And Here It Is: Jason Malachi's Long-Time Producer Spills The Beans

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Do you realise that JRT was on an MJ documentary insinuating that MJ was a pedophile?

That documentary provided some great laughs at the time. Plus that JRT guy...wearing those glasses, he reminded me of some secret agent. The way he looked, like real serious.

If we feel strongly enough about something, then I see no harm in discussing it. What is there to lose from it? Anyone who wants the album has bought it by now or downloaded it, whatever way they wanted to get it, so it's not like we can change their opinions and people should believe what they want to believe, not what others say.

So there you are.

^To drewhiggins: Ok, I back out of this expert discussion as I am none, but I just wanted to point out that I think the overall listening experience is way better and some fans commented the cd (it might also have something to do with the supposed changed made on Breaking News) did change their minds. Almost half of the non-believers did change their opinion after hearing the end result if I'm not mistaken.
It's not expert discussion in the least. Just being able to distinguish between different elements.

Some parts on Monster do bare a passing similarity to Michael's vocals as do Keep Your Head Up, a very small amount (maybe less than 10%). Breaking News I'm not convinced by and don't think I ever will be. Whenever it was BN first streamed on the site - whenever that was, I personally can't remember like a lot of things - I felt it was a bit odd then.

After listening to 400+ records I know what to look out for when I'm listening to a record. It's a shame half of those have poor mastering though which sometimes makes it difficult to distinguish from those records done in the late 60s and early 70s to the mid-80s. 'Michael' didn't have bad mastering, but it could have been better.
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You can raise or lower the pitch, blast them through stadium speakers or play them through $2 headphones and my opinion will not change.

I did not think it was Michael from the first verse to the last time I played it in my car this afternoon. Every time I get to Monster, Breaking News and KYHU I just skip it. I would honestly love to sit with someone who is convinced it is Michael and just listen to them explain why in person.
That documentary provided some great laughs at the time. Plus that JRT guy...wearing those glasses, he reminded me of some secret agent. The way he looked, like real serious.

If we feel strongly enough about something, then I see no harm in discussing it. What is there to lose from it? Anyone who wants the album has bought it by now or downloaded it, whatever way they wanted to get it, so it's not like we can change their opinions and people should believe what they want to believe, not what others say.

So there you are.
I believe it is MJ on the album, but I had to point out that JRT should not be considered a realible source for anything related to MJ.
You can raise or lower the pitch, blast them through stadium speakers or play them through $2 headphones and my opinion will not change.

I did not think it was Michael from the first verse to the last time I played it in my car this afternoon. Every time I get to Monster, Breaking News and KYHU I just skip it. I would honestly love to sit with someone who is convinced it is Michael and just listen to them explain why in person.

Completely agree.... and don't get me started on the "drunk enough to fall" lyric. These songs are not Michael Jackson.
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For me, as soon as I heard the first line of the full Breaking News teaser I thought exactly the same. Felt sick to my stomach.

thats exactly how i felt too when listening to the song for the first time :(
I believe it is MJ on the album, but I had to point out that JRT should not be considered a realible source for anything related to MJ.
He's probably no more reliable than I am. I don't think anybody really knew Michael the way we think.

Discussion like this is great because at least we're not on each other and insulting. And as I said, as long as you're happy to discuss and happy with what the result of the discussion and the album yielded, then I see no harm in discussion. After all, it is a discussion forum.

Completely agree.... and don't get me started on the "drunk enough to fall" lyric. These songs are not Michael Jackson.
I laughed hard at that. What about this bit:

She's workin two jobs, keepin alive,
She works in a restaurant night and day

In case you didn't know, Michael is now Bon Jovi!!! I like BJ but those lyrics...come on.
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Yes but also read this :

I think we can trust this guy !! He followed Michael more then 20 years !

And I thought most of the MJ fanbase don't like/trust this guy, based on that book he wrote about MJ. Why has he suddenly become trustworthy?

This debate has gone on WAY too long now. I'm getting sick of it personally. It never ends. These posters on MaxJax continue to stir up problems by constantly questioning every single person. The quest for attention continues. This so called ex "manager" doesn't seem to know what he's saying. It's his opinion.

I don't see why everyone is making such a big deal over this?

That's MJ fans for you. I don't know about other fans, but MJ fans are definitely one of the most passionate I've seen.

By posting proof that support authenticity (Teddy's claims and explanations, and a fan's analysis of the tracks after editing), the believers have already opened the doors for debate. To turn around again and ask that the proof from the non-believers be stopped and silenced, is just plain intolerance in my opinion. This place will become very one-sided and biased in that sense. In my opinion, let people have their say. If one doesn't welcome debate, then stop the proof being provided by both sides.

Haven't the believers done the same, in terms of questioning "every single person"? The believers say the tracks are authentic, so the other side begins to question the Cascios, the Estate, and possibly Teddy Riley. The non-believers bring in their own people who support their claims, and Cory Rooney, Quincy Jones, 3T, this producer, and the overall Jackson family is questioned. It goes both ways.
Yes , but this has nothing to do about his voice...

