Am I The Only One Who Feels/Felt Physically Ill?

I'm not the only one feeling really sick..
I recognize so many things you all describe. I lost quite some weight, (and I am
allready thin) I just don't feel like eating, I feel really depressed, en
do not have enough sleep. Makes it hard with a full time job.
And it's only getting worse.
I feel really lonely. My mother passed away almost a year ago, and I must hounostly
say that Michael's dead affects me just as much as my mothers dead.
I was just to a point were I was happy again, going to see Michael in Londen,
I was happy again. No I feel like the saddest person in the world.
Tomorrow is going to be so hard..
I have been a huge fan of Michael for 21 years, this will take a long time for me to recover I think. Will I ever be happy again? I miss Michael. Loved him so much.