Am I The Only One Who Feels/Felt Physically Ill?

Yep hunny everything is going really bad been to my drs and basically im having a breakdown and i am ment to stay away how can i when i love him so much,i said to my dr u r joking arnt u,so said well you need to just rest and take it all easy but at the end of the day she isnt in my shoes :-( x

I would never be able to stay away. Thinking about Michael and talking about him hurts so much, but it's the one thing that's saving me right now. I really hope you will feel better soon, I hope y'all will. Kisses
i def felt nauseous and had little appetite for several days and still i'm not back to a normal appetite. i do still feel numb and confused, my mind just can't comprehend this, this was never a possibility. it's so shocking to go from complete elation with the thought that i was about to see this beautiful person that i've dreamed about forever from only seven rows away and now..... i don't even have the words strong enough to express how empty my life feels without him and how my faith in most things has been shattered.
I don't think it's necessary that I write this, we all know how we feel. We all love Michael and there no words that could possibly describe what we're going through.

This my first post in a couple of days, a week I guess. I couldn't bring myself to write anything, now I just feel like banging on the type board instead of using it to type.I feel empty. I'm angry. I'm lost. But most of all I'm heart-broken. Ever since Friday, (when I learned what happened) my heart is beating so fast I'm having difficulty breathing. I can't sleep, I just spend hours lying in bed in the dark trying to somehow explain this to myself. I can't even look at food and not feel nauseous.And I don't feel like it's getting better at all, the opposite, this pain in my chest's becoming more and more intense. Everything's becoming more real with each day. GOD! There are so many things that I'd like to say right now and I can't, I can't because I just don't know how...
I didn't even believe it happened the first two days, I knew it happened..yet I was so sure that eventually Michael will come back as he always does. I guess it was just pain management, it kept me from feeling what I feel right now.

I always considered myself a strong person, but this...this...
It's just cruel, so unbelievably cruel..It's not how it was supposed to end. It's just not right.


I love you Michael. I always have and always will. That's a promise.

Thankyou for everything you have just said Michaele
I can relate to all you said thankyou and take care
I have been to my doctor 3 times since Michael passed. I found out about the news at work. I started screaming in disbelief. I was crying so bad and hyperventalating (S?) so bad that security had to call me family and get me a ride home. I then started getting unbareable pain in my the point I thought I would collapse from the pain. I went to my doctor and he told be that its being caused from extreme stress/anxiety that is causing the muscles in my head to spasm. I've been put on 3 different medications and I was ordered to take a leave of absence from work for a few weeks. My head aches soooo bad constantly to the point its really scarring me now........
I know the feeling you're talking about. But I sort of don't want it to go away. If it goes away, it's like I don't miss Michael anymore and I want him to remain a part of me.
It's just cruel, so unbelievably cruel..It's not how it was supposed to end. It's just not right.
This echoes in my head non-stop. It's just too horrendous.

It makes sense that so many of us are feeling ill; what has happened is sickening...

I had to force myself to eat as well. I'm able to function, but barely. It does seem to be getting a bit better though. It's good to be able to come here where there are people that understand.

I don't know what to do about watching the memorial, and funeral stuff. Don't know if I can handle it. I want to show my respect, but I respected him while he was alive.

I do know that I will never accept how this happened. Ever.

Good luck everyone; hope you all manage to cope. I wish you strength and courage.
I'm pretty much like in a trance most of the day....just staring into space feeling completely empty inside. And I can't eat. I went to the store today and I walked around to find something I'd want to eat but I had no appetite for anything. Felt more like throwing up the whole time. All the food I've bought since MJ died has been thrown away untouched because I just can't eat. I'm forcing myself to drink at least but I can't drink much either. I know I need to, but my body seems to be against it. It's just very difficult right now. :cry:
Since I'm in Europe, we found late at night and then stayed up all night in shock. Since then I've been awake almost every night until sunrise and then can't sleep more than like 2 hours at a time. Man, I just want to sleep for like 7 or 8 hours again.

Right after it happened I had chest pains for two days and couldn't eat a bite of food. Then was slowly able to eat and am just now getting back to relatively normal food intake. And the nausea... oh yes. Bigtime. For about 5 days I felt like I was going to vomit every morning when I woke up and then had the feeling off and on all day, whenever I'd get especially upset. Think that's gone now, though.
your not alone.. Everything about this is so unfair..
I feel so sick and scared, lost without him :(
Everyday im so depressed now.
Pretty much the same for me
No appetite, headaches probably caused from not eating, anxiety attacks a heaviness
and lump in my chest. Im sufering from a broken heart _ I have been able to eat better
the last few days .. but Im still very emotional -
i have a fever and i cant eat

it's been over a week and i'm still nauseous, just can't eat. exhausted but can't sleep, keep waking up with his songs in my head. i know this is part of the grieving process and we all must go through it and not try to hold back because that causes more problems.

this is such a shock, so UNFAIR!! he still had so much life in him. i'm dreading Tuesday and when we know he's actually been buried. the thought of that alone makes me physically ill. :boohoo:
Pretty much the same for me
No appetite, headaches probably caused from not eating, anxiety attacks a heaviness
and lump in my chest. Im sufering from a broken heart _ I have been able to eat better
the last few days .. but Im still very emotional -

This is pretty much exactly how I feel. EXACTLY.
There's a constant heaviness in my chest that hasn't gone away since that day. I'm also having trouble with shallow breathing and lack of sleep. I keep waking up in the middle of the night sweating. :( This is really taken a toll on me.
This is pretty much exactly how I feel. EXACTLY.
There's a constant heaviness in my chest that hasn't gone away since that day. I'm also having trouble with shallow breathing and lack of sleep. I keep waking up in the middle of the night sweating. :( This is really taken a toll on me.

