Anyone got their "Hot Toys MJ Thriller" already? :)

That does look amazing but with the Opus, christmas, and my car needing to be fixed that is way out of my price range! Do tell us what its like when you get it.
I don't have it's on it;s way now..but i don't expect it here anymore before christmas, but i gotta wait. Tomorrow is the last day before christmas that the package can arrive. I do have awesome new pics to share from another forum.






The above pic is hilarious...the figure looks at the gun like...dude..what do you want? I'm a zombie....LOL.

much more pics here

And here some of the same figure , but with Billie Jean outfit on.
VERY VERY trustworthy and incredible fast. They sent it out on december 21, and i just received the package!!!!!!!

AWESOME!!! The door bell rang, i walk to the door...expecting someone else kinda...and what do i see ..a postman with a big box...YES!







That looks incredible.

Now we wait for the inevitable stop motion video of this doll doing the entire Thriller dance by a Japanese person with way too much time on his hands :)
There's an incredibly awesome Stop motion video of the Hot Toys MJ-Billie Jean version, vs a Mr Bean it. It's brilliant!!!!!
Here are a few quick and dirty bash snapshots...
Sorry for the crappy quality...

AMA Awards
I think this Hedsculpt works great with this one:






Billie Jean



Motown 25









I plan on snapping more of these with better poses and futzed...
Keep your eyes peeled!
Woooo just got confirmation of mine being posted! :D cant wait it looks sooooooo awesome!!

@Kuzeh....Where did the different outfits come from??
I ordered mine some months ago off a site called onesixthbruce, and I had an email just before Christmas saying that it had been shipped from Japan :) Yay! It looks awesome, I'll hopefully see it soon!
Hmm, not sure.
I pulled extremely hard and got the regular head off.
The zombie head is on kinda loosly, cause the head didnt "pop" on the balljoint.
But I left it like this, cause I dont wanna ruin anything...

I think I'll order a spare body I'll have 2 dolls.
No more headswitching ;)
Hmm, not sure.
I pulled extremely hard and got the regular head off.
The zombie head is on kinda loosly, cause the head didnt "pop" on the balljoint.
But I left it like this, cause I dont wanna ruin anything...

I think I'll order a spare body I'll have 2 dolls.
No more headswitching ;)

Exactly, you'll just buy a truetype body figure , right? I am definitely gonna do that. I didn't know about this, and i thought the only way to show them both of was to buy two figures, but this is a great way. Using this way, i'm gonna customize another MJ figure. I'll buy the head from the previous Hot Toys MJ figure (Billie Jean), from i'll buy a truetype body, and from ebay i'll buy clothes for the figure. THat way i'll still have the otherwise INSANELY high priced Billie Jean figure, just not the real one in the box with everything.

By the way Mthalen...that photo looks incredibly sharp, wow! Used a great cam for that i bet? :)


To make the zombie one i had in my pictures...i pulled the head off, but the joint was still up inside the head...and in no way can i get it i just put the zombie head on it, but in no way is it attached to the's just put loosely on there.
I used a Canon 20D.
Couldve been sharper, but it was a bit dark the last few days.

You need a Slim Type body. I ordered one from Ebay.
If you search for "Hot Toys African American Slim Nude Body MJ Thriller" you'll find the right one ;)
I hope they make some of these figures for mass distribution so the price will go down some. They were only intended for Japan and Hong Kong so it's too expensive to get them in other parts of the world.
A very nice price indeed. Do you have the Billie Jean Hot TOys figure too?

By the Hot Toys' 2010 catalog...this teaser!

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Oh my gos, do you think they're gonna do a Bad figure next? That sounds great, although a Smooth Criminal doll would be the one to get!!

I so want that Billie Jean HIStory doll but on Ebay now it's about £500 and I can't see it anywhere else. Even customised clothes on Ebay can sometimes reach £150/£200!

A very nice price indeed. Do you have the Billie Jean Hot TOys figure too?

By the Hot Toys' 2010 catalog...this teaser!

Oh my gos, do you think they're gonna do a Bad figure next? That sounds great, although a Smooth Criminal doll would be the one to get!!

I so want that Billie Jean HIStory doll but on Ebay now it's about £500 and I can't see it anywhere else. Even customised clothes on Ebay can sometimes reach £150/£200!

Well, what i am gonna do to eventually get the Billie Jean figure...(Just not with glove or microphone, if that was included).

I'll buy the Hot Toys MJ Billie Jean head from Ebay, i'll buy a truetype body figure(meant for the MJ figure) from where i also got my thriller figurine. On ebay i buy the Billie Jean clothes...and total it's gonna be 100 euros or alittle more...but NOWHERE near the insane prices of the real one on ebay.