Anything about DEBBIE ROWE keep it in here

Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Do we even know whether any of this is even true? Media outliets are reporting all kinds of ish right now and we don't really know what's going on.

Anyway what I hope for is that the children are kept all together, they shouldn't be separated because they are all close to one another and Michael wouldn't want them to be separated. Also Michael would not want people to be fighting over his children, anyway I think its Michael's wishes that should be respected, he must have said who he would like to look after his children.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

cooooool, hope they go to their mother!!!!!!!!
Why would you be happy to see 2 children split from their sibling and the only family they know? They don't know Debbie - their family is the Jackson family and that's who they should stay with. They've been through enough without the added trauma of being separated from their family!
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

shes their biological mother she can get them

It doesnt matter. She was never there and was never planning on being there so in my eyes she doesnt deserve to get them.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Why would you be happy to see 2 children split from their sibling and the only family they know? They don't know Debbie - their family is the Jackson family and that's who they should stay with. They've been through enough without the added trauma of being separated from their family!

How do we know she would stop them seeing their family and she might even take Blanket. Even if she wants custody they might let her on the circumstances she gets to know the kids before she takes sole custody. It's my opinion I like her I cant see what she did wrong, She let the kids be with the person that was right i need someone to tell me whats soooo wrong?

You me or the world doesnt know if she truly regrets her decision, and everyone says oh their jackson yehh but they have 50% Rowe in their. She isnt a vile woman who caused Michael any havoc she gave Michael 2 beautiful children.

But whatever is decided that will end it all I just hope if she wants to get to know them that they will let her doesnt matter what anyone says her name is on the birth certificate and they have a mother - Debbie Rowe
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

She didnt really waste any time did she. I've always given her the benefit of the doubt, to carry children and give them up is something else, but nothing justifies her, after a week of Michael passing, attempting to split the kids up. God knows how much they need to be with each other and the family that they know. They dont even know Debbie!

I cant imagine that it would go in her favour anyway, visitation and building a relationship is possible, but all out custody, I cant see it happening.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Mother or not....the children don't know HER.....that is the point...if she wanted them she would have tried to get them back before mj that she is out of the will she wants the money (the children)....if she was that concerned about her children being around Joe she wouldn't have made that decision to give up rights etc....anybody in there RIGHT mind can see what is going on....
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

F*** Debbie Rowe. She hasn't cared all these years, now she wants to "step up."
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Sorry but I will moonwalk her ass ,go in hell ,,she doesn't deserve them-.The kids will stay with jackson family and that's it..
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

This is what the media wants. It has never cared for children, just to exploit them for drama, the way Bashir did.

They want to see a fight pitched between Jacksons. They don't want them to be at peace.

I also see another racial divide creeping up that Michael tried to heal with his music. The media is trying to stir up by saying they are not Michael's kids because of their color.

Now, they are in an African American family and the underlying theme will be that white-looking kids should not be raised there but with a white mother.

This is really dangerous and fans should look out for it. Perhaps that is why some people here are expressing happiness.

You have two guardians of the kids who are African American who will be pitched in a custody battle against a white mother with kids the media depicts as white and not Michaels.
This cannot be good.

It will be appealed and may drag on for 2 years if not more, which will add to Katherine's grief and may cause her death from stress and grief. Rather than find happiness with grandchildren, she will be stressed at having lost Michael and the daily prospect of losing custody of her son's kids.

The Jacksons need to talk about this publicly and tell Debbie straight not to add grief to their mother and try to kill her just because she is not in Michael's will.

They need to fight, not for the kids but for their mother's welfare.
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Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Debbie Rowe has proved more than once that all she is interested in is money, and she is doing it again now. Anyone who cared jack about those children would not do this to them. Seperate them from their brother (she has no legal claim on Blanket) and even if for the kids sakes the three stayed together how does she know how to raise kids, or provide the security the heirs to a billion dollar music catalogue would need.

My guess the fact that she does this after the will excludes her and her alimony died last Thursday, is that she is doing what she did in 2005, bringing a custody suite when really all she wants is money, she probably expects that the Jacksons will offer to settle and she can march off with another fat cheque.

I just hope a judge sees through this, and I agree, Michael never did anything without complications, and using a surrogate which is all she was, was bound to bite him in the backside one day, but then a marriage could also have ended in divorce and him not getting custody.

