't kick me out:
I find myself blushing :blush:
This is a Polish word used for a D**K forgive me I won't post a picture this time :hysterical:

pronounciation from Wiktionary: /xuj/
CH you pronounce like H and you say it at the beginning of Polish words
(like Hermana in Spanish, but not like in Andalucia, where they don't say the first H. You need to say it)
J is like Y in English, not j. So you make a Y sound :giggle:

It can also be used in a dupek context, it's much more serious though.
You use it when you really are pissed with someone and wish bad things happen to them.
Okay I hope no one will kick me out for swearing in Polish on these boards :giggle:

End of class :hi:
mike's chuj :hysterical: omg that sounds bad in my own language!!!!
:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

and he had a lot of pics with cats around perf bf thriller era, but then again he loved all animals.... all cept dogs! :giggle:

omg mike's chuj!!!! a new word for the trombone thank you :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

and i always thought of mike as a cat person, maybe from the thriller pics, billie jean, and rtt having kitties in them, but also based on his mannerisms :wub: :yes::yes::wub:
omg that tiny kitten!!!!! that wasn't the one i was talking about lol. callie, u are very pretty! :) i'm not as pretty, but here i am :lol:


:lol: you actually do look similar! More so than me and Callie :D People never believe us we are actually sisters!
There's another 2 of them :p we took it specifically for appleheads cause we found it highly amusing :giggle:
It's me on the left and Callie's on the right



ummm :mello:
we don't see each other a lot so when we do,
we sorta end up doing weird things and taking weird pics :mello:
Last edited:
woah .... limon and callie are sisters? :mello: :fear: i didnt know that.... :ninja:

LMAO you're the next one... Paulita and Orie didn't know either.
that just goes to show we don't pat each other on the back too much

ILY for those uploaded videos but I had no energy whatsoever to watch all of them yesterday.
Will update today on Moscow/Warsaw relations :ninja: (do we have a smiley for a spy???)
What to think of, what to think of, what to think of...
Ah I know!


Since today you will be getting two words in the price of one ...
:)blush: umm sorry we're still learning that capitalism thingy :p)

One word will be a normal nice word for normal apples and the second word will be dirty bad word for.... normal apples.
I mean, we all dirty aren't we? :naughty:

The normal word for today TADADADADAM is: APPLE! (it's good to know your name in a different language!)

This is the pronounciation tip Wiktionary is giving me: [ˈjapkɔ]
Ł is similar to the loong sound that you make when you say woooooo

Bad word for today: ummmmm :unsure:
ok that is going to be a bad one, I hope they won't kick me out:
I find myself blushing :blush:
This is a Polish word used for a D**K forgive me I won't post a picture this time :hysterical:

pronounciation from Wiktionary: /xuj/
CH you pronounce like H and you say it at the beginning of Polish words
(like Hermana in Spanish, but not like in Andalucia, where they don't say the first H. You need to say it)
J is like Y in English, not j. So you make a Y sound :giggle:

It can also be used in a dupek context, it's much more serious though.
You use it when you really are pissed with someone and wish bad things happen to them.
Okay I hope no one will kick me out for swearing in Polish on these boards :giggle:

End of class :hi:

thank you :wild: :hug: *takes notes*

i will rep you once i can ;)
LMAO you're the next one... Paulita and Orie didn't know either.
that just goes to show we don't pat each other on the back too much

Hell I didn't know either :lol:

did you guys see Randy Jacksons new video??? Blanket is screaming in the background :eek:

I'm watching it right now. How do you know that's Blanket?

What do u mean by "screaming"???

Is it like "im so scared" type of scream...or somethin else?

It wasn't really screaming, more like just being loud. He sounded like he was just playing and messing around, like kids do don't worry :)

:eek: :eek: :eek: ? ... linkage?

It's on his Facebook page
mike's chuj :hysterical: omg that sounds bad in my own language!!!!
:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

and he had a lot of pics with cats around perf bf thriller era, but then again he loved all animals.... all cept dogs! :giggle:

"They are small but the bite" hehehe
Yes Mike was a cat person.. like me :love:
But I hear someone said that he had cats and that they were in another house now, it was on the new or something... I want his cats :mello:

welcome back starlight :hug:

omg that tiny kitten!!!!! that wasn't the one i was talking about lol. callie, u are very pretty! :) i'm not as pretty, but here i am :lol:


omg mike's chuj!!!! a new word for the trombone thank you :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

and i always thought of mike as a cat person, maybe from the thriller pics, billie jean, and rtt having kitties in them, but also based on his mannerisms :wub: :yes::yes::wub:

More like a panter :ninja:
You are cute :D
And you really look a like...:cheers:
Mike really has a very good looking fan base... if he only knew:smilerolleyes:

:lol: you actually do look similar! More so than me and Callie :D People never believe us we are actually sisters!
There's another 2 of them :p we took it specifically for appleheads cause we found it highly amusing :giggle:
It's me on the left and Callie's on the right



ummm :mello:

we don't see each other a lot so when we do, we sorta end up doing weird things and taking weird pics :mello:

Sisters?????? Like for real??? Like in blood related sisters???
Had no idea........
I though you meant like sisters like in "Wha'rup sister!"
:rollin: how did yall miss them being sisters? thats cute!
Morning :waving:

I thought they were just calling each other that, you know like "We're so close we may as well be sisters" I didn't know they were really sisters :hysterical:
Hell I didn't know either :lol:

I'm watching it right now. How do you know that's Blanket?

It wasn't really screaming, more like just being loud. He sounded like he was just playing and messing around, like kids do don't worry :)

It's on his Facebook page

I just ask friendship to him, nobody has another link???
I wanna watch Balnket :heart: He is my fav :ninja:

:rollin: how did yall miss them being sisters? thats cute!
Morning :waving:

I thought they were just calling each other that, you know like "We're so close we may as well be sisters" I didn't know they were really sisters :hysterical:

Yeah like I said before I thoug it was like "Hey sistaaaaaaa, lets watch some MJ pen, where is Tom my bro" :mello::mello::mello:
I just ask friendship to him, nobody has another link???
I wanna watch Balnket :heart: He is my fav :ninja:


Yeah like I said before I thoug it was like "Hey sistaaaaaaa, lets watch some MJ pen, where is Tom my bro" :mello::mello::mello:

Wait what? :mello:
I snuck in an extra hour of sleep before school this morning :p Helped a lot :D

lol i wish.. but i must leave for work :cry:
Yeah like I said before I thoug it was like "Hey sistaaaaaaa, lets watch some MJ pen, where is Tom my bro" :mello::mello::mello:

haha i get ya.. :hysterical:

i FINALLY got access to the legacy room.. but no green banner or name.. would much rather have green then piss yellow :mello:
i thought we said it a zillion times!!! rofffflllll

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:
:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:
:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

lmao yes we do 'adopted' sisters, like London, Dani or twin now
(apparently, which raises a question: if adrian is callie's twin, is she my twin too?)
but yes, we are real blood sisters :lmao:

am I the only one that used to read back when the thread was 500 pages long? :lmao:
cause I know we said it at the beginning :lmao:

YOU ARE ALL CUTE ILY MOSTEST :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub: