
Bad Era is orgasmic. I'm sorry, that's the only way to describe it.


Be carefull with your words.... Bes is here :ph34r:

I love the bad tour, but my husband can honestly say, I get stupid watching the HIStory tour.
I just stare at my screen. The house could burn down around me and I wouldn't care.

I wonder how it makes some men feel when their wives are more attracted to MJ than them... I'm not saying anything to you MYAS.. lol I don't want the gun pointed at me again
Wow, so it took me FOREVER to get through all the pages I missed...I'm at school again. :fear: Don't know why I took the computer right by where people line up to get their prints...maybe I subconciously want someone to see some golden crotch and be like "THAT SHIT IS AMAZING!"

MIKA was so fucking awesome! :girl_happy: He put on a great show and his voice was SO ON POINT! Like, he shows incredible range in all of his songs but I didn't know if he would hit the same notes live but was I wrong. HE CAN SAAAANNNG. Everyone should listen to him. He is adorable and ridiculously talented...and he has fierce jackets.

ALSO! Since I was in Toronto where there are lots of fancy shops...with my mom...and her credit card...I got VIVIENNE WESTWOOD SHOES. AAAAAAAAAAH! :heart: :heart: THEY ARE SO EPIC! AND I went to the MAC store and got...HIGH QUALITY CREAMY BRONZE!!!! EYEWERKS PIX TO COME!

Onto the huge multiquote post...hopefully I can get through this before class. :mellow:

This 're be forrr Tommm and Herstory ;) :
Oh haaaayy :girl_flirt: I see she enjoys my delightfully stylish metallic chaise lounge.

I AM BACK! I loved Paris... I am soooo going back there.....

This does fit ;) YAY FOR THE NEW HERSTORYSCREAM match!
and you guurrll you just CRACK ME UP with the crying elephants and whales with therapeutic lines!!! :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

*Takes care of Crunchy till Herstory's back*
well hellou mister crunchy how are we today? BURNT again?


I knew this can end up badly :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping:
I hope for no massacres on appleheads :weeping:


*did he try to get a role in a costume alien movie*????
Yeah I think we are a perfect match. :D

Just look at that furry pimp coat with smoked eye goodness. :girl_flirt: Makes me wanna get all up in that makeup chair and all under that makeup table...where the real creamy creamz are found. :fear:

And that samurai...thing...why he never added that headpiece to his gold armored bodysuit the world will never know. :mellow:

comic relief for a moment, what the HELL is up with the clown shoes/bowling shoes made into boots??? :toofunny:
I would wear them! Maybe not with plaid...whatevz. He can just wear the shoes. :)

I don't want any of us in mod que.
It ain't fun ladies.
:lmao: Why do I feel like you'd be the tattooed felon smoking a cigarette in the corner of the were almost on death row but somehow you got out using a gun made of soap and now you secretly work with a different name in a woodchipping plant...

Yes, I am outspoken.
As you can see, I look at this different and have no problem calling ya'll out on it.

I love and respect you guys enough to tell you if I think the shit is getting a bit deep.
I do agree, showing up to PETA with a roasted pig, fur coast, and leather is tacky and wrong.
Some people don't get that. We have to remember, we weren't all wired the same way.
Now STFU and hand me some baby daddy cause I need ta party!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so sorry sweetheart, were you talking? Could you repeat? I was thinkin about yummy those lips were while you were bittin them..........:evil:
Have no idea what went down and what you're talking about but that is a fine ass gif. JUST SAYIN! :fear:

I come with a gift. :D No doubt it's been posted in here, you don't miss a thing. :lol:

Michael is making himself smell good for you all. :fear:


:rollin: He doesn't miss a spot huh?

just for you girl :winking2:
:bugeyed ....
On set with Mr Rogers? Is he pulling an ET? One of these things is not like the others~!

or maybe it's cuz he looks like sasquatch with that gorilla on his back? and he STILL manages to make me want to pinch his cheeks, cute ass with that smile

He looked straight PIMP in that fur coat. :pimp: Dunno what sasquatch looks so fresh so clean.

Yes you can pinch his cheeks..



WTF? Where is this sign?

you know what?? i take that back, keeping that part too....YOU THINK YOU SLICK, DON'T YOU??? the whole damn dance video is his ass doing ballet :lmao:

i know you trying to pull a fast one, you really don't want to see that next bday, do you? :rip:
:rollin: :lmao: :hysterical:

That squidward gif snuck up on me, I lol'd for real in the library and people looked...thanks. :)

OH HELL NO BITCH! I ain't watching that ya HOOKER!

Everyone else is getting presents and you ain't getting JACK.

BES- 1 siggy, 2 gifs, Something dirty, and something random
HB- 2 siggies, 2 gifs, Something dirty, and something random
Danielle- 2 pics, 1 siggy, 2 gifs and something random
Adore- 2 stupid ass gifs, 2 pics, 2 gifs and a siggy
Jag- 2 pics, 2 gifs, 1 siggy and something dirty
Clara- 2 gifs, 1 gif, something random
Serenity- 4 gifs, 2 siggies
Tommy- 5 janet gifs, 2 janet siggies and something random
herstory- 2 gifs, 1 siggy, something random
Limon- 2 gifs, 1 siggy, something random
Callie- 2 gifs, 2 siggies and something random

lemme know if I left you out lol. you're getting your gifts on saturday hoes.
AAAHHH YAAAAAYYY! :girl_happy: :girl_dance:

Signatuuuuurrrreeee and giffy gifffftttssss!!!!!!!


