Anything about DEBBIE ROWE keep it in here

Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Debbie Rowe is on thin ice

She didn't even issue a condolence message.

Londell can successfully argue that her interest in custody only arose after teh will became public and she was left out. Her interest is therefore not kids, but money or being spunned.

Also, when i heard Schaffel speking on her behalf, i said NOOOOOO!

Londell can use Schaffel's attempts to manipulate and swindle Michael as reason why the kids should not be close to him via Debbie.

She might have stood a better chance if Michael didn't name a secondary guardian, as some were questioning how Katherine will manage in her old age, but given Diana Ross as secondary guardian, she's not in a good place.

Also given that through grieving the kids have been with the Jackson family, it will be hard for Debbie to then extract them from that environment.

And a judge would really stretch to split 2 kids especially from the youngest.
While Debbie cannot lay claim on Blanket who is not hers.

What is in the best interest of the kids? That's what the family court always asks.

Often, it's that they stay together. It happens in adoption and i still say that the best move Michael ever made was to have a child without a mother that would try to come and lay a claim on the kid. Blanket acts as an anchor for the other two.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

you are right terrell.

if anybody else had the track record of Debbie Rowe, and if the father were anyone else but Michael, all the courts and all the media would tell Debbie to go to hell.

but because it's Michael..suddenly the mother is a saint in the eyes of the media.

Rowe wants all the big money that those kids stand to inherit. plain and simple.
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Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

DEBBIE ROW "I want my Money."

Do you want the kids you gave up for Money Debbie?

This fugly old hag should sit the fuck down and chill with her horses.

I don't care if this is true or not, I just want to get this off my chest.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

She won't get them. They won't split the children up like that. It's not in their best interests. Obviously Prince I will have a say as well, and I don't believe he wants to go with Debbie either.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

ummm Debbie, really? Did you watch ur self on a vid. documentary about not being in contact with the children and that they're Michael's children and that you have nothing to do with them?, What a complete 360% turn around!-_-
Exactly. Now she's Donna Reed overnight?
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

This is taken from California Child Custody Law and Procedures

5. Separation Of Siblings: California policy affords strong protection to sibling relationships. Absent compelling circumstances, such as extraordinary emotional, medical or educational need, an order separating siblings between custodial households ordinarily will be reversed as detrimental to the children's best interest. [Marriage of Williams (2001) 88 Cal.App.4th 808, 814-815, 105 Cal.Rptr.2d 923, 927-998]

6. Child's Wishes: The court must "consider" and give "due weight" to the wishes of children who are of "sufficient age and capacity to reason so as to form an intelligent preference as to custody." [Ca Fam § 3042(a); see also Ca Fam § 3030(c)(1)].
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

She wants custody after the will is out, what a surprise.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

it's not about who pops them out, Debbie. it's about who raises them.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

She sold them for 9 million $$ long time ago now why dont she just go back to her little corner and get a life..:doh:
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

She wants HER children, what about their little brother? How dare she exclude Blanket.

All I know is, she better be prepared to fight the ENTIRE Jackson family, because there is no way they are not going to put up a huge fight.

And then you have Prince, who is able to say what he wants to do and where he wants to be, which will be considered. And let's remember that by all accounts, MJ's children are very articulate, I'm sure even Paris will have something to say.

Debbie could have waited until Michael was at least put to rest before she spoke to the media about this situation. Making this claim now, is totally uncalled for.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

is there a possibility that she really get the kids??
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

nah very little i tihnk. all shes got is genetic lineage and age on her side. Otherwise the jacksons offer the kids a much better quality of life.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

One thing i don't understand

seven-year-old will? This will was writen in 2002. Where is the new will? This doesn't make any sense at all. Please can someone explain to me.Thank you in advance

I guess, Debbie wants more money
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Thanks, boo. Looks like things are about to get dicey.

Well, I hope the Jacksons learn as much as they can about the agreement that Michael and Debbie agreed to and hire themselves a top notch attorney. Anyone short of a pitbull will lead to Prince and Paris being split from their brother and the only other family they know aside from their late father.