But you said we can trust him.........Michael hated him. He called MJ a pedophile. Therefore, we should trust what he says about Michael's voice.
Theres going to be debate forever unless you give clear cut proof. "I'm sick of hearing about it" isn't going to prevent people from hearing what they hear. I personally get tired of hearing about religious wars around the globe but they aren't going away any faster and ignoring it won't solve anything.

I know some will say that it should work both ways, however we've been given something as MJ fans that we've been told to accept, yet many cannot purely based on what they hear for themselves. It's been presented as Michael, yet I cannot for the life of me, hear him at all on the Cascio tracks. Whatever the "excuse" thats given (those responsible for the album have given excuses, this shows that there is a realization that there is a difference in vocals) I will and cannot accept it based purely on their word.

One thing thats never brought up is this: If Michael's kids don't think it's him, just wait until they're a bit older and become more vocal in the media and you can mark my words that they'll be quizzed on it. If they truly believe it's not him, they won't just let that question slip by, and I can imagine some people who believe in the Cascio tracks won't like the doubt they present.
This is just deluded fans getting desperate because deep down they know they are wrong.

If they knew, deep in their hearts that they're wrong, they wouldn't still be searching for proof, such as these. The only time when I think, people know that they're wrong, is when they resort to personal attacks or they start nit-picking at other peoples' spelling and grammar.
It's so funny to see how many rude members there are here.

I don't believe in the jason malachi thing , if there was another singer some parts i don't think they gonna work with a loser like Jason M. !! I can not believe this..
I don't believe in the jason malachi thing , if there was another singer some parts i don't think they gonna work with a loser like Jason M. !! I can't believe that...
It's up to you what you believe.

Jason was not a loser for me, but now, he is.
Reading what this producer guy said it sounds like he has got some unresolved issues with Jason Malachi.
Calling him tone deaf? Really?
Reading the text it sounds like they parted ways at some point...
That alone makes me question his motives and there for his opinion.

Everyone always talks about Sony's motives but outsider people can have bad motives too. In fact Michael had to deal with those just as much if not more during his lifetime. We should remember that.

You can believe the vocals are fake (I'm not on any side on the matter) but that doesn't mean that this guy is telling the truth. We should always try to be objective and really look at what the person is saying. (or how he is saying it)
Just my opinion.
Obviously too many people with far too much time on there hands, this whole thing is very boring, just listen to the album for what it is, sit down put your feet up and munch on a mince pie!
I suppose you can bash the non-believers for the stance they take on the album but there really is nothing to gain as a non-believer at all.

I didn't have some pre-conceived belief that the Cascio family were shady. I knew next to nothing about them, and this hasn't changed. I didn't have the belief that an album shouldn't be made and share the belief of that we should never get a new album since Michael cannot approve of it personally. I disregarded the talk before we all heard Breaking News that some tracks weren't Michael. I glanced over those articles and sat in front of my laptop at work (risking getting in trouble from my boss and client) just to hear Breaking News for the first time.

Being so staunch in my disbelief isn't fun. It's not a good feeling having to skip tracks after being literally beyond disappointment when I have listened to the full track.
Oh it's Deano.

I would literally love to sit down with you and you can explain to me like some sort of mad genius that you sometimes portray yourself as and let loose on each part you believe to be undeniably Michael. Hell, i'll even task you with showing me which parts are James Porte since he's credited on the Cascio tracks.

In case you were wondering, i'd sit there with you and give a blanket statement that Michael did not play a single part in all 3 tracks.

This is my belief, just as your belief is that some are stupid for trusting their ears and not the word of some. The word states that they have proof, yet we have not been given this.

Until that time, i'm ridiculously stupid and you're of Stephen Hawking smarts.
I've heard Michael Jackson 'scratch' vocals and demo vocals. We all have. 'Black Or White' is a 'scratch' vocal. Recorded in one take. 'Fall again' is a 'scratch' vocal. Recorded in one take. They both sound like the Michael Jackson I've known and loved for the last 30 years. So to point at the Cascio songs and to say 'well... they're 'scratch' vocals hence they sound different' is just bogus.
Dont forget he sung through PVC piping, was hung-over, probably suffered from glandular fever, was in a Bin Laden style cave studio, recently lost his voice at an NFL game and was putting on his alternate accent thats usually reserved as a party trick or to impress women.

Not to mention the lyrics. They were written on an off day as well.
Reading what this producer guy said it sounds like he has got some unresolved issues with Jason Malachi.
Calling him tone deaf? Really?
Reading the text it sounds like they parted ways at some point...
That alone makes me question his motives and there for his opinion.

Everyone always talks about Sony's motives but outsider people can have bad motives too. In fact Michael had to deal with those just as much if not more during his lifetime. We should remember that.

You can believe the vocals are fake (I'm not on any side on the matter) but that doesn't mean that this guy is telling the truth. We should always try to be objective and really look at what the person is saying. (or how he is saying it)
Just my opinion.

