Anyone else having real anxiety as TII nears?

I'm having anxiety as well.
I haven't been able to sleep well for the last few days, I'm nervous about seeing the movie.
I don't really know why, I just am..
I am terrified.....I dont know how I am going to cope with it I am taking a full box of Kleenex and as much as I will be trying to hold on and not to spend 80% of the running time looking away from the screen....I know I wil walk out without actually having watched the most of it..
So I am having a second attempt already lined up....and if it has to be...then heck I will do a 3rd attempt by which I am hoping I will get to the state of actually being able to enjoy the music, the movie the dance and rejoyce...just like I would have done in London....
I feel exactly the same :cry: I woke up the other night crying in my sleep I knew it was something to do with the film.I even started crying on my way home from taking my boys to school this morning (how embarrasing!)
I too suffer panic attacks and just hope it doesn't get too much for me.The worst bit will be sitting there waiting for it to start and of course the ending :(
One minute I feel positive and excited the next :cry:
I need to get into a positive frame of mind for tomorrow night

I don't think the cinema's will do well on popcorn sales during this film! That's the last thing I'll be doing :(

Edited to say- I have just watched the Smooth Criminal clip and it has set me off again :cry:
I don't know how I am going to get through this film tomorrow :no:
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Gosh everyone!

I thought it was just me that felt anxious!!

It feels like 5000 diff emotions r running through me as I think about the movie.

In 22hrs I will be sitting in from of the screen with my brother (also an mj fan) sitting beside me about to witness the genius of Michael Joseph Jackson.

Gosh...I love him so much.

Its nice to know im not the only one. Its going to make me feel a bit better that its not just me who is feeling it, its also millions of MJ fans around the world too.
Yes, I am almost as nervous as I would have been attending the show at the O2 in London, except it's a different kind of nervous. Half of me is very excited, and the other half is afraid that I will be overwhelmed with tears. I've cried almost every time I've watched the trailer. I've cried whilst reading almost every article written about the film or from interviews with folk who worked with Michael or were his friends. Basically, I'm a mess. For me the TII film is kind of like a memorial, once again, but this time one that is more about celebrating his genius. It will be very personal for me. I've arranged to go with one other avid MJ fan who I don't know very intimately. I hope that he will understand if I cry, and not be embarrassed, and that I will make a super effort to 'hold it together' for his sake, if that makes sense. Then I've bought tickets for my family and me to see it a few days later, hoping that the second time through I will be prepared enough not to break down. I expect to enjoy it. It's just that I miss Michael so much, that seeing him again, like this, doing what he loved, is going to make me miss him even more, I suspect. Never the less, I'm glad that the world and we who truly loved him, will have this opportunity to see him preparing to perform once again.
I'm going on Friday evening but I feel sick whenever I think about seeing the movie. Never, in my whole life, have I felt anxious about seeing a film but I do feel that way for This Is It.
I have serious BUTTERFLIES right now.....It's not a nice feeling.

I'm seeing the film with the mjjc lot tomorrow which is exciting and I'm looking forward to it for that reason.
If I was seeing it alone, or with nonfans I think I would feel a lot worse right now.

Anyhow, it's almost an anti-climax for me. I know people who have come to be fans after his passing, this for them is more of a climax, and an exciting thing. But not for me. I can't wait to see Michael, and I know I'm going to be damn impressed, he will exceed all my imaginings. But what then? When the film is over......where does that leave me? I feel scared...having palpitations right now... :(
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i'm really nervous about seeing this movie. i was so excited when i got the tickets and now i have the biggest knot in my stomach the closer it gets. sad, nervous, scared, can't wait to see it, every possible emotion and counting the hours :timer:
When someone you know dies, you kind of think of them as still being there until you see something that shows you definitivly that they are no longer around. When my sister and father died, it happened when I saw them in their coffins. I am excited to see the movie very much. But I have this feeling like I did going to their funeral that I'll be faced with the "this is it" feeling like he really is not here anymore. That is what is making me anxious. I'm kind of scared.
When someone you know dies, you kind of think of them as still being there until you see something that shows you definitivly that they are no longer around. When my sister and father died, it happened when I saw them in their coffins. I am excited to see the movie very much. But I have this feeling like I did going to their funeral that I'll be faced with the "this is it" feeling like he really is not here anymore. That is what is making me anxious. I'm kind of scared.

