Anything about DEBBIE ROWE keep it in here

Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

just show footage of her talking. that should do it :laugh: :lmao:

the children feel settled now with their family and new home and so many relatives that are giving them so much love. :heart:
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

I knew this gold-digger would do this.

She was his children's surrogate and one time wife; not his present wife.
The jackson deserve their granchildren and PEACE!

This is going to be ugly and as planned by the one who had Jackson "removed" she will have the media, and John Branca and the other sharks and leeches all helping her. When she is giving the children and the trusts(containing the multibillion 50% of SONY/ATV) Maybe then you all will see this was all planned.

Look out for massive racial polarization. This will be bigger than OJ Simpson, Rodney King and James Brown being ripped by he managers.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

On CNN they are waiting for a press conference from Debbies lawyer, its coming up in a couple of minutes.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

If this is true, can the kids have some say in this?
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Debbies lawyer was on CNN just now and he said that she has NOT made a desicion and she will keep quite for now, she is staying quite out of respect for Michaels famaly and children.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

On CNN, they just played a recording from Debbie's attorney saying that she has not yet reached a decision regarding custody. He said a lot more regarding this being a time of grieving and asked that people respect the family at this time (paraphrasing). That they will be keeping quiet in the meantime.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

From what I heard, the kids are by DNA not even hers.. So she hasnt been with them since birth.. And now she wants to what.. raise them up like her own kids? The Jackson fam has been with them more than she has. They dont even know her.

Debbie even asked that the kids do NOT call her MOMMY.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Yip, just saw the CNN report that she hasnt decided yet.

The media are yet again feeding us half truths. Im done with it all.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

This woman did not even release a condolence message.

I'm still happy that Blanket is entirely under the care of the Jacksons and neither Debbie nor the media nor Branca can do anything about that.

Also, the Jacksons can appeal this all the way to California Supreme court to ensure that the kids stay together.

Katherine controls 40% of the trust that Michael left till she passes away. The rest of the kids have 40% and Katherine's share goes to them when she passes away.

That means Blanket has about 12.5 % of his and 12.5% from Katherine, which leaves Jacksons with an assured control of 25% of Michael's assets

The court would find it hard
- first of all to separate the kids
- second of all, to go against the wishes of the kids if tehy say they want to stay with the Jacksons

I think the best for Jacksons to do is not to engage in a public spat with Debbie, which the media would love, but to focus on the funeral and leave the rest to the courts.

Also, the public knows that Debbie is after money after being left out of the will.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

i think she only wants custody because of the money they are getting.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

If she does go ahead with this evil action, I would suspect any crazy fan to commit a murder. That would be so cruel.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

If this is true, can the kids have some say in this?

i asked an attorney about this. this is not official, of course, but he said it's usually left up to the court to decide. but if the children say they want to stay with Katherine and their family, the court would "most likely" go with the children's wishes. (you probably already know this, just thought i'd throw it in)

btw great screen name ThankyouMichael :)
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

I dont believe this, but even if it is true, a court will think VERY hard before they consider separating siblings and also they are old enough for the courts to ask them what THEY want and that will factor in heavily along with past history and Michael's will. Those kids are gonna be ok. I just hope Joe doesnt start pimping them out to the biz like he did with his kids. Oh lord.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Whatever happens I just hope its done peacefully and with as little fanfare as possible.
This should be settled quickly behind court doors not in the media.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

i asked an attorney about this. this is not official, of course, but he said it's usually left up to the court to decide. but if the children say they want to stay with Katherine and their family, the court would "most likely" go with the children's wishes. (you probably already know this, just thought i'd throw it in)

btw great screen name ThankyouMichael :)
Aah, thankyou for doing that bit of research for us, MJmakesmeDance. :)
There's no doubt the kids will want to stay with their Grandma.

(And about the screen name, thanks... :))
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Judge: Prince, who do you want to live with? Grandma Katherine Jackson or Mother Debbie Rowe?


Judge: Paris, who do you want to live with? Grandma Katherine Jackson or Mother Debbie Rowe?


Case closed.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Judge: Prince, who do you want to live with? Grandma Katherine Jackson or Mother Debbie Rowe?


Judge: Paris, who do you want to live with? Grandma Katherine Jackson or Mother Debbie Rowe?


Case closed.

Judge: Blanket, do you want to stay with your brother and sister and Grandma and all the relatives who are pouring love upon you or Debbie who you don't even know?

Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

I do see Debbie trying to get custody of those kids, I don't know if visitation rights would be enough for her......she's gonna go all the way with this. But I wonder what kind of woman would want to separate Prince and Paris from their little brother? This could get messy!
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

What a mess! She saw now that MJ didn't include her in the will now she wants the kids! Ugh! **** her!
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Yip, just saw the CNN report that she hasnt decided yet.

