Anyone else apprehensive about the new album?

MJ has used a lot of writers before Invincible...

Thriller writers: Rod Temperton, Steve Porcaro, John Bettis, James Ingram, Quincy Jones

Bad writers: Terry Britten, Graham Lyle, Glen Ballard, Siedah Garrett,

Dangerous writers: Bruce Swedien, René Moore, Teddy Riley, Larry Gorssman, Buz Kohan, Bernard Belle

HIStory writers: Janet Jackson, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, R. Kelly
Also, Smile and Come Together are covers.

isn't Dallas Austin somewhere in there, too?

and, once again, when MJ was little, he only sang. but, obviously, the MJ presence in material, makes the difference...
The album should be produced by Michael himself, and Will.I.Am. Will.I.Am's role should be similar to what Teddy Riley's role was on Dangerous. I think that should be it. No more artists producing anything, while I would be open to other artists writing (John Legend, Ne-Yo). Just Michael and Will at the controls. Let them form a chemistry and a vision shared together for the album. It should be that plain and simple and I think the results would be great.
isn't Dallas Austin somewhere in there, too?

and, once again, when MJ was little, he only sang. but, obviously, the MJ presence in material, makes the difference...

Yeah, I missed him. He did This Time Around I think.
MJ always went for the commercial appeal since "Off the Wall". From Quincy and Paul and Stevie on down. The only thing I'm apprehensive about is when it's gonna be released though I remain optimistic, lol.
MJ has used a lot of writers before Invincible...

Thriller writers: Rod Temperton, Steve Porcaro, John Bettis, James Ingram, Quincy Jones

Bad writers: Terry Britten, Graham Lyle, Glen Ballard, Siedah Garrett,

Dangerous writers: Bruce Swedien, René Moore, Teddy Riley, Larry Gorssman, Buz Kohan, Bernard Belle

HIStory writers: Janet Jackson, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, R. Kelly
Also, Smile and Come Together are covers.

Don't forget the writers on Off the Wall: Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney, Rod Temperton (Heatwave), Louis Johnson (Brothers Johnson), Tom Bahler (one of The Carpenters' musicians and collaborators), Susaye Greene (of the latter-day Supremes of the late-1970s), David Foster, Carole Bayer-Sager and Patti Austin.
I'm not apprehensive in Michael's ability to create an album that I will enjoy. Nor am I the least bit apprehensive on him being able to use these rumoured artists to create quality music.
I still remember when Invincible was in the works and every wo/man and their dog was reportedly working with Michael on his new album :lol: and in the end all the rumoured artists (who were also the hot in the moment popstars) never ended up appearing on his album.

So I don't sweat it when they say that artists I don't like or appreciate are "rumoured to be on the new MJ album" cause in my opinion they will probably either not end up on the album at all, or MJ will use them in such a way that we'll all go "oh that was kinda cool!" For example.. Shaq LOL I was like.. oh no he didn't.... but he did and it works for that song :lol:

I can understand the apprehension though and I think partially it's cause you look at these certain artists and you think.."blegh" cause they're just conforming to their contracts as opposed to doing their own thing (some of them really do have a great talent that is wasted by record companies trying to make ringtone music).... So we look at these people and think.. "I do not want Michael to stoop to their level."

Instead of realising that if they work with MJ... it will be him setting the tone and having the final say on how the track turns out, and not the other artist or their record label.
There's nothing wrong with worrying that the tracks released will turn out to be crap, after all the public is fickle and you never know what people are going to consider a "hit".

