Anyone like singing Karaoke?


Proud Member
Jan 28, 2004
If you do you should try out this site :wild:

Edit: Deleted mine :p :lol:

If you like singing record some post them and let us listen :cheeky:
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27 views no replies is it really that bad :toofunny: Jk LOL!

Thanks for the comments I have had by other means :)

I guess no one else wants to sing? :unsure:
i would sing but theres a chance that they may turn this forum into the Chaos fan forum and being as modest as i am i cannot risk such a thing happening
Well, can I have like a whole week to practice some song? I don't hardly sing anymore... I don't even know if I can do this. I have never sung along with Karaoke in my life. Yikes.

But thank you for the's nice to know I can practice in the privacy of my own home with no one hearin'!!! I'll probably find it fun. (I'll wait till my son is at school during the day so no one is in hearing distance). :lol:

Chaos, it is our loss. *mourns*

Lorraine, you rock! :D
Sure go for it :p :lol:

LOL! I do that too wait til the house is empty and just have my fun on there, It is really a fun thing to do I like it :)
ok i ain't gonna lie i have been dabbling in this. and it is fun :lol:
:punk:You go girl!! Love it!

Yeah it is pretty quiet I am used to you talking pretty loud on Paltalk :lol: :p
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Chaos, it is our loss. *mourns*
I know, but MJ asked me personally not to sing incase he lost his fanbase to me and you know, Michael is like a student to me and I couldnt say no to him and hence why I let him have the limelight :blush:
I know, but MJ asked me personally not to sing incase he lost his fanbase to me and you know, Michael is like a student to me and I couldnt say no to him and hence why I let him have the limelight :blush:

I'm constantly amazed at your giving nature. You always put others before yourself. Not only should MJ be, but we all should be... students of yours.:yes:

LORRAINE! YOU deleted yours! (something I would totally do). hahaha. I hope you'll do another for us. :) I liked yours.

J5! You have such a sweet voice. Thanks for sharing. :clapping:

(I, of course, have yet to even try this. Maybe today)
But's pretty bad :lol:

How about you put yours up again as well?

I did Right Here-SWV I had to sing pretty quietly cuz i live in a dorm lol

BTW I requested a JJ, more MJ, and Disney songs in the forum lol

OMG, you sound like Janet!! :lol: :I LOVE IT! :kickass:

Hurry up though before it goes again.... :bugeyed :lol:

I looove that! It has an interesting sound. Very artistic! Me likes!! :yes:

Here is mine....The worst and most boring version of "Memory" that was ever recorded. :lmao: "Erase it from your memory". :toofunny: Your ears will bleed. :lmao: Thsi was the only take I coudld sing through without coughing. :lmao: :lmao: My throat is so dry, it's not even funny. :lol:
(and I can't believe I'm posting'S YOUR FAULT! You made me do it! :bugeyed:hysterical: )
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I did Chain Reaction....:lmao: :lmao: I know teh song but I have never really listened to teh lyrics SOOO carefully....I never realized the lyrics are so EXPLICIT! :wild: :toofunny: :toofunny: Made me crack up while singing because I was like "OMG!!!" :wild: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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I'm on a roll...:lmao: :lmao: Your ears bleeding yet? :lol: :lol: Butterflies....'cause "I just wanna toooouuuuuccchhhh youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu". :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: (Yes...I am bored! :lol: And I sense I'm gonna do a lot of editing and deleting tomorrow! :lmao: :lmao: )

And J5 needs to post her songs too...she's hiding!! HEY GIRL!!! :huh: *folds arms and taps foot* :lol: :lol:
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You guys are really going to town here! Summer and J5 you're doin some awesome singing! don't pick easy ones or anything...MEMORIES!....BUTTERFLIES! Man, you like challenges. I really thought you sounded lovely singing Memories :yes:....I was impressed. did a great job with that Britney Speare's song, Hit Me Baby. I think you should have belted it out for the whole dorm to hear; I know they would have loved it!!! :dance:
You guys are really going to town here! Summer and J5 you're doin some awesome singing! don't pick easy ones or anything...MEMORIES!....BUTTERFLIES! Man, you like challenges. I really thought you sounded lovely singing Memories :yes:....I was impressed. did a great job with that Britney Speare's song, Hit Me Baby. I think you should have belted it out for the whole dorm to hear; I know they would have loved it!!! :dance:

:lol: :lol:'re too kind. :lol: My favorite is still "Kiss" by Prince. That was the most fun to sing. :lmao: :lmao: But J5 and Fayik both told me they can't open the I uploaded it in ZShare, so who ever wants to have a can download it here:

It's only about 1:30 minutes long, so it shouldn't take long to download. Go go go!!! That one's my favorite!! :lol:
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you guys are insane!! :rofl:

there is noooo way you're gonna get me to sing :lol: I had enough trouble getting the guts up to speak on Pal talk and J5 and Til just go on and shove the mic into my face :rofl:
you guys are insane!! :rofl:

there is noooo way you're gonna get me to sing :lol: I had enough trouble getting the guts up to speak on Pal talk and J5 and Til just go on and shove the mic into my face :rofl:

Oh come on...DO IT!!! Do it do it do it!! :clapping::lol: It's FUUUUUNNNN!!!! I'm not a great singer either but that's the beauty of's for's just for FUN!! Just sing your heart out and have fun, that's the only thing that matters!! It's not a singing competition! :lol: :lol: :lol: Come on....jooooin us!!! I love hearing everyone's songs!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
I was getting mah "disco" on...and did "I Am What I Am" :lol: That used to be my faaaaavorite song as a kid. We used to sing that song with my sister all the time as kids...we'd have hair brushes as mics and we'd just jump around the living room and sing. :lol:
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