Anyone else having real anxiety as TII nears?

Im so excited one minute, then the next im just so upset that it ended like this, having to see something that he worked so hard for on a cinema screen :( as much as I want to see this is it, i don't want tomorrow to come :(

That describes how I'm feeling right perfectly...
I'm feeling such an array of emotions right now it's not even funny. I'm a little excited, but gutted and sad. I'm sort of happy, but also scared; super nervous, super confused, super unsure, super nauseated and having some extreme anxiety, while honestly starting to dread going... I wish I could just be happy and excited to see his wonderful and brilliant work. I want it so badly. I'm just so worried I won't be able to enjoy it... It's 14 hours away now and I. have. no. idea. what. to. expect. from the movie or from myself...

I feel exactly the same!!

I know it will be amazing and wonderful...he will show and take us on a great adventure, as he said it himself. I love him, and just seeing him up there tomorrow..this beautiful, innocent, loving, caring, pure, funny, amazing human is pure joy to see him.

But it is all bittersweet....sad and depressing. We don't have him here anymore with us..and we will see him on his final days...see what slipped away. I hope I don't get too depressed when it's finished. It will rip up my wounds again..
I know I dont want the movie to end..I want the movie to just continue and continue...cause when it ends..I will feel it is even more "final"...All we have is the memories...we have to, and will keep his legacy live on..

I read everything E. Taylor tweeted, and she tweeted "happy" tweets...Happy to see him...So brilliant up there. And as she said, we have to enjoy it, listen to his lyrics..everything from Black and White to man in the beat it... to his messages..what he wanted, a better world for you and for me and the entire human race.

There will never be a human being like him again. He was a genius, in so many ways. A beautiful person, who was full of love, to everyone. A truly amazing person...I dont feel words can express how much of a beautiful and wonderful person he was..words come to a short..So I cant really say anymore..words are not enough to express how I feel.

This has been a depressing day...and now listening to "Ben"...killing me..
I am nervous because this is the last footage we get to see of him.
I am sad because this wasn't what he meant for us to watch. He wanted us to enjoy the actual tour, with him..alive.
I am excited and I feel happy to see Michael again.......even though he's gone. make sense??
I am an emotional roller coaster.

Another thing that i feel awkward about is going to see this in a public theatre...knowing there will be loads of wanna-be MJ fans in there who never gave a hoot about him when he was alive.
A couple of weeks ago I was looking forward to it , but last weekend I felt so scared and I didn't want to go anymore but at the same time I find that I have to see it. Now it's getting better but I'm still a bit nervous and excited at the same tim. I'm not sure how I'm going to react. I hope I won't cry (too much)

I feel exactly the same!!

I know it will be amazing and wonderful...he will show and take us on a great adventure, as he said it himself. I love him, and just seeing him up there tomorrow..this beautiful, innocent, loving, caring, pure, funny, amazing human is pure joy to see him.

But it is all bittersweet....sad and depressing. We don't have him here anymore with us..and we will see him on his final days...see what slipped away. I hope I don't get too depressed when it's finished. It will rip up my wounds again..
I know I dont want the movie to end..I want the movie to just continue and continue...cause when it ends..I will feel it is even more "final"...All we have is the memories...we have to, and will keep his legacy live on..

I read everything E. Taylor tweeted, and she tweeted "happy" tweets...Happy to see him...So brilliant up there. And as she said, we have to enjoy it, listen to his lyrics..everything from Black and White to man in the beat it... to his messages..what he wanted, a better world for you and for me and the entire human race.

There will never be a human being like him again. He was a genius, in so many ways. A beautiful person, who was full of love, to everyone. A truly amazing person...I dont feel words can express how much of a beautiful and wonderful person he was..words come to a short..So I cant really say anymore..words are not enough to express how I feel.

This has been a depressing day...and now listening to "Ben"...killing me..

Well said!!
Phew. It's wonderful to know I'm not the only one...
I'm going to see it this Saturday, and I'm actually very worried, apprehensive, anxious... Scared, even.
It feels so final... Last time - last chance to see Michael in concert...
I want to see it real bad, but at the same time not looking forward to it, because it's just going to break my heart even more.
Just turned on the red carpet, Keep It In the Closet playing, started crying. How the heck am I going to be able to handle this movie if I still can't listen to his music sometimes?
I am nervous because this is the last footage we get to see of him.
I am sad because this wasn't what he meant for us to watch. He wanted us to enjoy the actual tour, with him..alive.
I am excited and I feel happy to see Michael again.......even though he's gone. make sense??
I am an emotional roller coaster.

Another thing that i feel awkward about is going to see this in a public theatre...knowing there will be loads of wanna-be MJ fans in there who never gave a hoot about him when he was alive.