I'm keeping the faith though cause he's never made me regret buying an album yet :punk:
All I would say, is your apprehensions are pointless. I just think that for years now, even since like 2005, people have been judging Michael's next album without knowing anything about it! We haven't heard it, have we? Hear it first, then judge! You have no clue what it's really gonna be like. Is Michael even collaborating with and Akon for the new album? Maybe that was just for Thriller 25.
exactly. everytime theres a release dozens of names get mentioned and 99% of those names never make the final cut.look at vince for example. everyone from will smith to puff daddy to lenny kravitz so imo theres no point at all wondering or being bothered about x y or z and if they are working on the album because theres a hell of a lot of difference between someone saying mj has been in contact or they have submitted a demo to the song actually being on the album and as shown in the past 99% of those names mentioned never get on the album and songs that do get on the album come from ppl that were never even mentioned b4 hand
So I don't sweat it when they say that artists I don't like or appreciate are "rumoured to be on the new MJ album" cause in my opinion they will probably either not end up on the album at all, or MJ will use them in such a way that we'll all go "oh that was kinda cool!" For example.. Shaq LOL I was like.. oh no he didn't.... but he did and it works for that song :lol:

That's pretty much what I was thinking. Mike's collaborations (and I also don't think there will be as many as we are made to think) will not sound like typical Akon (or whomever's) songs - he will take it somewhere else if you know what I mean. I think it's ok to be nervous about the new album, but Michael has never disappointed. Even if you don't like Invincible you have to admit that it too has a couple of brilliant songs that are on Earth Song's level. There has never been an MJ album that lacked those kind of songs and that's the best reason to not be too apprehensive:)
I'm not apprehensive at all...I'm rather impatient for it -- new music from Michael will be sucha breath of fresh air -- ti would be rekindling the essence of popular contemporary music.

I think, apprehensiion comes when we think too mcuh about the media, press, music critics...I think we fear what they would think or how michael's music will be received. despite whatevere views present in the press of Michael now...Im am certain good music will be widely accepted and appreciated.
I don't mean this thread as a kill-joy or as an attack. I just want to discuss the new album from a different perspective.

This is how I personally feel, so I'm interested to see what the rest of you think. All the news I read about Michael's new album relates to him collaborating with people - the hot producers and hip new artists like Akon and Will.I.Am. etc.

I've heard Akon say in interviews that he creates music to suit the mainstream audience. I'm very tempted to express how much I dislike his music regardless, but I acknowledge that people have different tastes. Will.I.Am. is a great guy with good writing ability, but he's no Michael Jackson. I can totally understand why Michael might want to get a young artist's opinion and ideas in preparation for such a big album, but I cannot understand why is working so closely with them or why he needs to.

What I'm hoping for is a Michael Jackson album. A Michael Jackson album would make me cry tears of happiness. At the moment, I don't have my hopes up, because I am preparing myself for when I pop the CD in and hear something that I can find on any Chris Brown or Usher album. At the moment, I am worried that I will never hear anything as majestic as say, Earth Song, ever again.

Who did Michael collaborate with on Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and HIStory? Pretty much nobody. One duet here and there, one co-written song here and there at most. Those albums are all classic Michael Jackson records, pure and simple.

I'll always be a huge MJ fan because I know he's a true talent and what he's capable of when he pulls out all the stops. I'm just praying that his goal is to create art that amazes even himself, rather than the hot new bubble-gum radio-friendly tracks that his label has admitted they are pressuring him to record.

You expect to hear this music from the current young artists, but not Michael Jackson. After all this time, there would be nothing more disappointing than hearing the same stuff from him as we are hearing from everyone else!

sorry to be such a killjoy on MY part but the verdict made me cry tears of happiness. an album compared to that is nothing IMO so i don't really care who he collaborates w/ cuz i know that even if they're not at his level, just by working w/ him, he'll make them produce something worthy of HIM. if they can't, it won' tbe on the album

how little faith do u guys have in mike? he's not gonna put trash on the album. once everyone can realize that, we'll all be ok
I don't mean this thread as a kill-joy or as an attack. I just want to discuss the new album from a different perspective.

This is how I personally feel, so I'm interested to see what the rest of you think. All the news I read about Michael's new album relates to him collaborating with people - the hot producers and hip new artists like Akon and Will.I.Am. etc.

I've heard Akon say in interviews that he creates music to suit the mainstream audience. I'm very tempted to express how much I dislike his music regardless, but I acknowledge that people have different tastes. Will.I.Am. is a great guy with good writing ability, but he's no Michael Jackson. I can totally understand why Michael might want to get a young artist's opinion and ideas in preparation for such a big album, but I cannot understand why is working so closely with them or why he needs to.