A mediocre attorney will not do. It will also help if they keep privy information out of earshot of Brian Oxman. He hasn't exactly been a fountain of trustworthiness over the years. I don't understand their relationship with him, but they best check themselves quick or these children will have their lives shattered even more than it already has.

I don't know Debbie's motivations and I won't even hazard a guess ( :ph34r: ) , but both sides need to consider what will be in the best interested of all three children. IMHO, separating them or engaging in a long drawn out legal battle will not do, especially if it comes at the cost of adding further upheaval to the lives of these minors and their inheritance.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

One thing i don't understand

seven-year-old will? This will was writen in 2002. Where is the new will? This doesn't make any sense at all. Please can someone explain to me.Thank you in advance

I guess, Debbie wants more money

I want someone to explain it to me too. There is no way MJ didn't have a new will, I don't get it.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

Thanks, boo. Looks like things are about to get dicey.

Well, I hope the Jacksons learn as much as they can about the agreement that Michael and Debbie agreed to and hire themselves a top notch attorney. Anyone short of a pitbull will lead to Prince and Paris being split from their brother and the only other family they know aside from their late father.
A pitbull and Mesereau's six binders of info.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

You've got to be kidding me! She is just angry that Michael didn't leave her anything at all. As far as I'm concerned this is the only reason she has stepped into the picture...just one day after the Will was brought into the picture. It was 24hrs ago on CNN that they said she wanted to wait till after the funeral to meet and talk to the family like a civilized human being. Now it just looks like she wants money.

The right thing to do is to keep those three children within the family. And that isn't just because I'm a fan. It's because they don't know their "mother". They might as well be adopted.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

This is taken from California Child Custody Law and Procedures

5. Separation Of Siblings: California policy affords strong protection to sibling relationships. Absent compelling circumstances, such as extraordinary emotional, medical or educational need, an order separating siblings between custodial households ordinarily will be reversed as detrimental to the children's best interest. [Marriage of Williams (2001) 88 Cal.App.4th 808, 814-815, 105 Cal.Rptr.2d 923, 927-998]

6. Child's Wishes: The court must "consider" and give "due weight" to the wishes of children who are of "sufficient age and capacity to reason so as to form an intelligent preference as to custody." [Ca Fam § 3042(a); see also Ca Fam § 3030(c)(1)].
Oh hell. An MJ fan equipt with the internet and California law statues is a dangerous human being. Anyone who was around during the trial knows that! :lol: Thanks for the information, Lacey. :flowers:

is there a possibility that she really get the kids??
Anything is possible. With all this information coming out regarding Michael and prescription drugs, you can best believe that this will be used as part of their argument, whether or not it is valid. The claims of childhood abuse at the hand of Joseph Jackson will come up. The child molestation case maybe. I don't know what Debbie intends to do or how far she is willing to go, but I think folks should brace themselves for a long, drawn out battle if it gets to that.

A pitbull and Mesereau's six binders of info.
RedMaryFlint!!!! I've missed you!!! Yes, a Mesereau-style attorney is what will be needed unless this matter is settled out of court. I really hope that they remember that the children are the focus here.

The Jacksons and/or Debbie could start by denouncing the fact that TMZ and Entertainment Tonight have these poor children's birth certificates splashed on the Internet. Their silence is deafening.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

cooooool, hope they go to their mother!!!!!!!!
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

You've got to be kidding me! She is just angry that Michael didn't leave her anything at all. How do you know that?

She left the kids with person she thought was right Michael because she didnt want to be a mother just because she let him bring them doesnt mean she didnt regret her decision. Noone should assume what she does and doesnt think we were never involved with this process, You havent seen her seeking her time in the spotlight even after Michael and her got divorced she dissapeared. If she wants the kids good for her I want her to get them!!!
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

And if she wants money I'm sure would've demanded it like 20 years ago, I mean i know she didnt keep her kids but lets give a bit more recognition she aint stupid lol You dont see her getting plastic surgery like some ex's of really wealthy celebrities. Since they divorced i've havent really heard her name and when i have it was because she was either there for Michael when she needed him or she was going to the trial.

Before we pin point her a money grabbing ex wife lets just see if she really want these kids.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

She wont get them, she is on record saying she doesnt want them and they dont even know her.