:better:i'm sorry to hear about your sister and father. that must have been incredibly hard to go through. thank you for helping us figure out why we're so tense right now. i do think part of it is we know it's going to hit us that Michael really is gone :cry:
Hugs to all of you!! I am relieved to know others feel like I do because I was feeling very alone. I woke up this morning thinking I can't go see the movie. I can't handle it but after reading what Elizabeth Taylor said I have to go. I want to see our beautiful Michael.
Ugh, 7 1/2 hours....Give me strength, give me strength... =/ I'mma need some MAJOR support from you guys when I get back home...we ALL will, I know. =/
I'm really excited about it, but I honestly don't know how I'm going to feel after watching it. I thought I would be ok when the trailer for it first aired. It was great, but then I got really depressed afterward. So I have no idea what I'm going to be feeling after I see this.
I feel sick. I seriously do. I dunno how I'm gonna cope sitting through it. I'm trying to play it down in my mind but it's not working.

I feel sick. I seriously do. I dunno how I'm gonna cope sitting through it. I'm trying to play it down in my mind but it's not working.


im trembling, even non MJ fans on my FB are talking about it, and when there gonna see it etc. im blasting out some michael anthems, and its just so tense, i can feel his energy rising. he can transmit that energy through anything
Of course, but I saw this picture today on the net and it reminded me that as a loyal MJ fan to the end, I have to go...
Will see the movie in 6,5 hours.

I AM SHAKING! My stomac is upside down, my hands are cold, my heart is beating.
I'll do my best to stay strong during I watch the movie.

I can't wait to meet Michael at the theater!

I'm feeling really nervous, lost my appetite and been crying loads on and off this evening.
im trembling, even non MJ fans on my FB are talking about it, and when there gonna see it etc.

I know, non-fans have been talking to me on msn too, the person I just spoke to says she's all excited etc. and it makes me feel like screaming, they just dont "get it", yknow.

That dreaded feeling has come if june 25th wasn't enough of a kick in the face. :(
well my personal thoughts are this...i am very anxious about going to see my mind the further away the movie was..the more time I had Michael.....after the movie,,I ask myself.....what will you have???.......Silence where his voice and laughter use to be..I will never hear his dancing shoes again.....I am so so sad.
im worried that this really is it after the film and evrything is going to change. this is the last time we r gona see something new from mj. i dont want things to change.
Can't believe we're getting excited over a movie..........oh man. :cry:
Although I'm kinda looking forward to all the fun tomorrow at the gala premiere, my heart is gonna ache so so SO bad.
Hope I can get myself together and not just drop on the floor out there crying.
I would just do anything to have him here with us again. So much in denial, the movie will only make it worse.

Wish you all fun and strength at the movie. :better:

Love you for all time, Michael.... :heart:
Im so excited one minute, then the next im just so upset that it ended like this, having to see something that he worked so hard for on a cinema screen :( as much as I want to see this is it, i don't want tomorrow to come :(
well my personal thoughts are this...i am very anxious about going to see my mind the further away the movie was..the more time I had Michael.....after the movie,,I ask myself.....what will you have???.......Silence where his voice and laughter use to be..I will never hear his dancing shoes again.....I am so so sad.

:better: :huggy: i hear ya..

love and hugs to everyone
I'm trying to tell myself that going to see TII it's like going to his concert. But all of a sudden reality comes and breaks it all up. I want to see him dancing, smiling, singing but I mostly want to FEEL him, as if he was there, as if I could touch him, hug him, kiss him. I know I'm not going to be able to just sit down and watch the movie, I want to imagine that it's going to be my 28th August day, the day that I was going to see him in London.
However, what will happen next? This is the last time that we'll see Michael. I can't bare with that. Really, I can't. I will just want to fall asleep and never wake up.