What I'm hoping for is a Michael Jackson album. A Michael Jackson album would make me cry tears of happiness. At the moment, I don't have my hopes up, because I am preparing myself for when I pop the CD in and hear something that I can find on any Chris Brown or Usher album. At the moment, I am worried that I will never hear anything as majestic as say, Earth Song, ever again.

Who did Michael collaborate with on Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and HIStory? Pretty much nobody. One duet here and there, one co-written song here and there at most. Those albums are all classic Michael Jackson records, pure and simple.

I'll always be a huge MJ fan because I know he's a true talent and what he's capable of when he pulls out all the stops. I'm just praying that his goal is to create art that amazes even himself, rather than the hot new bubble-gum radio-friendly tracks that his label has admitted they are pressuring him to record.

You expect to hear this music from the current young artists, but not Michael Jackson. After all this time, there would be nothing more disappointing than hearing the same stuff from him as we are hearing from everyone else!

Dude, I totally agree with you on all of this. I believe that all of this "collaboration" might take away from Michael's original magic and originality that he has had in all of his previously self made and conducted songs. He's a real genius in writing music and if he collaborates with so many artist of today, his new album will sound the same as the songs of today which really arent that good at all and repeat themselves. I mean maybe he could do a duet or too, but I really wish he would'nt work as close to all these artists as they say he will. I'm also looking for some more kewl music videos too which I hope has that original MJ storyline to it and some new dance moves, because you see the same recycled ones today anyway, and most of them copy offa' MJ. But all in all, I hope MJ is MJ and not evrybody else when the time comes for this new album!
Hello friends!! :flowers:

I totally feel you, Dark Artist!! :yes:

In my opinion some fans (including me) are worried about other artists influencing on Michael's album. Not that we dont trust or believe him. I DO believe him and I KNOW he is the best. But yes... I fear he is too much influencied by the todays music!
I hope you understand what I'm saying!! :yes: (brazil here)
After hearing "hold my hand" my expectations are really, really low. but let´s hope that was the hold point of that song.
I can only be positive suprised. Lucky me:D
Hell yeah I'm apprehensive-- my butt better get to BestBuy or somewhere... I'll be damned if that album sells out. :rofl:

At this point, I don't even care to have that many expectations. Just do what he's always done and I'll be satisfied. Optimism will set you free, I swear.
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Well if anyone of you underestimate Michael that can only be a good thing because he said he does his best work when he's underestimated critical of something that hasn't even come out yet...and remember HMH was AKON'S song, mj was the guest, not the other way around.
I don't know about the songs he has recorded but I think he should work with me.
No, I am not aprehensive. I am super duper uper excited baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like I told in another thread...Akon said in interview for Charts In the France that HMH had 15 MILLIONS downloads!

It is in French:

Charts In France: Pourquoi le titre « Hold My Hand », pour lequel tu as collaboré avec Michael Jackson, ne figure pas sur ton album ?
Akon: Tu es bien renseigné ! (rires) En effet, nous devions au départ inclure ce titre sur mon nouvel album, mais une fois de plus c’est Internet qui a décidé ! Il y a eu très rapidement des fuites sur le web, et tout le monde l’a téléchargé. C’était assez énorme, puisque plus de 15 millions de téléchargements auraient été enregistrés. Donc inutile de l’inclure sur mon disque, tout le monde l’a déjà sur son iPod !
That 15 million download statement is crazy!

Imagine how popular it would have been, had it been on Akon's album!
That 15 million download statement is crazy!

Imagine how popular it would have been, had it been on Akon's album!

I really dont understand WHY Akon dont wanted to put HMH in the new album!


if u made something and it wasn't in the full form when people got ahold of it, it's no longer magic. it wasn't finished and it was leaked. so they scrapped it and said they'd do another song.
WHAT??? 15 MILLION people downloaded HOLD MY HAND??? !!!

How do yu know this is true? Who stated that as fact? INSANE!