And Here It Is: Jason Malachi's Long-Time Producer Spills The Beans

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I can see why the non-believers don't just buy whatever Teddy says because lately, he has been acting rather...unusual. Not that it should dampen his credibility, but his reasons and conduct hasn't exactly helped to improve his credibility either. As far as I heard, he (or the Cascios) claimed that Michael recorded through a PVC pipe, recorded in an underground basement, had poor recording equipment, and the overall over-production of these songs ultimately led to the suspicious-sounding vocals on the tracks.

But I doubt that's enough to convince people, because it's just excuse, after excuse, after excuse. I'm sure everyone was looking forward to something truly solid, like footage of MJ recording these songs, the reports from the forensic musicologists, perhaps even footage of MJ just simply talking about the songs and doing some bit of candid singing. But since they haven't done so, I'm afraid the doubt will always remain. One cannot expect the non-believers to trust Teddy's words, while this Teddy is also calling himself MJ's servant, saying MJ is alive somewhere and will return at some point in time, and is praising Oprah.

Yes, this music label has scientific proof, but from what I understand, people won't be convinced unless this proof is shown to them, because saying that you have proof, whilst not presenting it, does not constitute proof. It becomes more of hearsay.

I don't know about the non-believers, but I don't think Jason Malachi's producer's word is the end to all discussions either. Just like Teddy, I feel he's going to have to provide something more solid than that, if he's to convince anyone. Either that, or he should take what he knows to the people that are going to take this issue to court.

I totally agree :clapping:
Fans who screams against each other are useless.

Personnally, I have trust in what this producer said.
From The Beginning, I heard Jason Malachi on Breaking News. I immediatly recognized him, and, after listenning to "Let Me Let Go" & "Breaking News" once again, I had no doubt about it.
Breaking News is a fake.
As Monster is.

Finally, you know what's making me sad ?
It's that because of $ony, i will never ever be able to listen a new michael jackson song without thinkin' : "Is it his voice on the track ?".
And it's a shame, they've ruined all the pleasure and the good vibes that came when we discovered a new michael jackson song.
All this sh*t because they wanted more money...
Jason Malachi could have been an inexhaustible vein of gold but unfortunately for Sony, fans are not fooled, not all anyway.
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I can't wrap my mind around why some people are so afraid of healthy debate. Why is it such a terrible thing to have differing opinions and hear all sides of the story?
Also, if you're tired of discussing the authenticity of certain tracks then don't. You can always move on to other threads.

I have my doubts about some of the vocals, but that does NOT make me a hater. I'm not boycotting anything, I bought the album and am actually, for the most part, very happy with it! (can't get enough of HT, BTM & MTS :wub:) But it doesn't erase the fact that I'd like to know all there is to know regarding the Cascio-tracks. Wanting to have as much information as possible is hardly something that makes anyone a hater.

By posting proof that support authenticity (Teddy's claims and explanations, and a fan's analysis of the tracks after editing), the believers have already opened the doors for debate. To turn around again and ask that the proof from the non-believers be stopped and silenced, is just plain intolerance in my opinion. This place will become very one-sided and biased in that sense. In my opinion, let people have their say. If one doesn't welcome debate, then stop the proof being provided by both sides.


The only time when I think, people know that they're wrong, is when they resort to personal attacks or they start nit-picking at other peoples' spelling and grammar.


Because normal people can only argue with 'stupid' people for so long - and then even a Saint would crack!

I don't know about normal people, but smart people are able to discuss matters without resorting to insults.
Wow, it's really interesting to see you kids never getting tired on this issue.
Some of the people in this thread need to be ashamed of themselves, on both sides. That number 1.

I know you people can read. I know everyone saw what the title of this thread was before they clicked on it. You knew people were going to come in here and say why they think it is JM on the Cascio songs. You know that was going to happen. But you clicked on the thread anyway, frustrating yourself and chose to reply in a way that intentionally riled people up resulting in a ridiculous and FUTILE argument.