Mrs Jackson is perfect, she is not senile, has any amount of help and a large extended family that the kids are close to. Interesting that Michael left his estate to a family trust, maybe he did that to protect the kids, if they have no money left to them in their name she cannot touch it. She should have acess, I agree they need to know her, so that in time they can chose a relationship. They will hate her guts if they are forced to live with her against their will.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

I will be EXTREMELY angry if Debbie Rowe is granted custody of those children. They love their father, they love the Jackson family and that is where they belong. Debbie Rowe has always been concerned with money when came to her children. Let's not forget that she did sign away her parental rights twice for large settlements. She is only looking to gain control over what trusts the children have. If she even thinks for one second that the Jackson family is going to lay down without a fight, she's got another thing coming. Michael never owed that woman a darn thing! She was paid for her part of their agreement including getting a 1.2 million dollar home. He had no further financial obligations to her. What matters is what the most stable environment is and where Prince and Paris want to be. They should stay with Katherine and if she is unable maybe Rebbie or Janet. Michael specified he wanted the children to be raised by Diana Ross. Diana is a very good mother to her own five children and was very good to Michael as a child. I think she would be good as well. As I have been saying for years, he loved Diana Ross with all his heart and soul. Even though the will is seven years old, as far as I know, he saw no need to change it. I laughed when I found out Joe Jackson was cut out completely! Serves him right the old fool!
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

If is true why CNN and others news channels r reporting this???
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

if it's true, she doesnt care about children and Michael's family at all
imagine what it can do to Katherine!!

reminds me "a serie of very unfortunate events"
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Good statement. Why is that white people seem to have a problem with white-looking children being raised by a black family. But it's okay for whites to adopt children of all other races? Regardless if MJ is the biological father or not, his name is on the birth certificate and he is their legal father. This is why the racist media is wanting to try to get a DNA test. This isn't about the kids, it's always been about this man having control over half of a billions dollar estate and assets. Debbie Rowe is not the only wolf on the prowl for custody of the kids.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

I'm not going to get in an uproar about this. If Blanket were Debbie's child, she would have a chance because of his age. Because Prince and Paris are the only ones she has any justification for fighting for, then she pretty much can forget it because both of them are clearly old enough to speak for themselves which would carry a lot of weight with the court. Dragging it out only lessens her chances because the children would be older still.

They ONLY party benefitting from this uproar is the media - all of whom were hoping for this from the beginning so they can churn out even more shit. The more attention paid to it, the better the media loves it.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

I bet this isn't even true!
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Lets hope this is not true..she doesnt stand a chance anyway. She made a statement and I heardit come out of her mouth how she said..and I quote " My children are my animals, cats dogs horses, I had the children for Micheal because he said he wanted children, so I did this for him as a gift" unquote. So folks lets just hope this is all on ebig fat lie, just like the many we have been told so far by the media. It wouldnt be the first one.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

She gave up all her parental rights so why would the courts give her custody when it would be in the childrens interest to go to a relative who they know.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

This is what the media wants. It has never cared for children, just to exploit them for drama, the way Bashir did.

They want to see a fight pitched between Jacksons. They don't want them to be at peace.

I also see another racial divide creeping up that Michael tried to heal with his music. The media is trying to stir up by saying they are not Michael's kids because of their color.

Now, they are in an African American family and the underlying theme will be that white-looking kids should not be raised there but with a white mother.

This is really dangerous and fans should look out for it. Perhaps that is why some people here are expressing happiness.

You have two guardians of the kids who are African American who will be pitched in a custody battle against a white mother with kids the media depicts as white and not Michaels.
All I have to say is..... :ph34r:
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

i read this is a garbabe paper, em, yellow press paper, today as well. let's hope it's a "yellow press truth".
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

I think that all three children should be together, and the best would be if they could live with some relative who knows what MJ was really like as a person and can answer questions as they grow up. Janet has said for many years that she wanted children some day or maybe some other relative.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

I knew this would happen! I only hope they are not split up from Blanket. That is not right to split them apart at all. They can't do that. I hope something resolved here.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

she may get visiting rights. she wont get full custody but she'll find a way to get some sort of money. thats why shes doing this
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

she may get visiting rights. she wont get full custody but she'll find a way to get some sort of money. thats why shes doing this

She can no longer get any money. She could when Michael was alive, but don't forget all money is in a trust and allocated to Katherine, the kids and charity, so she has no access to money no matter what.

Visitation rights do not incur care costs.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

^^and let's hop it stays that way!
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

wonder what took her so long
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

She can no longer get any money. She could when Michael was alive, but don't forget all money is in a trust and allocated to Katherine, the kids and charity, so she has no access to money no matter what.

Visitation rights do not incur care costs.

ok im not sure how it works but i think shes looking for some kind of hold on the kids for ze reckon 'who is it' is about her?