Okaay people I am so not contributing to the discussion it's sad :lol:

BESito, any ideas for tag team tonight? :) imma tired but little play is always fun!
:naughty: how about we take this man from the street...

and spoil him a bit...?

Can I be the old guy who sits on the steps and lectures you crazy kids?
Last edited:
i have to go. one of my courses is taking a field trip downtown into the city (what kind of college class goes on field trips, i mean REALLY?) so i have to go take public transportation in the cold, wet rain. doesn't that sound awesome? :lol:

bye appleheads, i have no idea when i'll be is TOO TIME-CONSUMING
I love the bad tour, but my husband can honestly say, I get stupid watching the HIStory tour.
I just stare at my screen. The house could burn down around me and I wouldn't care.

Michaelforever3, I AM having a good day.
I'm just a pervert. :blush:

Not that anyone will blame you... I mean.... look at him!!!


btw love your siggy!

Thanks you!!! I love it too! That is why I never change it... hahahaha
I am obsesed with his eyes!!! :wub:
Wow, so it took me FOREVER to get through all the pages I missed...I'm at school again. :fear: Don't know why I took the computer right by where people line up to get their prints...maybe I subconciously want someone to see some golden crotch and be like "THAT SHIT IS AMAZING!"

:lmao: i TOTALLY always get stuck with the computers in plain view when I'm on MJJC. It doesn't help that our computer lab is called "the fish bowl," aka is basically a glass room in the middle of a building. so no matter which computer you pick, someone WILL see the golden crotch on your screen....

Oh and just to make this clear:
My husband can get over the fact that I find Michael more attractive.
I have always found Michael more attractive then the men I date or marry. :lmao:
My husband is sexy, in his own way.
If he doesn't like it:

Been a fan for 16yrs. Been with Chris for 2yrs. So sorry Chris, you loose this battle.
Oh and just to make this clear:
My husband can get over the fact that I find Michael more attractive.
I have always found Michael more attractive then the men I date or marry. :lmao:
My husband is sexy, in his own way.
If he doesn't like it:

Been a fan for 16yrs. Been with Chris for 2yrs. So sorry Chris, you loose this battle.

:lmao: i TOTALLY always get stuck with the computers in plain view when I'm on MJJC. It doesn't help that our computer lab is called "the fish bowl," aka is basically a glass room in the middle of a building. so no matter which computer you pick, someone WILL see the golden crotch on your screen....

haha I mean, it's not like anyone says anything but yeah...still feels really obvious. And I always take the Macs which have even bigger screens and are up in the front.

-_- Back lata' from the comfort of my own home.
Oldmoon, I ain't playin.
I will never throw all these years with Michael away for anyone else. They can suck it up.
Might sound hurtful, but that's the way I roll.
I've told Chris.
He think I'm playing
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I wonder how it makes some men feel when their wives are more attracted to MJ than them... I'm not saying anything to you MYAS.. lol I don't want the gun pointed at me again

go vote.. MJ's nominateed for 5 Ama's :ninja:

and hi all im just lurking while at work :lurkingtroll: haha

I guess... they just have to put up with it... hahahah we are just human and he is delish :cheers:

Herstory, JAG, MJRocks!!! Hey girls!!! :hug:

I have to go now girls I have a friend visiting form London and I have to get some drinks with her heheheh!!!

See you soon!!

I will be drunk on Tuesday!!! nice!
Be carefull with your words.... Bes is here :ph34r:


:lol: Don't worry, I don't lay claim to any era...I'd like to make it to 22 if possible...

very very very VERY smart girls :clap: 22 was a good age, i'd hate to have you miss that lovely time...all nice and legal and a shame if something were to ...happen...before then
Hello guys and girls :group:

haven't been in here for a just didn't feel up to it, ya know.. didn't wanna spoil your fun and all...anyways, I hope I can join in the fun again? :wub:

*gold pants close up coming soon*

Oh and just to make this clear:
My husband can get over the fact that I find Michael more attractive.
I have always found Michael more attractive then the men I date or marry. :lmao:
My husband is sexy, in his own way.
If he doesn't like it:

Been a fan for 16yrs. Been with Chris for 2yrs. So sorry Chris, you loose this battle.

:hysterical: !! :lol:
like right here? ;)


See, I hate the crushed velvet jacket itself, and the zip ruins it but check out that BLING. Big pimpin'!

I think its time I rolled on out of here for the day. I have a pool outside with my name on it! ;)

Take care appleheads :D

Bye :hug:

bitch, I want to go swimming!

i've never had so much fun. got to wear frilly knickers and garters, thigh highs, peekaboo, red lights, did (inaudible) with silly string, it was so fun when he (muffled) on the couch because we (inaudible) him with our french fans! wooooo chile, i'm exhausted after that. until tonite!

lets see, what can be our roleplay for the evening. since we were "diamond dogs" last nite from moulin rouge, how about we just be diamond girls tonite, nothing allowed on but epic jewels?

i'll have him show up in his sparkly oscars ensemble:

and we'll greet him at the door only in:





all soft and smooth and yummy with delicious shimmer lotion

and for his viewing pleasure we'll play around and fluff more shimmer on with this (then we'll get him too, you know he likes glittery things and to be TICKLED)

and we'll have pink champagne with chocolates


see you tonite!

where do I sign up? :weeping:



Jus' cuz I havent made one in a while...




:chichi: oh no he didn't
am going to go guys i have a driving theory test to revise for :(
i hate revising :mad:
and these pictures of mike are not helping. if only his crotch was a traffic light
id actually stop.

so :hugs: all round speak later xxx