It takes TWO SIDES TO ARGUE. Come in to the thread to look at the new "evidence". if you don't agree with it, there is nothing wrong with then just leaving the thread for the sake of peace. Or to calmly state why you disagree and then leaving. You know you are not going to change anyone's mind, so for the sake of unity in the community, why not just say, "Ok, I can be the bigger person and just let this one go." Why come into a thread derailing it of any intelligent and logical discussion? Posting off topic things. Can we stay on topic please? This really is an important issue that people need to have an outlet to discuss.

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If any of this were true, then we would be hearing about a court case and we all know that ain't happening.
If any of this were true, then we would be hearing about a court case and we all know that ain't happening.

Can't say for sure whether "we all know that ain't happening". I mean, I didn't think Katherine would actually file a lawsuit against AEG (unless I'm mistaken), but she did. Anyway, it'll be great if they'd just take this to court, and get some sort of real progress, regarding this issue.
Some of the people in this thread need to be ashamed of themselves, on both sides. That number 1.

I know you people can read. I know everyone saw what the title of this thread was before they clicked on it. You knew people were going to come in here and say why they think it is JM on the Cascio songs. You know that was going to happen. But you clicked on the thread anyway, frustrating yourself and chose to reply in a way that intentionally riled people up resulting in a ridiculous and FUTILE argument.

It takes TWO SIDES TO ARGUE. Come in to the thread to look at the new "evidence". if you don't agree with it, there is nothing wrong with then just leaving the thread for the sake of peace. Or to calmly state why you disagree and then leaving. You know you are not going to change anyone's mind, so for the sake of unity in the community, why not just say, "Ok, I can be the bigger person and just let this one go." Why come into a thread derailing it of any intelligent and logical discussion? Posting off topic things. Can we stay on topic please? This really is an important issue that people need to have an outlet to discuss.

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Thank you ginvid! :clapping:

I for one really enjoy reading and/or participating in a meaningful debate.

Thank you for helping to keep this forum an outlet for people with different opinions to have dicussion.
Another person who wants to stand in the Spotlight...BS,BS,BS!

Get a good job Mr. super producer:cheeky:
I'm sorry. I'm in the middle on the whole "vocals" thing. But still, something really stinks about this to me. Why did this guy wait till now to say this stuff when the uproar has been going on for over a month? If there had been anything like that from him about before we would have heard this awhile ago because somebody somewhere would have been only too happy to feed the fire. And what about Jason's twitter account? He said it's not him. So what the....?! This is ridiculous.
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I wonder why people never relealised why the songs from cascio (melodyne/auto-tune) sounds to much like Jason Malachi... suprise! Jason use the same program because he cant sing at all, did you hear him live ? Hes horrible. Im not saying that MJ wasnt singing well, just that the quality of the demo required a good melodyne/auto-tune boost.

Robotic sound on both case doesnt mean its the same person singing.
Tony curtis is stating several times in his youtube account that it's his opinion because he has good ears.

it's not evidence
I'll just say this. A lot of talk through Twitter accounts but no action.


I hope someone stops this record.Fans already got the record and the real songs.
Producers has been saying what Mj would had done. I know what MJ would had done. He would have shown against Sony.
It is sad how some fans just want MJ new material at any cost, "it's only 3 song, the rest it is him", they say.:no:
I'll just say this. A lot of talk through Twitter accounts but no action.

Exactly. And that's what makes me so mad. The Jackson's and like-minded running on (times 100) about fake vocals and yet not filing any type of legal claim whatsoever. I'm sick of this. And I can't get over how that the timing of such things is just as questionable as the alleged songs they are about.
It's really sad and upsetting that those who believs it's Michael can't accept that I, a fan since 30 years, listen to a song like Monster and don't hear him, how hard I try. How can I listen to it then?
Isn't one of the lines in Monster something like "they're just after the money so they fake it"
Fans who screams against each other are useless.

Personnally, I have trust in what this producer said.
From The Beginning, I heard Jason Malachi on Breaking News. I immediatly recognized him, and, after listenning to "Let Me Let Go" & "Breaking News" once again, I had no doubt about it.
Breaking News is a fake.
As Monster is.

