Anyone like singing Karaoke?

*is nervous*

Okay, I got things to finally work, due to a purchase of a ten dollar mic which seems to bypass the fan noise. haha!

I remember my mother, when I was a little girl, always singing Frank Sinatra songs all over the house while doing, I took a trip down memory lane and attempted to sing a Frank Sinatra song.

Oh boy...corniness coming your way!

Turn the MASTER VOLUMN down real LOW...because it recorded loud (amazing new ten dollar mic evidently)


By the way there is a looooong instrumental part in there...but if you are into the sax and trumpet and the big band'll be a happy camper.

I remember Summer saying how shy she is, so she might relate to me in this....I do not do anything in front of people...I dance behind close doors and if I sing, which isn't so much anymore, I wait till I'm basically alone. But this little SingSnap site is nice for us self-conscious ones because it's just us alone with the computer and no one watching. I choke in front of people.

Oh, warning, I can be pitchy!!! :bugeyed

(and remember this is my first time ever singing along with Karaoki, so please be kind. :blush: )
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^ I guess having it set to private means we can't access it? :bugeyed
^ oh groan...really?

I no way want this public.

EDIT: Maybe tomorrow I'll set it to public for a short period of time and then switch it back to private or delete it. Double *sigh*
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I loved the song gueen g...! I really did! It reminded me of the old jazz records...very nice! :) You have a pretty voice. :yes: And you are WAY too kind! :lol: :lol: I deleted all of the other songs I did because I listened to them and was like "UGH...horrible!!" :lol: So...I can't return them on there. They are gone. But I did a new one...just for you gueen g (I got your PM..:lol:), so that you won't feel alone in this karaoke thing! :lol: :lol:

I sang "I Know Him So Well"...I think it's a really beautiful song (my singing might not be as beautiful though! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:I am SO FLAT at times it's not even funny!! :puke:). It's here:
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" *the nurses singing* " :hysterical:

Very clever, your Bad parody.

Summer, I am so glad you posted new songs. Yay! I Know Him so Well, you are right, is a beautiful song, I had never heard it before. Very lovely, Summer; I especially liked your voice on the chorus. :) You hit your high notes in such a pretty way.

Thanks for keeping me from feeling all alone in here, *looks around all self-consciously*, and thank you for your kind compliments.
Queen g I really liked yours, You have a very good voice. Ty for being brave enough to post it :lol:

Summer :toofunny: loved that LOL!
"just stay in bed, in bed, ya know it..." :lol: That was cute!

Do you sing that to restless patients, summer? (I'm visualizing MJ in his Bad outfit at a hospital, helping the nurses out by singing that version to patients who won't stay in bed. :D)
Bump :fear:

:lol: @ the talking part, it was hard :mello:

I love it! I really like your voice! And you sound like you're about to cry when you talk...:boohoo:

Check this out: LOL

Me and my split personalities in WATW :lol:

I also did Red Light Special which I think turned out simi-well lol:

You and your "other personalities"...:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Girl, you crack me up! :lol: :lol: I loved it!! Awesome!! :kickass:

I did (a bad version of) One Moment In Time from Whitney Houston. :lol: I love that song. Actually...I love almost all of Whitney's songs...wish she'd do another album...She's an amazing singer. Love her.

One Moment In Time:

Okay...laundry awaits..gotta go! :lol:
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i love karaoke, some people are posting themselves singing, I wont be!

but my one and only song I can sing relatively well is deacon blue - dignity :)
in my country, karaoke singing is everyone's favorite pasttime. that is no exaggeration! occasion or no occasion people take to singing just as natural as eating or sleeping:D

just a little trivia... it was a japanese named Inoue Daisuke who invented the karaoke altho a filipino (benjamin del rosario) is also claiming rights for it
^ :clapping: Very well done! I left a comment for ya also on singsnap. Soooo pretty. I like the song very much. I had never heard it before. It seems you got the right feel for it, although I have never heard the original. You are beginning to put a lot more into your expression of lyrics and it's a happenin'! :D You're the lovely singin' Lorraine.