Oh hun, I feel ya!:no:
...eating popcorn, enjoying themselves...
And I'll be there, in the last row, wiping away tears furiously and wondering what's wrong with the world...
That's what my dreams are lately, anyway. Blah!
"Oh, Me me me me meeeeeee" :wild: :yes: :smilerolleyes: :D :D thats a quote from "Living With Michael Jackson" :rofl:
A couple of weeks ago I was looking forward to it , but last weekend I felt so scared and I didn't want to go anymore but at the same time I find that I have to see it. Now it's getting better but I'm still a bit nervous and excited at the same tim. I'm not sure how I'm going to react. I hope I won't cry (too much)

Well said!!

thanks...hard to express, and tell how i feel... an emotional roller coaster ... :(
I know, non-fans have been talking to me on msn too, the person I just spoke to says she's all excited etc. and it makes me feel like screaming, they just dont "get it", yknow.

That dreaded feeling has come if june 25th wasn't enough of a kick in the face. :(

OMG you got it in one! People who became fan's after his passing, are really excited about the film (at least one's I know) I guess for them this is a climax, where as for us fans it's an anti-climax, a cruel ending to what would have been an amazing expereince for us all. You're right, they just don't "get it". I don't think they ever will. :(

I feel the pain, I've been so anxious and teary the past week in the run-up. I don't think I'll get much sleep tonight..
I'm looking forward too, with the chill, I want to stay calm because I want to enjoy every second of the movie, I'm sure I'll cry a lot, did not sleep today so think and imagine in the deepest emotions that I will happen during the film, not I know if I'm ready for it, has been very dificil.É a very deep sadness .... can not control
I just watched the smooth criminal and dance break clips on the thisisit website....

and this is how I felt:

I am excited mixed with anxious mixed with sad. It's weird to feel so much at once. This is so much so soon!
I'm feeling such an array of emotions right now it's not even funny. I'm a little excited, but gutted and sad. I'm sort of happy, but also scared; super nervous, super confused, super unsure, super nauseated and having some extreme anxiety, while honestly starting to dread going... I wish I could just be happy and excited to see his wonderful and brilliant work. I want it so badly. I'm just so worried I won't be able to enjoy it... It's 14 hours away now and I. have. no. idea. what. to. expect. from the movie or from myself...

My thoughts EXACTLY!!! I really WANT to see all the footage and just earlier today I was TOTALLY excited about getting to see it. So much so that I had butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't sit still and couldn't concentrate. I was like "I can't WAIT to see it!!". :clapping: But at the same time, just like many others here, I totally DREAD it because I know it's going to be very very tough to watch him. And right now I've hit the point again where I am not sure how I will EVER be able to walk into that movie theater and watch the whole thing. I just have no idea how I will ever be able to get through it. I was watching the live cast from the premiere in L.A. and just hearing the MJ songs on the background made me cry my eyes out....and if I'm crying that badly just from hearing the songs and MJ's voice...can you imagine what it will be like when I can hear him AND see him. I just really really REALLY have no idea how I will get through it right now. I know I have to go because I bought the tickets already and, like I said, I DO WANT TO see the movie. I honestly can't WAIT to see it. But like I said, at the same time I am SO SCARED that it will just be too much for me and I have to get out of there because I won't be able to take it because it will be too much emotionally. That's what I'm most scared of. I am just hoping that I will have other fans sitting around me who will also be crying (or who will at least UNDERSTAND why I'm crying) so that I won't look like a crazy fool.
I am excited mixed with anxious mixed with sad. It's weird to feel so much at once. This is so much so soon!

So much so soon.....that's it! Within months we go from being:


to hearing the terrible and unbelievable news and feeling like:


It's a rollercoaster.....and it's making me feel :puke:
Okay, so I'm sitting in the theater right now. I was the first one. =P. It's been about half an hour, there are two other couoles now. It's so weird. I'm feel better finally - a little. I'm getting a little excited, but if I think about it too much, I'm a crying mess again. I just can't wait for it to start and be over with, so that I can go home and talk to you all and cry all I need to and not feel dumb. =P. PS - We really need a MJJC for Blackberry app. This is too difficult. =/
I am going to see This is It tomorrow and I have mixed feelings about going to see it, I want to see the movie but at the same time I know it will be hard to watch. My heart is aching. Im anxious as the time draws near for tomorrow. Im awfully scared. I'm growing more sad by the minute and that void that I feel in my heart is growing much deeper. I don't know how I will be in the movies. I want to shed all the tears now so tomorrow I can concentrate and enjoy watching Mike without breaking down in tears. But I guess no matter how hard I try not to cry it will really come and tomorrow will not be an exemption..
Actually I'm pretty calm right now, but I'm expecting to be emotional during the film so I'm definitely gonna have to bring some tissues!
Oh goodness, lights out, previews starting. Oh, I'm beyond nervous. Talk to you all in a few hours.
Just came back from the movie. I handled it way better than I expected. I laughed, I screamed, I danced on my chair. I cried a little at the beginning of the movie, but 5 minutes after I was ok and was able to enjoy Michael doind what he does best: making people happy!
Yeah it was weird.. I felt nervous..a little for some reason.. like I wasn't ready to watch the film.. and I felt a little emotional during "I can't stop loving you" performance.. rehearsal thing.