The media are yet again feeding us half truths. Im done with it all.
It seems pretty clear she did call that reporter at the local NBC affiliate in Los Angeles and claim that she wanted the kids and would get the restraining order against Joe Jackson:

Now she is backpedaling via her lawyer. At best, she's being flaky again.

RedMaryFlint!!!! I've missed you!!!
Hi Obie! I missed you too. :)
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Thanks, boo. Looks like things are about to get dicey.

Well, I hope the Jacksons learn as much as they can about the agreement that Michael and Debbie agreed to and hire themselves a top notch attorney. Anyone short of a pitbull will lead to Prince and Paris being split from their brother and the only other family they know aside from their late father.

A mediocre attorney will not do. It will also help if they keep privy information out of earshot of Brian Oxman. He hasn't exactly been a fountain of trustworthiness over the years. I don't understand their relationship with him, but they best check themselves quick or these children will have their lives shattered even more than it already has.

I don't know Debbie's motivations and I won't even hazard a guess ( :ph34r: ) , but both sides need to consider what will be in the best interested of all three children. IMHO, separating them or engaging in a long drawn out legal battle will not do, especially if it comes at the cost of adding further upheaval to the lives of these minors and their inheritance.

If fortune would have it there would be a clause in the trust saying that whoever has custody of the children must support the children themselves and not through the children's trust. Then, there could be an easily made decision.

A surrogate mother is just that. Debbie Rowe has had 12 years to be involved in these children's lives. Anything that kept her from that, including monetary exchange, great love for Michael Jackson, not really wanting to be a parent in terms of the daily responsibilities, etc. was her choice not to be a parent. We tell men all the time that having a child is not the same as raising a child. The same for women. When it is by choice, then be woman enough to stand by that choice so as not to disrupt the children's lives when least needed. If they want to interact with her, the day will come that they initiate it. She expected them to be understanding of why their mother wasn't there to dry tears, wipe noses, give advice, create laughter, and instill values. Now it is her time to be understanding if it is not what they want.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Judge: Prince, do you want to live with your Mother Debbie Rowe?

Prince: Who?Debbie Rowe?I dont know who is this lady.

Judge: Paris, do you want to live with your Mother Debbie Rowe?

Paris: Debbie...who???

Judge:Blanket, do you want ....

Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

shes their biological mother she can get them

Thank goodness that it is not that simple when circumstances call for it otherwise.

She can't claim that she was kept away from them because she has been all over media throughout with claims that she doesn't want to be a mother and that she is not the mother type; so she is going to have to show how those motherly instincts have developed so quickly.

And for her to even bring up Joe Jackson--again, after 12 years she is concerned with their presence around him? Debbie may have made attempts for increased visitation or custody beforehand but each time went away when the money issue was fixed. It may sound harsh, but if I were the Jacksons I would just write the check now so as not to put the children through the agony that they don't need now.

If it is true that they asked for Grace, then that speaks volume for Debbie's role in their lives. And finally, it has been revealed what Michael's wishes for his children were in regards to this. To disrespect this is utterly sad. People on the boards loved to judge those that surrounded him because of what money they took, or what lies they told, or what backhanded comments they made. I'm sure that all of those would be meaningless to Michael compared to his wishes being respected concerning the loves of his life.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

How do we know she would stop them seeing their family and she might even take Blanket. Even if she wants custody they might let her on the circumstances she gets to know the kids before she takes sole custody. It's my opinion I like her I cant see what she did wrong, She let the kids be with the person that was right i need someone to tell me whats soooo wrong?

You me or the world doesnt know if she truly regrets her decision, and everyone says oh their jackson yehh but they have 50% Rowe in their. She isnt a vile woman who caused Michael any havoc she gave Michael 2 beautiful children.

But whatever is decided that will end it all I just hope if she wants to get to know them that they will let her doesnt matter what anyone says her name is on the birth certificate and they have a mother - Debbie Rowe

But her regrets should not become their burden. And Heaven help the world's children if the standards of motherhood end with a name on the birth certificate. I wonder how many of you would have jumped and left with another woman who suddenly wanted you to live with her after 12 years living with and interacting with a family that provided comfort and love.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Not to go far too off topic, but who would you like to see with the children between Diana Ross and Debbie?

I'm trying to understand why Michael choose Diana before Debbie.

Remember also that this will was written in 2002, that's 7 years ago... a lot may have happened since then.

Even though I'd rather see Katherine taking care of the kids, I the same time will not slander the mother of Michael's kids before I've heard why she wants to have them - that's if she in fact decides to fight for them.

In the end of the day we don't know shit, and many of our accusations (not only in this thread) are on some Perez Hilton level.

Remember that more than often things are never what they seem to be.