Finally! Something more productive to read. Since I've come to this thread, the most common criticisms I've heard are, "BS, moving on!", "I'm so sick of debate!", "Haha! The anti-Michael brigade are desperate!", "Waiting for the lawsuit...", "Not this shit again!", "I want this to be over!", "The non-believers are deluded", "Haters!" just whine and whine, crack some jokes, and then whine some more.

People want the debate to be over, but instead of trying to discredit the claims by this producer with well-based questions and thoughts, they just whine and hope the non-believers will stop of their own accord. I agree that this debate is very likely to go round in circles, but not when new information continues to surface all the time. In the meantime, if one doesn't like debate, then probably the best thing to do, is to stay away from threads that encourage debate.

Anyway, good point. All the more reason why this producer needs to provide something solid and objective for people to consider and ponder over.
I suppose you can bash the non-believers for the stance they take on the album but there really is nothing to gain as a non-believer at all.

I didn't have some pre-conceived belief that the Cascio family were shady. I knew next to nothing about them, and this hasn't changed. I didn't have the belief that an album shouldn't be made and share the belief of that we should never get a new album since Michael cannot approve of it personally. I disregarded the talk before we all heard Breaking News that some tracks weren't Michael. I glanced over those articles and sat in front of my laptop at work (risking getting in trouble from my boss and client) just to hear Breaking News for the first time.

Being so staunch in my disbelief isn't fun. It's not a good feeling having to skip tracks after being literally beyond disappointment when I have listened to the full track.

Exactly the same for me. I really wish people would understand that having doubts and questions about those tracks is not a funny thing for us to feel. I was really waiting for this album and hating all that crap about fake tracks, until BN was released. End of the story for me :no:

I will pay for my album and I will listen to the music to make my final decition about the Cascio tracks. I don't believe I need any fancy equipment to know when MJ is singing or not. That has never been neccessary and certainly, I don't see any other fans using fancy high tech equipment to make sure their fav singer is singing there. Really! :doh:

I think the Estate has already made it quite clear MJ is not the only one singing on those tracks. So there is really no use to say it is only 100000% Michael there, for we know that is not the case. The division among fans being one of the strongest proofs of that.

I am glad people can enjoy the 10 tracks. If I am not fine with the Cascio tracks, I can always skip them. I don't see the need to attack those loving the Cascio tracks simply because I don't like them. I respect their opinion. It's a shame we dare to label ourselves as "believers" and "non-believers" and keep making the division wider and wider.

I heard the info in the video, but I would say I will not take that seriously until no LEGAL actions are taken. I wish people would stop using their digital devices to spread these rumors. If you know something and you are brave and smart enough to prove it, simply DO IT THE LEGAL WAY. Just stop using fans/forums/FB to spread more lies. Same for Sony/the Estate. If they say they have "scientific evidence" of MJ singing on those tracks, why is it so difficult for them to show it? In fact... the need of "scientific evidence" is a joke in itself. Since when we needed that?? :doh: TR is not making a great job with his comments lately... not to mention Randy or 3T, that spread rumors, but still take part in promoting the album and getting a good money for that.

I think all these people have their own agendas. All of them. Making claims in Twitter is just a proof of cowardice. Any one with facts, show them. Same goes for forum fellow in the board cursing and insulting those fellow in the "opposite side".

Really... fans in different sites... again... aggg :doh:

pd: can somebody tell me since when we believe Taraborrelli is a "reliable source"? :unsure:
well, now Taryll can contact this guy and finally move from Twitter to the court room *waiting, waiting, waiting*

LOL! That's what I was gonna say.

Taryll now has his witness, he can now get the ball rolling and get a lawsuit filed against Sony and the Estate.

P.S. In my opinion, this "Long-Time Producer" is looking for his 15-minutes of fame, helped by the anti-Sony bridage. Nothing more, Nothing less!
Reading what this producer guy said it sounds like he has got some unresolved issues with Jason Malachi.
Calling him tone deaf? Really?
Reading the text it sounds like they parted ways at some point...
That alone makes me question his motives and there for his opinion.

Everyone always talks about Sony's motives but outsider people can have bad motives too. In fact Michael had to deal with those just as much if not more during his lifetime. We should remember that.

You can believe the vocals are fake (I'm not on any side on the matter) but that doesn't mean that this guy is telling the truth. We should always try to be objective and really look at what the person is saying. (or how he is saying it)
Just my opinion.

Thanks alot,,,,MJ fans should remember that Michael was taken to the court many times by people who say they wrote his songs and they compose them , and he was there defending himself like a criminal....imagin how he felt and how the Cascio and Teddy feel right now ! to be called lair and the real lair called victim it is disgusting!
Dont forget he sung through PVC piping, was hung-over, probably suffered from glandular fever, was in a Bin Laden style cave studio, recently lost his voice at an NFL game and was putting on his alternate accent thats usually reserved as a party trick or to impress women.

Not to mention the lyrics. They were written on an off day as well.

Recommendation to all future singers: PVC pipes - make sure you buy up big!!!
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