Anyone like singing Karaoke?

I loved those songs!!

And Till..."no music..and I burped"....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Now that's karaoke! :lol: :lol:

And yay!!!! Lorraine's back!!! WHOOHOO!!!! Let the karaoke party begin!!! :kickass: :lol:
TillitsGone! That was very fun! You are definitely relaxed while doin' something like this That's cool. :)

J5, another good one by you! I liked the intro. You tell those guys now!

Lorraine, Yay! An oldie! Not boring...I like your voice. :)

Well, I have had nuttin but trouble attempting this. One is that my internal fan on my laptop is "sick" and is extremely loud! So the recording is picking that up, and I am having mic problems. might be resolvable, eventually,...but not today, that's for sure.

But you guys keep 'em coming! :clap:
No that was good!!!!! I loved it!! I like your voice!!

awww thats so sweet Lorraine! Love it!

Lorraine, Yay! An oldie! Not boring...I like your voice. :)

Thank you :blush: :girl_karaoke: :lol:

K my last one (i think) until this weekend comes around LOL

Kiss By A Rose-Seal

I love that one good job :D Great song! :yes:

Summer I listened to all of yours too, I love the Prince Kiss one LOL!
And the Ooooo forgot the title :lol: the one you liked as a kids... you had fun doing that :lol:
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Hey, great job you guys!

Aw, sounds like y'all have been having a blast. Some day I'll get myself a mic. lol

Can we submit requests? ....

More MJ tunes! lol
'I'll be there....'

I mean to listen, tomorrow. lol You don't necessarily have to sing that one. lol
But's pretty bad :lol:

How about you put yours up again as well?

I did Right Here-SWV I had to sing pretty quietly cuz i live in a dorm lol

BTW I requested a JJ, more MJ, and Disney songs in the forum lol
hmmm, i loove to sing but i can't say singing lovesme too. haha! nyways, i tried going to the above link just to listen but umm... it was playing but there wasn't any sound!
LOL you lot are nuttas. i'd have to be bllxd out of my head to do something like this.

and so without further adieu, i'm afraid this spectacle of outstanding vocal ability will outshine all of yous.

Stephen Hawking!! :lol:

(sorry couldn't view the script thingy you posted cause I have NoScripts blocking it)

And J5Master hell to the no I am not singing :rofl:
Stephen Hawking!! :lol:

(sorry couldn't view the script thingy you posted cause I have NoScripts blocking it)

And J5Master hell to the no I am not singing :rofl:
is it because u think ur so good that we dont desevre to hear u sing?

ur so stuck up lj
K so I tried to do Earth Song, but for a song with SUCH a simple melody, its SOOOO hard to sing. I wasn't gonna butcher such a beautiful song. Plus these karaoke people took out like half of the ending, so I couldn't stop laughing at the end lol.

So for you listening pleasure (or torture)...Remember The TIme!

And the backing vocals in that song make me laugh :lol:
I want the funny laughing Earth song!! *protests*

actually I can't say anything cause I haven't contributed :lol:

carry on :trish: