Anyone else apprehensive about the new album?

exactly, too much of this what if and what and when. His making a new album, by now everyone should know. Just sit back and be paitent.

x2 It's clear he's is making a new album with 'new' songs...........just no time yet set.

A true genius will use their own ideas and a true genius will also take inspiration from others

I love that thought and it rings true in my head! lol
I think this year we will get a new album and here is why well this year is the end of a decade..if he does not release nothing that means invincible was the only album MJ release in decade ever. Think about it like that. thiller and bad were release in the 80s the in the 90s dangerous and history were release...see
At the moment I don't think there is anything to be apprehensive about, or even excited about as we don't know if Michael is actively recording an album or not. I always have faith in Michael, so I feel very positive about a new album from him. We just have to wait and see. As long as Michael doesn't work with or do too many songs with Rodney Jerkins or Akon I'm sure a new album with be up to standard.
when he's ready, he'll put out what he wants to put out. not what we want, not what the label wants, but what he wants. let him take his time, have fun, he's got kids to raise in the meantime. but u can't rush greatness
when he's ready, he'll put out what he wants to put out. not what we want, not what the label wants, but what he wants. let him take his time, have fun, he's got kids to raise in the meantime. but u can't rush greatness

What she ^^ said! Everything in its own time.
I don't mean this thread as a kill-joy or as an attack. I just want to discuss the new album from a different perspective.

This is how I personally feel, so I'm interested to see what the rest of you think. All the news I read about Michael's new album relates to him collaborating with people - the hot producers and hip new artists like Akon and Will.I.Am. etc.

I've heard Akon say in interviews that he creates music to suit the mainstream audience. I'm very tempted to express how much I dislike his music regardless, but I acknowledge that people have different tastes. Will.I.Am. is a great guy with good writing ability, but he's no Michael Jackson. I can totally understand why Michael might want to get a young artist's opinion and ideas in preparation for such a big album, but I cannot understand why is working so closely with them or why he needs to.

What I'm hoping for is a Michael Jackson album. A Michael Jackson album would make me cry tears of happiness. At the moment, I don't have my hopes up, because I am preparing myself for when I pop the CD in and hear something that I can find on any Chris Brown or Usher album. At the moment, I am worried that I will never hear anything as majestic as say, Earth Song, ever again.

Who did Michael collaborate with on Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and HIStory? Pretty much nobody. One duet here and there, one co-written song here and there at most. Those albums are all classic Michael Jackson records, pure and simple.

I'll always be a huge MJ fan because I know he's a true talent and what he's capable of when he pulls out all the stops. I'm just praying that his goal is to create art that amazes even himself, rather than the hot new bubble-gum radio-friendly tracks that his label has admitted they are pressuring him to record.

You expect to hear this music from the current young artists, but not Michael Jackson. After all this time, there would be nothing more disappointing than hearing the same stuff from him as we are hearing from everyone else!
I agree with you too. I don't put or Akon nowhere near in the same catagory as Michael. Michael in my opinion needs to work with a much more established production team or musician who can give him a more updated feel to his music but at the same time remaining true to the core of who Michael Jackson is as an artist. Maybe Michael can do one or 2 songs with Akon or, but not an whole album.
I think Michael knows what he's doing. We should trust him. I imagine a lot of people were talking when MJ collaborated with Eddie Van Halen and Paul McCartney, but it worked. And it'll work this time, too.

Plus, we don't know what Michael has tossed and what he has kept. Chris Brown and Akon could end up being tossed from the final tracklisting. We just don't know yet.
Michael will be original,his music is always special,so don't worry!
I only hope he will deliver ( even though he works with hip hop artists ) some rock songs as he does since Thriller ;]. Another song with Slash would be great.