Finally, you know what's making me sad ?
It's that because of $ony, i will never ever be able to listen a new michael jackson song without thinkin' : "Is it his voice on the track ?".
And it's a shame, they've ruined all the pleasure and the good vibes that came when we discovered a new michael jackson song.
All this sh*t because they wanted more money...
Jason Malachi could have been an inexhaustible vein of gold but unfortunately for Sony, fans are not fooled, not all anyway.

Silly, silly, silly, silly....they spent $250 million on a record deal with the estate. Why would anyone spend that type of money for fake songs??? It makes no sense.

You can make fake songs for free!!!!!!!!!

And, as i've stated so many times before, faking three songs does nothing to help the album sales.

So when you say they did it for money, you're not even making sense. They could have stuck any other three songs in there and the album would have sold exactly the same amount of copies as it will with Breaking News and Monster.

So, again, what's the motivation for making fake songs????

There isn't one.
I'm sorry. I'm in the middle on the whole "vocals" thing. But still, something really stinks about this to me. Why did this guy wait till now to say this stuff when the uproar has been going on for over a month? If there had been anything like that from him about before we would have heard this awhile ago because somebody somewhere would have been only too happy to feed the fire. And what about Jason's twitter account? He said it's not him. So what the....?! This is ridiculous.

Not everyone reads fan sites. The uproar has been on sites like this, not in the real world where people have better things to do than obsess over every single word on a Michael Jackson album.
I've heard Michael Jackson 'scratch' vocals and demo vocals. We all have. 'Black Or White' is a 'scratch' vocal. Recorded in one take. 'Fall again' is a 'scratch' vocal. Recorded in one take. They both sound like the Michael Jackson I've known and loved for the last 30 years. So to point at the Cascio songs and to say 'well... they're 'scratch' vocals hence they sound different' is just bogus.

And what if they were processed like Riley said in order to salvage the song?

Then what?

This all comes down to two main questions.

1. Motivation? There is no logical motivation.
2. Who could pull it off? What singer could pull off these tracks? Nobody other than MJ.

Get over it people. You are railing against MJ and are too blind to see it.
Completely agree.... and don't get me started on the "drunk enough to fall" lyric. These songs are not Michael Jackson.

Wow. You so-called experts are hilarious. Everyone of you actually believes you KNEW Michael Jackson.

So he can't sing that line? Really? Have you even thought about what it means? Oh, wait, you think he's truly talking about being drunk on alcohol and falling down, right?

No, the song is about fame, right.

Hollywood, has got you jumpin' like you should.
It's got you bouncin' off the wall.
It's got you drunk enough to fall.

Drunk on fame. Drunk on hollywood. Drunk on money. Drunk on power.

Drunk enough to fall from your ivory tower.

It's a metaphor people. Just like "dance on the floor in the round," which is a metaphor for sex.

Again, grow up, wake up, stop with the conspiracy theories and listen to what people with no motivation to lie are saying.

There is no logical motivation for Sony or T.Riley to lie about these songs. None. They would make the same amount of money off other tracks. The album would sell the same without the tracks in question.

You people are killing me!!!
This ***ing joke is going to far.

MJ legacy destroyed by his own fans. This forum is hell on earth now

Yeah, this is a sane position to take. MJ's musical legacy spanning 40 years has been "DESTROYED" by a fansite.


This type of thinking is the problem. Some of you take yourselves as fans far too seriously.
This ***ing joke is going to far.

MJ legacy destroyed by his own fans. This forum is hell on earth now

Quite irrational.........

His legacy is set in stone, anything that happens now cannot destroy it.

2. Who could pull it off? What singer could pull off these tracks? Nobody other than MJ.

Well, they had strongly edit the vocals apparently to make them fit with the music........So what you hear isn't MJ pulling off the tracks.......

The vocals in Keep Your Head Up go terribly with the music, its a complete mess.
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