Am I The Only One Who Feels/Felt Physically Ill?

Same here. The SECOND all was confirmed I got a massive headache, which led to a fever, not holding anything in my stomach and having to stay home from work. THe stress and pain literally drove my body down.
ahhhh god its so awfyl, like a heavy feeling all over. Also having to force myself to eat ans after I do I have to do some serious distracting stuff to prevent retching and vomiting. If you find yourself retching at a thought it helps greatly to begin immediate mind hopping-focusing on anything and changing focus every second, like read a title inf ront of you or name objects and then focus on their colour or shape.
I feel sick all the time too. I'm having trouble eating. I feel tired and lethargic and all this has affected my heart quite a lot. It feels horrible. I already have some undiagnosed problem with it and it's been a lot worse these last few days.
yeah feeling sick not eating. its all apart of mourning.
Me too I eat when my mom want me to eat
On Friday morning in my country when I first know about MJ I was breathing so hard and on night I got Asthma and I have to use Turbuhaler. I feel sick and cold physically on my body and in my heart...oh god.. its really hard time :(

pls take care yourself everybody
i am the same. i only have to get out of bed to go to work and play a happy tutor. this is the hardest part. i felt so dizzy today and i was dreaming of fainting cause it would have given me a moment for recovery. i wish i could have a week to get better. i'm afraid we guys have to prepare for another stage of this nightmare which is the funeral and the consequences of this nervous breakdown.
I was fisically ill like 4 hours before he died and I still am. But today i gotta go back to work and rehearse. It's gonna be so hard. MJ was my inspiration as an artist...
Anyone else? Ever since I heard of MJ's passing, I have been feeling sick physically. I am only able to sleep a few hours a night, I feel nauseous constantly, have little to no appetite, constant headaches, etc. I can't believe how much of a toll this is taking. Over the past few days, I have literally had to force myself to get out of bed and forced myself to eat something today. It's just all very surreal.
i feel simlair geting back into your normal life will help. well as normal as possible we need to stick together we will get rhough this we have to. The only thing we can do for him and each other now is get out there and LIVE.
i feel it to i m sad but my stomach hurts i feel il cant eat cant sleep cant stop crying and getting through the day feels like impossible and honestly i dont think this will ever heal for the full 100 percent he was too important for too many pple and touched way too many lives in all his years
I feel the same way Cinammon. I feel constantly ill all the time and don't really have that much of an appetite but have been eating. I been having a headache all the time and not been sleeping properly. A lot of people are feeling the same way right now, just shows how big a part us Michael is.
My roommate just touched my forehead and said I might have a fever...
Since the news, I haven't eaten much, but often feel nauseous...
I just feel heartbroken... everything I do seems to make no sense.
physically we can get better in the future they say it's a grief stage or whatever I really don't care but when it comes to how we feel inside I feel the same way...nothing makes sense anymore
how are you gonna heal that?
Me too. I feel like there is a pit in my stomach all the time. It doesnt go away. I don't eat much and feel like all I want to do is lie down and sleep. It's odd but it's good that I'm not the only one who is feeling the same thing :)
i've been over eating instead with my sadness, like i dont care anymore. i usually get anxiety attacks so chest pains are normal with that not only the shaking or feeling like throwing up. the funeral will throw us over the edge though, espeically if we see him not alive laying there, i dont know what we are going to do, i think it will be as bad as finding out he is gone. we cant try to even heal until after that. but if anything its good we share our stories.
im 23 and weigh 8 stone, i dont know if thats normal and my family are keen for me to see a dr but its making me feel happier when i dont eat.
I have been finding it difficult to sleep and eat too. You are not alone in feeling this way .
Hey guyd,

Here same issue what concerns eating,not hungry but indeed nausious feeling in my stomach,even though that I sttill try it,my angel Michael wants me happy and healthy,bless him,love you Michael!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Take Care guys,if you can eat,try it,mourning takes alot of engery and you need the foodd to get and hold that enegery,although I take multivitamins aswell,hope you can read it,my head is messed
I know when Tuesday gets here and the eyes of the world are on the Staples Center in LA I will be literally sick. I plan on turning off my cell phone so that ppl won't interrupt me. I have decided to have some kind of fun this 4th of July weekend but Monday I know it will start to hit me that a funeral will be taking place on Tuesday.. Man I remember tell my parents(back in 1983) that MJ will never die, he will live forever so everybody can see him moonwalk. I would've never thought in a million years that we would be burying MJ at the age of 50. To me MJ will forever be 24yr old "kid" dancing across the stage and the guy I had planned on
You are not alone. I've gone to work everyday but my appetite is not the same as it was last wednesday
I have to force myself to eat everyday. My sleeping has been off. I've cried everyday with each day a little less. It's a process.
But I'm proud of myself for not falling apart I'm pushing my way through.
its getting worse for me. everyday :( ... life wont be the same again.
Anyone else? Ever since I heard of MJ's passing, I have been feeling sick physically. I am only able to sleep a few hours a night, I feel nauseous constantly, have little to no appetite, constant headaches, etc. I can't believe how much of a toll this is taking. Over the past few days, I have literally had to force myself to get out of bed and forced myself to eat something today. It's just all very surreal.

Hay there hun
i have felt so ill the night on thursday i calaspe on the floor cldnt breath and keept being pyscally sick and nothing has got better since,its like my body is on lock down,i am also going though a breakdown as well which doesnt help :-(,i think everyone or most ppl would of been sick x
no,i went to the hospital 2day. i had an anxiety attack. my heart has been beatin extremely fast since thursday,and i havent slept in days and the sleep aid i take hasnt helped @ all. i started to sweat and shake really badly and felt (and still do) feel afraid. i cant really explain it. but she told me 2get rest abd to stop thinking about michaels death if it will continue to affect me negatively,becuz emotions and health do coincide or something like that,i really wasnt listening. but i did hear her tell my parents to monitor how much coverage i watch and ect

How you are feeling right now I hope you are getting better
I wish a fast recovery for everyone, this left us in too much emotional and physical pain, it is an unimaginable shock!!

Now a week since Michael passed away I only sleep 2 hours a day, last two nights I was able to sleep 6 hours at least, I took pills I had to, now it is 2:20 AM and cannot sleep. In addition to lack of sleep, I have severe headache, stomach pains, dizziness, sometimes fever, and the whole body pains… Medicine will help but only temporary, I guess I have to wait to go through this terrible time.
Anyone else? Ever since I heard of MJ's passing, I have been feeling sick physically. I am only able to sleep a few hours a night, I feel nauseous constantly, have little to no appetite, constant headaches, etc. I can't believe how much of a toll this is taking. Over the past few days, I have literally had to force myself to get out of bed and forced myself to eat something today. It's just all very surreal.

I'm exactly the same, except for the eating. I can't stop eating. Such a cliché... I'm just crying, eating, panicking and feeling so sick I just want to throw up. It's this constand headache and pain in my chest that just wont go away... I hate this.
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I'm exactly the same, except for the eating. I can't stop eating. Such a cliché... I'm just crying, eating, panicking and feeling so sick I just want to through up. It's this constand headache and pain in my chest that just wont go away... I hate this.

ya i hate the pian in my chest feels like my heart has actually broken into bits and the anexity attacks as welll grrrrrr :-( ,bi g hugs hunny xxx
ya i hate the pian in my chest feels like my heart has actually broken into bits and the anexity attacks as welll grrrrrr :-( ,bi g hugs hunny xxx

Yeah I know. You feel like you're going to choke or something. You just can't breathe and the pain is just so strong that it seems impossible to handle. It's horrible. big hugs to you too