
Nope she didn't know what was going on plus she can't access mjjc@work so she was lost. But since they abandoned the idea of Lost Names and simply restored the boards from the last backup, she should be ok using her old pass etc. Will talk to her later to find out.

Oh god really!!!! Thats not good, but everything should be fine yeah?? I was running around like a mad thing last night trying to find you and BES some posts ha ha!
I have to say it was quite funny last night cause we were all guests it got confusing! Someone came in and was like "Danielle ILY sweetie" I was like who is this ha ha! It was Shamz bless her then limon came in but she put sis so i knew who it was ha ha so funny! xxxx
Back from school :)
Hope everyone is doing ok now from last night.
And yeah Silouette im here and fine :waving:

EDIT: Man, my sig has changed and I've lost a bunch of posts. Ah well, we are all back at least ;)
Why did i not save the squirell??? :( My visitor messages form JAG have gone!!!! :( Thankfully the rest are there god i love my wall if it had all gone i would have cried!!! :(


Glad this place is up and functioning, I thought I would actually get some studying done for my tests today...scary.
Yeah, I couldn't log in yesterday...was it like that for everyone? :blink:






I did one time but you weren't there and I was too shy to talk. haha

I can't actually talk now since I'm at school in the silence of the library.
:( The poor banana I brought to school got all bruised. It's gone all smushy, now I can't eat it.
I need a new one...


GAAAAAAH I really should be studying but I can't concentrate on anything.

back from lunch! see you borrowing london-made stuff!!!

I have to say it was quite funny last night cause we were all guests it got confusing! Someone came in and was like "Danielle ILY sweetie" I was like who is this ha ha! It was Shamz bless her then limon came in but she put sis so i knew who it was ha ha so funny! xxxx

Serenity was fun... coming in as :ninja: and making people guess who she was! she cracked me up! :wild:

:ninja:you think it's metalic????:ninja: