Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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i'm sure you register your own username and password?

I tried logging in with my own username and password - it rejected me (MJ asked me who's On the main page of the chat it says you have to request a new username from the admins. It's ok. Not a big chatter anyway. Thanx.:)

Go Michael!
I hope someone's taping this, because I *totally* forgot it was tonight and have company coming over in like an hour. =(
Darn it...missed part of Jan's performance. Miss Jan, I see you with those shoulders. Is Paula hosting? Black Eyed Peas just won...
I don't know, I was expecting more from Janet...was that 8 minutes? Would have been sad/nice if they had pictures or a videos of Michael whilst she sang Together Again
My god, just logged in here, which song Janet performed?
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