Exactly how i feel..

I hardly sleep (eventho tonight it was a bit better)
I dont feel like eating
I got headache
My heart literally hrts
Heavy feeling on my chest
Trouble breathing
Stomach pains
Feeling that i want to throw up
it's been over a week and i'm still nauseous, just can't eat. exhausted but can't sleep, keep waking up with his songs in my head. i know this is part of the grieving process and we all must go through it and not try to hold back because that causes more problems.

this is such a shock, so UNFAIR!! he still had so much life in him. i'm dreading Tuesday and when we know he's actually been buried. the thought of that alone makes me physically ill. :boohoo:

Me too. I am still nauseous dizzy and i have a perpetual headache and no appetite. I am still bursting into tears.

The shock and the cruelty of what happened is so hard to believe. To think he is being buried next week just days before I would have seen him is so hard to take in. I don't think I will get over this for a very long time if ever.
i feel very very unwell......
hard to keep goin' every day anymore :( what for?
i can't eat properly, sleep badly and have no dreams with him anymore :(
all inspiration is gone. and missing him physically so much.

Michael, i wish it would be me to die for you.

my life is a hell now, it's officially :(
Fujon I feel the same.. he could have taken me instead. I would have let him.
My whole world is shattered right now, i cant sleep, cant eat. Im so depressed.
Every day is so painful and keeps getting worse. Theres no magic in the world now.
Its empty. God this is all so horrible..
:( i feel you, MJstarlight *HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG*
Anyone else? Ever since I heard of MJ's passing, I have been feeling sick physically. I am only able to sleep a few hours a night, I feel nauseous constantly, have little to no appetite, constant headaches, etc. I can't believe how much of a toll this is taking. Over the past few days, I have literally had to force myself to get out of bed and forced myself to eat something today. It's just all very surreal.

NO! You're Not Alone on this..

I'm feeling excatly the same way.. I can't eat, only once a day. I
force my self to eat... Can't stop :boohoo: -_-:(
Fujon I feel the same.. he could have taken me instead. I would have let him.
My whole world is shattered right now, i cant sleep, cant eat. Im so depressed.
Every day is so painful and keeps getting worse. Theres no magic in the world now.
Its empty. God this is all so horrible..

I Feel your pain.. i'm going thru excatly the
same.. I'm asking God why he had to take Michael away from us.
I wish it was me instead :dropdead: :cry:
i feel very sick, every day makes me feel much worse. i can get very ill soon with such a tempo :(
i can't help it :(
i cannot stop crying... my heart's broken... i miss michael... i just want to believe that he is in a better place now... free from his pains... truly happy and at peace at last with God... that's how i try to comfort myself... and i hope to see him soon someday in Heaven... :'(
the 24 i was losing my voice 25 i lost my voice with laryngitis completely then when i found out about michael i got sick and didnt eat for like 5 days i really just got my voice back about 3 days ago but i have been so cold me and my mother freezing its like i can feel him with me i feel it now on my left forearm as i type i miss him and i constantly pray why and tell him i love him and thank him for bringing happyness to my life. i dont care about dying anymore i really dont i just know i will finally meet him in heaven im wondering if i need help i sometimes think about can i just die alot like im not happy and feel i wont be in the future and that makes it worse like its over i feel weird around people and like. i feel the people at work see me as a freak or obssesed i sometimes wish i could just die so i can be happy forever i already felt strange to people and different before now its even worse. im at work and i play michael jackson all day on my little radio or my blackberry storm its on my mind all day i dont know what im going to be like after this. do i need help or just let things play out there is one person a girl i went to school with. who i met again in the club she is and has been a huge fan of mj and i feel a huge connection with her i feel maybe we could be happy like especially now she is my friends sister but i think we she may make me happy we could talk about michael all day i just dont know im just not happy anymore.i work out alot i havent worked out since michael died im like fuck it and i dont know i find im eating more junk especially ice cream it makes me feel better i dont know why.
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You're definitely not the only one! I feel nauseous, and tired all the time. I really just want to cry :(
i don,t know how long my body will take this anymore.......
i hardly eat, when i take one bite i feel like throwing heart hurts sooo much....i,m loring weight ( the only positive thing)
My head night i see michael,s face all of the i,m behind my comp all night long, try to sleep, wake up after an hour,. try to sleep again.....pfff.

I do try eating. i do try to live on...but it still hurts too much.